Resolution 01610RESOLUTION NO. 1610 DECLARING RESUL^1 OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, STATE 0F'CALIFORNIA, ON TUESDAY, THE TWENTY - THIRD DAY OF JUNE, 1931, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY ORDINANCE N0. 472 N.S., RECLASSIFYING THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF FERNSIDE BOULEVARD AND THE TIDAL CANA1, AND EXTENDING FROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF VERSAILLES AVENUE 967.37 FEET EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF FERNSIDE BOULEVARD, CONTAIN- ING 14.35 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, FROM A. RESIDENCE DISTRICT, CLASS I, TO AN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, CLASS VII. WHEREAS, on Tuesday, June 23, 1931, a special election was held 1n- the City of Alameda to determine the question whether Ordinance No. 472 N.S., reolaeeifying all that oertain pieoe or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the point of intersection of the northerly line of Fernaide Boulevard (90 ft. in width) with the easterly line of Versailles Avenue (60 ft. in width) as said Boulevard and Avenue now exist, and running thenoe South 570 03' East along said northerly line of Fernaide Boulevard 967.37 ft., to a point; thence North 320 57'Eaet 627.18 ft. to a point on the southerly line of the United States Tidal Canal; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Tidal Oval the following courses and distances; North 46s 49' (vest 69.30 ft.; North 48° 47' West 100 ft., North 50° 45' West 100 ft.; North 52° 43' Wee 100 ft.,; North 54° 41' West 100 ft.; North 56 39' West 100 ft.; North 58 37' Wesst 100 ft.; North 60° 36' West 100 ft.; North 61 34' West 150.07 ft. to a point on the easterly line of Versailles Avenue; thenoe South 28 19' West along the easterly line of Versailles Avenue, 50.55 ft. to a point of curve of a curve to the right with a radius of 660 ft.; thence southerly along the are of said curve to the right and the easterly line of Versailles Avenue, a distance of 189.35 ft. to a point of curve of a reverse curve to the left with a radius of 2084.62 ft.; thence southerly along the aro of said reverse curve to the left and the easterly line of Versailles Avenue, a distance of 420.84 ft., more or less, to the north- east corner of Versailles Avenue and Fernaide Boule- yard and the point of commencement. Containing 14.35 sores of land, more or less, from a Residence District, Class I, to an Industrial District, Class VII, should go into effect and booms operative; and WHEREAS, a canvass of the returns of said election -shows that 6,'875 votes were cast in favor of said ordinance going into effeot and becoming operative, and that 1,934 votes were cast against said ordinance going into effect and becoming operative; and that the total vote oast in said City for and against said question was as follows: T YES NO TOTAL. 1 80 2 135 3 109 4 101 5 39 6 27 7 9 8 65 9 103 10 143 11 108 12 128 13 130 14 139 15 100 16 128 17 92 18 126 19 89 20 106 21 139 22 148 00 80 16 151 51 160 95 196 106 145 151 178 180 189 109 x.74 43 146 26 169 31 139 27 155 39 169 30 169 29 129 50 178 26 118 27 153 32 121 22 128 37 176 18 166 0 TOTA1 23 93 29 122 24 112 13 125 25 94 11 105 •26 109 9 118 27 135 18 153 28 119 22 141 29 127 24 151 30 130 7 137 31 109 27 136 32 115 10 125 33 107 27 134 34 98 16 114 35 114 21 135 36 115 6 121 37 122 21 143 38 104 39 143 39 96 31 127 40 106 36 142 41 87 37 124 42 97 25 122 43 89 38 127 44 104 23 127 45 140 9 149 46 134 22 156 47 93 24 117 48 153 6 159 49 113 10 123 50 59 50 109 51 102 16 118 52 114 18 132 53 145 7 152 54 150 25 175 55 131 20 151 56 97 12 109 57 108 16 124 58 120 15 135 59 120 10 130 60 132 9 141 61 186 26 212 62 152 4 156 TOTALS 6875 1934 now, therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, determined and declared that, a election, seid ordinance No. 472 N.S., reolassifyin shall go into effect and become operative® 8809 It of said special operty above described, I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduoed and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the 29th day of June, 1931, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Brodersen, Leydecker, Schaefer and President Henning,(4 NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Murray, (1). IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said city this 30th day of June, 1931. (Seal of the Oity of Alameda) H. D. MARIE Acting U1erk of the City of Alameda. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of '°RESOLUTION NO. 1610 - DECLARING RESULT OF SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY'OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON TUESDAY, THE T+'JENTY-THIRD DAY OF JUNE, 1931, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY ORDINANCE N0. 472 N.S., RECLASSIFYING THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING BETWEEN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF'FERNSIDE BOULEVARD AND THE TIDAL CANAL, AND EXTENDING PROM THE EASTERLY LINE OF VERSAILLES AVENUE 967.37 PEST EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF FERN3IDE BOULEVARD, CONTAINING 14.35 ACRES OF LAND, MORE'OR LESS, FROM A RESIDENCE DISTRICT, CLASS I, TO AN INDUSTRLAL DISTRICT, CLASS VII", passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the -29th day of June, 1931.