Resolution 01638REnti ON ORDNEINfr, CATALING, PROVIEING FOR AND eardno, CIF 44, NETT, .maxamp IN EMT CIT1 OF ALMEA, &CANE OF CALLYBtRIA, CO" -------, WHEREAS? petitions. rem:testing the calling of a special electiob.. have heretofore been filed urn presented. to the Council of the City cT Aluxedap one TBICRECt6M, said petitions favoring the recall. of CouncilAce Emil Y. Ebbdu erser afb.. Concilman William. fr. Renting contain the signatures. or bualifieb electors equal. in number to ten. per cant of The highest votb oust for a councilman. at the last preceding general municipol election, in excess of the siertatderes of dualified electors oppose& to the recoil, as certified. by the City. elerfp now, therefore, E IT RESCLVET, by the Council of the Clty of AlbAbdu, se fellows: ifection 1. A special election is hereby ordered and callea to be held.. in tern City of Alameda, State of Califorrto, on hednesdayg the 20th. day of orneery, 1232. to deterAine such. recall. Section C. The ballots to be used. at said. sbecial election shall be such. as afe required by law ter be used. thereat, ant. upon. both the sample and official. ballots there shell be printed, the reasons for and against the re- call, 8.2. set forth in the petition andier petitions. Section 3. The ballots shbil be provided with squares opposite sea "Nb," in which the voter may stamp a cross (N/r innicating his foto. The ballets shell read: abhulT135 Ye. 1 Shall Councilman Adoil N, Brodersen U6 recellent, 3,3freffitlE. NbE 2 Shrofil Counctlmun n. Betting be recalled? Section 4, Sample ballots containing the above matter required to te printed. tnereon, also a card. stating the lchation of the precinct and polling place of each elector staall be supplied to each enter of said city by the City Clerk at least ten as. prior to sad. cectien, Section 5. The City. Clerk shall name three disinterested.. electtrs who shall act as a. ceneessing boarb. to canvass the returhs of said. election, and who shall declare the result thefeof. Before entering ebbe. his duties, each TeMber of the canvassing boaTe, shall take the constitutional oath of office. Section 6, The result of said. shbcial electnon hb determined. and Ueclared as herein. cnotined oun in. accrordenbe bith the Charter of the City. of Alameda, end in all particulars not recited therein in. encordanco with the laws of the State of California. Xectiou 7. At sale. special election the. cells shall be opened. at six. o'clock a.m., of the dby of election and. be kept open uttil seven o'clock pbmu, of the seems abevg when. the polls shall be closed, except as otherwise TN:retinae tr. Section libl of' the Rolttical Code of the State of California. Section 3. The City Clerh is nereby directed to ptocume all supplies that may eb necessary' to properly and. labTully coeddel suiri election - Cebtioh O. 'Chen the bolls are closeh, tan officers of election shall count tne ballets cast thereat, orb canvass the votes cast respnotively for one against the recall, and make retnrn thereof in the manner required by lab. Section le. There shall be sixty-two election. precincts for the 7GT- poEe of holding said. steeled election, which sale precincts shall be the sere ann. have Tne same boundaries, respectively, as those established by the Beard. of Cupervisorts, pursuant to Tee the-xis:Iona of Part 3, TAtie 2, Crapter oT troe Political-26(ln ef the State of California, and the Council heTeby appoints a Board of Election for e44 ch. election precinct, to coneisE of one inspector, one juege end. two clerks, ea autberized by tne provisions of Section. 11.51 of the Ibliticel Code, ene the salaries for said. election officers for said abecial election. ore. hereby fixed at Six and no/100 lebilers for each. officeue with One Beller cRAAPttonal to the officer returning the, barlot box and elec- tion neturns to Tie City Clerk. Ceetion. 11. Ibia location. of thp respective polling placed therein, and. the naaeo of the officers hereby appointed to conduct said. spacial. election. shall be 6.8 follows: RIFFSTECT NO, 1 Houee, 39 Garden Road Inesectom: Louise 'Miranda Judge: Hazel Lease Clerks Marjorie B.). Fraser Clerk: hyla d. Thompar PRECINCT NC. 2 Garage: 1226 High Street ()Ream) Ineppctor: Very L. McCoy Judge: Joseph C. Roeslinw Clerks Ludy Fouts Clerhs Corrinp F. Thud. TRESINCT NO. 3 Garage, 3E03 Sterling Avenue (Rear) Inspector: Kathwrine Linthishm Juday): Sem Rose Clark: Julia. Holmeteini Clerk: Grace Ouram PRECINCT NO, 4 Garage, 3204- Libertg Avenue (Rear) inspector: Rose F. Delventhal Judge: Mary F. 'Mathews GielLs Koreas Crawley Clark: Opffie Gwinn. PRE011)4T NO. 5 Gurame, 4200 Fairview Avenue Inspector: Sabel O'Brien Judo: Cdelia S. Degan Clerk: ilthal. E. Schmidt Clerk: Ella Jh Page PRESENCE NO, 6 Rerege, 1723 Cornell Drive Inapector: Norma EAsenhart Judge: Cora Lessig Clerks Lillie Ms Fayen Clerk: hrs. :Bessie Allinger PRECINCT NO, ? Garage, 1723 Versailles Avenue M. 1Mo:sector: AilliM4Petereun Judge: 1Mbm Flora hood. Clerk: Ere. Ficronce Erdicray Clerks Jeer hues° PRECINCT NO. 9 Garage, 2266 Santa Clara Avenue Inspector: Lucien. C. Finch ndze: 1).Ms, Yak Sm Hanna Clerks Finlay Finch Clerk: -Birdie Blanchard ERROLL:CI dd. 9 GarsEe, 210] Central A,itnue 'Rear) Inspector: Bethel A. holmos Judge: Ebtte 2. Errhe Clerk: Lose karLin Shirk: Millie Stables falE014Mil HO. 15 Garewe, 2619 Madison Street (Rear) Inspeutor: Julia C. Powell JiMze: Mrs. Isabelle 'aright Clerks Charles Lova) Rose kheeler INIFEIHOT NO. 11 Garage. 1244 Versailles Avenue (Rear) inspector: Harold C. Ward Judger Anna S. MbEirny Clerks Mrs. Anna a. Broon Clerk: Helene 5rown PRECINCT Nids 12-- Garage, LKOI A:curb. Street (Near) Imisseutor: George Stewart Emily Meyers Clerks Anus M. Crane ,01erk: E11 h Ms Wright kRICINCT ND. 13 Garage, 2631 Washinaton Street Inspector: (=eyRn..:(N Endas: Clerk: Etta I. Dick Clerke Joseph Barr:herb PRECINCT ND. 14 Garage, ik04 Pearl Street, (Rear) Inspector: Frank A. nardnick Judee: krs. krnrietta T. liernhard Clerke Elinore Walker Clerk: kliwe Eildebrand 7114SEINCT NO. lb Ganago, 2629 Santa Clara Averbe (Rear) nsector: Rahy Van Clevo judge: Laura M. Ward Clerks Wm, A. Su:Gab. Clerkt Rose MG Roesch BREOENCT O. 16 Caraga 1705 Eroadway Inspector: fred C. Eygoland Judge: Yrs, Grace Miles Olerki Julia (diedonneck Clerk: Elinor D. .0 t44 PELCINGG ES. 17 &adage, abOE koala Avenue Inspector: Carl. E. Hallann udge: lire. Anne. T. Short Clerk: karma C. 4, 11 Clerkt Carrie Macdonald PRECINCT NO. 18 Store, 244? Santa. Clara Avenue Inspector, John lokleret Judge, Yrs. Eva (41nmernonn. Clerk: John L- Cogan. Cl -' kt FTedorica Be Celle PRECINCT MO. la Store, 2414 Central Avenue n444*( r: Edue C. Meknaret Judge: freraia .n..coff Stork: ketarcr S. line Clerk: Art air v. Robins TbFEIMET NO. 20 Garage, 2452 Encino:1 Avenue (Rear) nspector: Mabel G. Petty Judge: Edward La Feagli GlerEt Edgar 1Gnd. Clerkt Bernice LUnd PRECINCT NC. 1 Garage, 2500 ban. Jose Amebae (Rear) insaactor. ars. Serena Faldhakmar Judge: Nugh Currie Clerhe Pearl E. Anan Clarke Sigmund lapaka PRECINCT 80. 22 Garage. 1115 Park Street 4-, 4,I knna D. Lanny Juege, liaith Flatzer Clerk: Edwin JG Berchenall Clerke Mrs. Marie Gilles EnECINCT NO. 23 Garage, 2244, Clinton Avenue (Rear) inekector: Gertrude E- Fredriwko Judge: Penry M. Freese Clerk: Made SG Freese lrk: kary A. MoCarty PREAENBT NO. 24 Garage, 22,69 Sen Jose Avenue Inspector: Elsie EL Ingalls Judge: kargaret kametti Clarke Gust Nernan Clerk: David k. Davin' PRECINCT NO. 2b Hess:1st-ion Room, 2305. Aiaxoda Avanue Ibabactor: Moe 'Peterson. Theca: Nellie E. Mullen Olerkt Christ:El Love Clerkh Isobel E. Rosenberg PRECINCT NC. 2C. Basement. 1129 Cak Ctreet Inspector: Hattie Rh.1.1 Judge: Alice Feyreshla ClerRo Maye I- Foth Clerk: May L. Mbelenderfer (PRECINCT NO. 22 Garage, 2230 Buena Vista Mvenne Inspector: Irma In. (Evans Judge: Nts. Maxine Mahn Clerko John. Dill Clerkt Mil:lead:so Roth PRECINCT NO. 28 Garage, 2121 Buena. Vista Avenue (Rear) Inssector: Mildred (Varford judge: Yergaret Chabcp Clerk: Ers. Lsreota ha FOTS6 Clerk: Adele Catmint PRECINCT Vh. 29 Garge, 2110 Santa Clara Avenue Inspector: Hilda Simpson. Judge: Alfred Ca Stewart Clerk: Hengt J. Larson Clerk: Ida Jacobs ERMOINCT NC. 30 Garago, 2117 Rncincl Avenue Insphotor: John Lubeck Judge: R. Johanson ClerkB Hebert 1'. Bennett ClerRo Sophie EA Bennett PPEGINCT NO. 21 Garage, 2133 San Jose Avenue Inspect:2T: Myron C. Turner Judge: August Jounieaux Clerk: Mrs. Helen E. AlEen Clerk: Mrs. binotte Lebenburg TRINLMTGT NO, 32 Caraa, 2021 San Jose Avenue Inspector: Irene Nose Judge: Mrs. Else. Dodson Clerk: liu A. Parker Clerk: Archie Yancey PRECINCT NO. 33 Garage, 2020 Encinal Avenue (Rear) Inopeetor: Mabel L. Lassie Judge: Rees Vann East Clerk: Gullet Culberg Clerk: Leona Van Nest PRECINCT NO. 34 Garage, 2026 Santa Clare. Avenue Ins:tact:Dr: S. W. Dill judge: Etta Maytal Berea Clerk: Lrs. Isabelle Nations. Clerk: Anna. Sobrero PRECINCT NO. 35 Garage, 2040 Buena Vista avenue inspectort Albert L- Roster judge: Jesse H. Reid. Cecelia Alexandar Clerk: Fanny. Murcell PRECIECT MC. 35 Garage, 1727 Lafayette Street (Rear) Inspector: Florence Dieleck Judge: Mary Rubes:sue Clerk: Mn N. Babas Clerk: Mrs. Annie Ray NRECITECT NM. J7 1 1 1 122A Onion Street inspector: hazel M- Foard Judge: Charlas Haiker Clerk: Malan R. Alden Clerk: Alice . Petersen CREGINCT EC. BO TArde, 1307 enien Ttreet In:erector: ;Banks T. femell Judge: koratna Logan Clert: Florence anmacikne Olait: kiss deannd Maith NR,RMITC: ne. 30 Garage, 1242 Brion ttreet Ihsractor. Louis Blocher Judge: Lena. "ME halkar Clerk: Laura Mdlier Clerk: fatnerine II156.1.1272 ff., 40 Garage, 607 dnien dtreet Inadector. Gerald E. Newell Judge: Byron C. Johnson Clerk: Alice Newell. lerk: Christena Johnson TRECidef NC. 41 Garage, 1424 Ban Jore Avenue Inspector: Cora Clough. judge: Alfred Cnodt Clerk: Edwin Foley Clerk: Joserhina Foley PliffINCT NO. 42 Garage, 1525 drcinal Avenue Inspector: George Stahl Judge: Cecil Norris Clerk: Ethel T. Crook Clerk: Peter Guinn, Jr. E'llECTMOT n:% 43 Garage, 1611 Aloteda Avenue Inkractor: Elizabeth. P. Miller judge: darlen Bow Clerk: Charles B. Forster Clerk: Ora Forster IME4INBT ff. 44 Garage, 1557 Banta Clara Avenue Inspector: Leonard E. Lae Judge: LTS. 011ie Jonneen Clerk: hrs. Eliwn Norris Clerk: 2tephar. Talbot Breen MELCINOT NO, 45 Garage, 144 Pacific Avenue inspector: David Wilson Judge: Mary Wilson Clerk: Ruth G. Lee Clerkk Etta Morse ERAMIEET NO. 46 Garage, 1205 Buena Vlsta. Avenme Inspector: Beale. Funks judge: Margaret Thornburgh Clerk: George adhancUlla Clerk: harry A. Peterson. PRECIfET NO. 47 Garage, 1441. Santa Clara Avenue (Peer) Inspector: Mrs. kinnie Bartlett Eke.Etfal M. Kuala Clerk: Mrs. Sylvia Hammond. Clerk: kke. Alma Peterson PRECINCT NE, 41. Storem1100 Lincoln avenue Inspector: Mrs. Edwina Meyer Judwmm Mdes H. J. Meyer. Clerk: Mrs. Bernadine Peterson Clerk: Irene fickey PRECINCT BE. 49 Garage, 1415 St. Charles Street 00 1.' Grace E. Ilchn Judga. Anna Crooks ClerE: Emma Lena dlarks Glaris Gallagher PRECIEET NO. 50 Garage, 1201 Sn. Antonlo Avenue Inefeet5r. Battle Hurley Brust Thera= Clerk: Ithel I. eoatmain Clerk: marry 2. Nelson PRECINCT NG. 51 Sasement, 1291 Caroline Street Inspector: Fax M. Levy Judge: Alvin. Colliager Clerkt Stens Flournoy Clerk: Myrtle M. Wilson IVIESINET NO, 52 Garage, 830 Central Avenve Inspector: Mary Duhleavy judge: MMs. Dorothy G8Sa Clerk: Carl G. Casettes Clerk: Margaret Tomplekon PRECINCT LE. 53 Garage, 834 Taylor Avenue Inerector: Rose Morrison Judge: George Fleighnan Cerk: Heide E. Riehl Clerk: agel B, Reiner ?MEC:MGT ke. 54 Bareve, 845 Lincolm avenge Inspector: Evelyn. Sr Kramer Judge: Theodore Leyden:key Clerk: 5tephen. (Aeon Clerk: Daisy La Rue PFIECGRE NO. 35 Garage, 90? Buena Vista Avenue Inspector: Josephine FU Anherson Judge: Ficlet Bowler Clerkt :fanny Du Tony Clerk: TS. Hyannis j. Bovines ?RETIREE NE. 56 Garage, B31 Pacific Avenue (Rear) ihsroctor: Maude R. Goetz Judge: MTS, Lillian Zatidayt Clerkt May ulloh. Olerkr ngs, Vera Jacobs FBSCINCT BO. 57 Garage, 740 Santa Clara Avenue In:greeter: William. kotz Judge: Grane 3rown Clerkt Mrs. Hilma Horgensem. Clerkr Mrs. Lucille Brennan° MITOINCT NV. 5S Garage, 1450 ?age Street Inshocior: Huth Schmidt Judge: hire. Henrietta H. Gorman Clerk: Ems. Hulde Gorman Clerk: MTS. Stella Fan Neck. (MSGISJA 8j, 67 Garage, G56 Santa Glare Avenue Inaceetor: 2varcis N. Grey Gtalge: )(Yank C. By( 03 0102M: O. Elite GehnrIsh Clerk: fladys Nosier ?e30kCj Gr. s) Gorage, del Innen:Ls hyenas (Pear) Inspector: Lucia Ferrero judiva: Clara M. Bing Clerk: Ellen Rhodes Cl Mamie Cilvey FRETTPCT NO. di Garage, 842 Foolfic avenue (Rear) Inseentor: Effie r), Ridley. Judger Ada en Vagina Clark: Mettles Ciarlo C7erh: Edith Hajak PRECINCT NO. 62 Garage, 354 Taylor Avenue (Ream) Inesectem: Pedgig J, kintere Judger Alnel B. Auer Clerlts Mts. Mary Sight:ere Clerk: Theodore Er Resolution. No. Seatimn 12. This resolution and pubidastion thereof in the Alameda Times—Star shall be and constitute notice of sadd. election. 1, the unds(rsimned, hefeley certify' that the foregoinn( Acsalutian was duly and regularly- introduced. Ana admated. by tue Couccil of the Ofty• of Alameda in roguish mmetints essehblmd on the lmt day of Deconher, 1931, by the, following vote, to wit: ATES Comm ilmar. Br odmr sen , Le yam ko r hMrraya Lash aef et. and Presidmht HennAnc, (5). Rmll: Ache. APSENT: None. IN TESTY:SONY WHEREOF, I have hopeunto set my hazd and efflivmst the official seal of raid ctty this 3rd day of December, 1.931. W. E. VA.ROOF (Seal of the City. of Ala) —51 meda 9ty Cleyk of thm City of Alameda:— I hereby certify. that tie foregoing is a full, true and correct cony of "PESCI:UTILE NO. 163e RESOLUTION. ORDERINGa CALLING, pnovInaNG 1CH AND GIVING. NOTICE OF A SPECIAL ELECTIfTI TO OE HELD IN (IVER CATO OF ALATAXDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON WEDNESDAY, TEE 20th DAY OF JANUARY, 1932,passed by the Council.. in regular meeting csseubled on.. the lst day of Lecember, 1931. Alameda. —