Resolution 01647RES0 LUTIO1) NO. 1647 RESOLNTION OP ACCEPTANCE alE) CONSENT To EECORDATION Ode East End of Enoinal Avenue) RESOLVED, by the Council of tne City of Alameda, that the deed or grhnt, dated January 13, 1932, from SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Kentucky, for itself and as lessee of South Pacific Railway Company, and SOOTE PACIFIC COAST RAILWAY COMPANY, a corporation, conveying to the City of Alameda, a municipal cornoration, the right to construct and maintain a highway Over all those certain parcels of lend sitaated in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of Califcrnia, and lyin0 within the railroad right of way and property of first party, and described as follows, to wit: PARCEL I.:, BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly line of Encinal Avenue, distant thereon 30.0 feet northwesterly measured along said. northeasterly line from the northwesterly line of Fernside Boulevard; thence north 490 15' west, along said. northeasterly line of LUicinal Avenue, 99.519 feet to point; thence northwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the right having a radius of 541.071 feet the long chord of said curve bears north 80° 10' 48" west, 59.341 feet, to point; thence south 490 15' east, a distance of 150.421 feet to a point; thence north 40° 45' east, s distance of 30,50 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.0a7 of an ucre, more Jr less. PAIICEL 2: BEGIIIIIING at the point of intersection of the north- easterly line of Enoinai Avenue and the northwesterly line of Fernside Boulevard; thence north 4o° 49 east, along said dine of Fernside Boulevard, 24.97 feet to 0 point; thence westerly on a curve to the night, having 0 20,(171US of 25.0 feat the long chord of said curve hears south 85° 45' west, 35.335 feet) to a point in said northeasterly line of Encinal Avenue; thence south 49° 15' east, along seid nnrtheasterly line of ..naleal Avenue, 24.97 feat to fire point of beginning, containieg a area of 0.003 of an acre, more or less. PARCEL 3: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the southwesterly line of Encinal Avenue produced southeasterly and the southeasterly line of Fernside Boulevard produced southwasterly; thence north 40' 49' east, along said southeasterly line of Fernside Boulevard, a distanceof 48 feat more or less to a uoint, in the northeasterly line of 7?outh Pacific Coast Railway Company right of way; thence northwesterly along said right of way line on the are of a curve to the Left, having a radius of 1472.0 feet (the long chord of said curve bears north 42° 07' 56" west, 70.6C feet) to a point; thence westerly on the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 27.75 feet (the long chord. of said curve bears south 850 45' west, 30.244 feet) to a point; thence north 49° 15' west u distance of 217.83 feet to a point; thence south 4C° 45' west a distance of 29.0 feet to a ooint on the oeuthwesterly line of said Enoinal Avenue; thence o)uth 490 15' east along said south- westerly line of 4acinal Avenue and the production southeasterly of said line, a distance of 315.58 feat to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0,251 of an acre, more or less. The above described parcels of lend are shown enclosed within yellow lines on blueprint nap, Western Division Drawing A-280, Sheet No. 1, dated October, 1931, attached to saga deed or great, aud made 0 part thereof, be, and the same is hereby oecepted by said Counnil, eating for and in behalf of said grantee, and said Council hereby gives its consent to the recordation of Bald deed or grant, and orders this resolution to be attached thereto as regeired by tAe provisions of Section 1.108 of the Civil Code. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the 0ourail of the City of Alameda, in regular meeting assembled or the 15th day of February, 1932, by the following vote, to wit: 1110: Councilmen Leyeacker, Morris, Shandy and President Murray, NOTES:. None. ABSENT: Councilman Schaefer, (1). IN TESTIMONY WHEISBON, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official 0501 o1' said city this 17th day of February, 1932. (Seel of the City of Alameda) W. E. VABOOE GttyT'erk of the 167 of ameda. T. hereby certify that the foregoina., is a full, true and correct copy cr "RESOLUTION NO. 1.647 - RES.OLUTION OF ACCEIITANE ANE CONSENT TO RECORD- ATION (Re East Ehd of Enoinal Avenue)" psssed by the Council of the CIty of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 16th Uay at February, 19'd2. Thity htle .4:1:ty 'di' Ala. da daohaohaaaa _ a_