Resolution 01662DESCLUTION :c. 1662 TRAT4SFERRING '44;656.33 FROM THE FEENERIE LICHT ?CND Th THE "FERREL /CND NESSEVED, by the. Council of the City. of Alameda, that there be and there is hereby trmhsferred from the Electra° Idght und. to the Gemural Fund, the sum. of FOUT Thousand, Cis hundred amd Nifty-six end C.67100, 6,64,656.33"n, as a dividend, samh being the amount equal to the city lishting bil1 for the month minting February 29, 1932. The Auditor and the Treasurer aru beteby authorized. to make said transfer. upon their rempectivm books- I, the undmrsignad, hameby eertafy that the foregoing Resolhtion WRI5 duly. and regularly introduced and adopted. by the Counbil of the City. of Alameda in regular. meeting assembted. on the Math Ray of Abril, 1932 by the following votm, to wit: .21.1,66 Councilmen Leydaokelm. 'Morris, Mnanly, and. Framident Mhrray, (4). FOES: none. MBSEETih Councilman Schaefer, (1). TV 42DGEEGENT YRTMEOF, I have hereunto set my hand.. and. affixed. tbe official seal of path city this 60th day of Aprilt, 1932. (dial of the City cf Alameda) E. ht di toy Clerk 01 the City of kiatietD hereby certify that the foregoing Rheclution is a full, true and correct copy 3 7 7 EMPLITTION NC. 1662 - TRANSFERRING 94,656.33 FROM THE LTECTRIE .41.1 FUNN 36 TEE ERNDRAL FUND", passed by the Council of the City of Alammda in. seamier mhetiog assethieh on thm 19th day. of April, 1932. ":; 717-717azie ;la