Resolution 01666RZSGEDTICN NO. 1366 TRANIGETRRIEG $4,213.04 FROM THE EATTTHIC LIGHT FUND TO THE GENERAL REND RESOLVED, by t Couneil of the City of Alameda that there be and there is hereby. tranafermed from the Electric Light fund to the General Fend, the sum of Four Thousand, Two hundred and Thertmem) ane 04/100 Dollars, Ra4,21.3.04) as a dividend, sane being the amount eqeal to the. city lighting bill for the month endlng March 31, 1932. The Auditor end. the Treasurer are hereby authorized to awake said transfer apon their respective books. IT, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly emd regmlarly introduc0 d. and adopted. by the Council. of the. City of Almnede in regialer meeting assenkled on. the. 17th day of Mnly, 1932, by. the following vote. to wit.: n1aMe Councilmen LeydeekeT, Morris, ahanley and. Pmesiden4 Yerray, (41. NOLS: Gene. fa:GREY: Councilman Schaefer, (1). TN TESTIMONY 'WELREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and afeized. the official seal of said city this 19th day of Mey, 1962. (Seel of the City of Alameda; Cit VARCOE,g Clerk of the Ci 3' ArirniTOTTEt. I hereby certify thRt the foregoing. is a full) tree and correct copy of "RESOLED:IDE MO. 1666. - IRSEMMERTION $4, 213.04 TREY THE ELECTRIC IIMHITFUEL TO TDE GSREEML MOND", passed. by the Comnoll. of the City of hionado in. regnlmr meeting assembled on the 17th. day of Ley, 1932. mg/magi-59N v4Z:=Eny-D7-71aidedeat