Resolution 01746RESOLUTION' NO. 1746. suairITIN'Cr CERTAIN CHARTER ,.PEIZIEINTS TO BE' VOTED UPON AT A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN IIIE 1. 112 aF ALAMEDA 011 TI MM 27, 1933. WHEIIEAS, the Council Gf the City of Alameda, on its own motion, desires to submit to Inc qualified electors of said City certain charter amendments; now, therefore, Ea IT RESOLVEU, by the Council of the City of Alameda, as follows: A special election is hereby called and ordered to be held if the City of Aldede, tate of California, on Tuesday, June 27, 1933, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City the charter amehAMents above referred to, in words and figures as follows, to wit: PROPOSITION 10. 1. That Section 5, Article 11 of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 3. O,uorum. Three members of the Council shall constitute a suorum, but a less number may .......... adjourn from time to tiwe, and may compel the att- endance of absent members in suah manner and under . YES . such penalties as tbe council may prescribe. ......:... hbsence from four consecutive regular meetings, • 110 : uhless excused by the Council, shall operate to .......... vacate the seat of any member so absent- PEPPOSIT ON 130. 2 That Section o, Article, 11 of the Charter of the City of niameda •re amended to read es follows: Sec. 6. Council :Meetings. Tne Council shall men t. at eight o'clock 21. on the third Tuesday of the month next succeeding the month in which the general municipal election . • PE; is hell, and shall hold. regular meetings twice in each month and at such other tines as it shall fix by ordinance. It shall. not convene at any pla0 e. other thafl . its regular place . • NO of meeting. Its meetings onall be public. Special meetingo may be called by the mayor or by three councilmen by serving the members personally with written notices, or ipaving the same 11 places designated by the respective members at least three hours before the time of the proposed meetins. PROPOSITION NO. 3. That Section 20, Article 11 of the Charter. of the City of Elamedh be. amended to read up follows: Sec. 20 vacancies in the Council. Any vachnby in. the City Council, from whatever cause arising, except es otherwise provided in the chapter of this Charter relating to Recall, shall be filled by the City Council, provided, however, that airy- person atTpinted to fill ouch vscancy shall hold office enly until the next general municipal election, at Which_ time a successor shall be elected to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. If, for any reason. the seats of a majority of the . . . . . council. shall become vacant, the City Clerk shall call a NEES: . special election to fill the vacanCies for the unexpired . . . . . portions of the terms. Such. election shall be conducted .NO a...ne.sly an cossible no herein provided for general runic- 1p13. elections. In such an event the City Clerk shall hhve full powers to appoint all election officials, including H canvassing bperd consisting of three electors, and to de and pe1113 all acts required in connection with said. election. Ph0F06ITIOn NO. 4. That there be added to Chapter 111, of Article 1V of the Charter of the City of Alameda a neo section ta be knoon ee Section 6La, same to read as follows: Bea. 16-a. At any tine after the first day of September and not later than the third Tuesday in ;debt- ember of each year, the Council stall determine tbe rate of city taxes to be levied and collected on the property assessed for taxation within the limits of the city, on the basis of the valuation thereof as shown by the ass-, essment roll in the office of the city assessor; such rate, after allowing one and one-half Ter cent (116) of the assessed valuation for delinpuencies, rust be suff- icient to raise the necessary revenue for the City of Alameda for the current fiscal year; provide a, however, the same for general revenue purposes shall not exceed the linit of taxation provided for in this Charter, and the provisions of leo in relation to the sone, In fixing such rate the council shall fax the same by .10 ; desimnating the number of cents levied on each one hurt, dred dollars (100.00) of assessed valuation of taxable nroberty, snecifying the portion. of the whole, which obeli belong to any harticular fund of the city, an0 designating also the portion thereof appropriated for each special purpose or special bonded indebtedness of the city. Having determined on the whole rate to he levied, the Council shall then levy the tax to arevide for raising the necessary revenue of the city for the current fiscal year. PROPOSITIOK NO. b. . That SectIon ig Article V11 of ite 01 - 31 h City of hlaxbda be amended to read as follows: Sec. I. The council shall appoint e City Manager. He need not be a. resident of the State of California at tho tine of his appointment. His salary shall be fixed by IOC council and Shall not thereafter be reduced. embeut by the affirmative vote .YES of four mumbers thereof; • nor in. any event shall said salary be less than Three Thousand Dollars per annum. He shall hold. offide until removed by the affirmative vote of four members. of the council.. pRoPoaiiioN No. 8. That Section 10, Article Vil of the Charter of' the City' of Alameda be amended to read as follews: Mac. 10. hny charge Hrought against a mamber of the Police department or fire department, who has been in the sereice of the city for five years, shall be heard by the City Managera and he shall. determine the punish- ment or penalty to be given in thp case. In the event of a dismissal, but not otherwise, 1 3 disb, argud. weirson shall have the ripet to appeal from the order of dismissal to tbu police and fire board of appeals, which board is hereby established, Said board shall achsiat of . the Mayor and two electors of the city, who shall. serve without compersation, ond be appointed. by th1 . couneil, said appointment being for a term. of two ears. NU state or county or city- offnmulal shall be eligible for appointment. In the case of the first two appointed herewndpr, lots shall be disown for a one year term and a two year term, wed thereafter one member shall be appointed each year. A majority vote aball contTol. The board mey adopt its own. rules of procedure. • An appeal to such board shall be taken by the filithe of' a written notice of appeal, duly signed by nich discharged turson. and stating the grounds upon which. such appeal is taken. Such notice shall be filedmoith••the City Manager and a copy thereof served upon ssid board within thirty days from the dole of the order cf dismissal. If such notice is not filed and served within such tijae, the order of dismissal. shall benteme final. Upon the filing of any such appeal the board snail set a day for the hearing thereof. The dborges against appellant shall be tried anew by said board and a decision. of the board shall. be rendered within three months from the date such apreal. iS taken. PROPOSITIOY NO. That Section 2, Article X of the Charter of the City' of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 2, The Board shall consist of five • members. The City Manswer snail be, ex-officio, momber of maid board. The other four members • shall be aprointed by the Eayor with the arrroval and consent of the CI:My Council. At least Orle of su3 h. appointees shall be a registered 13 V11, mechanical or electrical engineer. The four appointive members shall each hold office for 2 term of four years and until the 0, appointment and sualification of a successor. • Ouch terms shall begin on the first day of and shall alternate so that the term of one . NO: . member shall expire on the thirtieth duy of 0 0 0 0 April of each year. Any vacancy occurring rior to the expiration of a term shall be filled by ampuintment, made as hereinabove srovided, and such appointee shall serve for tho unexpirsd term, The members of the Board of Public Utilities in office at the time this section, as amended, stall become effective, shall remain in office until the expiration of the tern for which they were recreative-1y appointed and until their succ- essors are appointed and eualify. Chen this section shall becore effective there shall be appointed two additional members of said Board, one of 30011 shall be appointed for a term ending on _April 30, 19313, and one for a term ending 011 arril 30, 1930. PROPOSITION NO. 8, That Seution 3, Article t of the Charter. of the City. of Alameda be amended to rea1 as follows: Sec. 3. The beari . snail organize anaually at its first regular meeting in May by electing, a. president and vice-president, and appointing a EYES : secretary. Three shall constitute a euerum. They shell hold a regular meeting 031 the evening . NO of the second Pednesday of each month at eight o'clock in the office of the Departaent of Public Utilities, and shall hold. such ether meetings as they shall determine. PROPOSITION NO, 9. That Section 4, article X of the Charter of the City of Almeda be amended to read as fellows: Oec. 4. Tice city treasurer shall keep the fund of ou3 h. utility separate. Any surplus to 0 the limit of fifteen per cent of the book value 10 of 51 Utility may be invested by direction of the . 6 . board in bonds of the City of Alameda, ar in state, county or municipal bonds of this state, or may be transferred to the general fund of the city. by resolution of the board of public utilities. Copy of such resolution I33 be transmitte d. immediately after its adoption h the board to the eity council. Said fund. eo transferred. by such resolution shall there- upon become part of the general fund of the city of Alameda. PROPOjITION NO. 10. That Subdivision 2 of Section 5, Article a of the Charter of the City of Alarmiaa be amended to read us follows: Two, To buy and sell materials and supplies incidentni to the operation of each utility withih the limitations as hereinafter stated. PariOPOSITION NO. 11. TES: .NO That Section 9, Article X of the Charter of the City of Aimneda be amended to read ss follows: Sec. 8. All money collected oL.,11 be deposited . . . with the treasurer as soon as practicable. Nen-I:pas on .2E6. any fund shall be sicned by the bresident and secretary of the beard. In the event that the resider t be ter - .NC porarily absent or unable to perforn his official datieo, the vice-president snail simn such demands. POPOSIT:OT .00. 12. That Section 9, Article X of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to read as follows: Sec. 9. The board of public utilities shall not incur any expenditure, or enter into any contract for serviced or for the sale or purchase of any '3 031(1 of whatsoever natmre involving a. sum :L excess of Three Thousand Dollard without the approval of the city council, except as otherwise provided in sections 10 and 11 of this article, m et, Purchasesnor contracts other than insurance exceed- inE one thousand. dollars in amount shall be advertised .. 0. by the board and shall be awarded to the lowest resp0ns11-.U0 ble bidder, unless all bids are rejected- Contracts for the sale of ecuipment or other property, efrept as herein otherwise provided, exceeding one thousand dollars in value shall be advertised by the board and shall be awarded to the highest reasonable bidder, unless all bids are rejectbd. PaSECCITIOT ro. 13. That there be added to Article X of the Charter of' the City of Alameda a section to be known es Section 12, to read as ti (3,. tiec. 12. The appointive. renters of the board of public utilities shall for each. regular meeting attendbd. receive the sum of ten dollars; provdded, however, tbst tho total corTen- 00:0 .• sation of each merher shall. not emceed ten. dolhars in. any' one . month. PSiludb1TIQL LC. 14, bMat there be added. to Articib X. of tbe Charter of the 'City of 21amed a section. to be brown as Section 12, to read. as follows: Sec. 12. The mbmbers of the Emard of Public Utilities snail serve without cominsation. .50 : (10 'Q TO. 15. 31 ebtion 1 and Section 3, Chapter 1, Artie:lb XI of the Charter of the City of Alameda be crierbed to read as follows: General. mhnicipal. elections snail. be held on the first Tuesday' after the ffrst 'Monday in November of each even numbered year. The first election 311 011' this Charter shall be held on Tuesday, Novemher 6. 1934. Sec, 3. Termh of Eleative Officers. Elective officers shell hold. office for a period of four years from and. after eight o'clock' p.m-, of the third Monday of Dexember folloufng the dXy of election. and until.. their successors are elected and 3111 ,1,,; -provided, however, that the officers elected. at the gener- al ntinicimal election held in. November in the yeers 1934 and 1936 for the fell. terms sdiiig on the third Monday in Decemher in the or 1938 and 1.940, respectively, shall not take office until the third. Monday in April follow- ing their election. The elective officers of the City in office at the time this section as amended shall become .hE effective. shall remain in. office until the 31. 311 the term for Which. they Were res- ectively elected and until their successors are elected and qualified. PROPOSITION 1.0. 16. That Section 17, ChapMer 1, Article XI of the Charter of the City- of Alameda be amereed. to read as felows: Sec. 17. Pullicity of qualifications. At least thirty days before the day of elect- ion each candidate must deliver, at his own cost, to the City Clerk a varifhed statement with printed confes thereof equal to the number of qualified electors. Each copy shall be. printee on white pepor four inches wide by 311110 inches long, and shall have the candlilate's photo-engraving printed thereon, folloWed by his name, the office 101 111 he is a candidate, and. a statement as to his res- idence, place of birth, present occupation, whether or not he has been convicted of a felony or a demeanor involving moral turpitude, and what public office he has held, and whether he is a taxpayer in the City of Alameda. Eh may give such other 1331- formetdon reghrding his experience and cuelificat- NTES: ions as might enable the electors to esiimate his . fitness to fill the office. Such statement shall .119 also contain. the. names of not more than twenty residents of the City of Alameda to whom he refers. One copy of such statement shall. be mailed to each 13 .1 elector with the sample ballot. Any material ofsstatement of' Texts required erein. shall. dfsqualify a candidate from. holding any office in. thle city. PROPOSITION' NO. 17, That Chapter II, Article Xi of the Charter of the City of Alf216A1 be amended. to read F-13 fOilUWS: CHAPTI.N II. RECALL Sec- 1, Recall- he holder of any elective office of this city may be removed or recalled from orrice at any time r01 the electors; provided he has held. his office 11 least six months and no recall petition has been filed against him within a like period. Tile previsions of this chapter ere intended to 'apply t,) officials now in office, as well es 'me those hereafter elected- The procedure to effect such recall shall. be as hereinafter Eet forth. Lee. 2. Filing - Nbtice cf Intention. ilecall proceedings snail be instituted by the filing with. the City Clerk of a Notice of Intention to circulate a petition for recall. Such notice of intention shall be signed by three or more nualified electors of the city end shell state the name and office of tae officer sought to be recalled. and shall further contain a. general statement, not etceeding three hundred words in leng.th, setting forth the grounds on whieh the recall of such efficnr is sought. Said statement, and the answer thereto hereinafter provided ror, shall be intended solely for the information of the electora and no defect in the form or substanae thereof shall in any manner affect the validity of any such recall. proceedings. Every person whose name is signed to such relition must state his or her address therein. Each person signing ouch. petition 11311 acknowledge hie signatPre before an officer authorized to take acknow- ledgments in this state, and the certificate of acknowledgment of such officer shall be attacaed to said notice or endorsed thereon. Upon rnaeipt and riling of said notice the City Clerk shall endorse thereon the date of such filing. See. 3. Serviceof Notice. Within. seven days frc m. and after the filing of the notice .NO.: of ihtention provided for in the next preceding section, a true copy of said notice shell be e e a personally served on the officer sought to. be recalled, OT Zailea te. ouch officer, by reg- istered mail, by depositing the same in the United States post office in this city, in R sealed envelope, with postage prepaid, add- ressed. tc such officer at his last known address in the city. 11 made by mall, service shall be deemed complete at the time of the deposit of the copy of sa13 d. notice in the United Etates. post office. The nffinevit of the party making sunh. • service alaall be filed forthwith with the City Clerk. Said affidavit shall designate the date when, thn plaPS where. and. the manner in which service was made.. Sec. 1. knower. Within fourteen days after the filing or the notice of 'intention, the officer sought to be recalled may file with the City Clerk an answer in which he may set forth in a gene3 al. statement not exceendng three hundred words, such officer's answer to the general statement contained in the notice of intention, or any ether justification of hin course in office. Such answer must be signed and achnowisiged by the officer sought to be recalled. before an officer author, iz13 d. to tohn achnowledghsnts and ths certificate of • • achhswlsdgment of such officer shall be attached to sale answer or endorsed thereon_ Upon receipt and filing of said answer the City Clerk shall endorse thereon. the date of suph.. filing. If such answer is not offered for filing within the time herein specified or if such answer does not con- form to the requirements herein set forth, the City Clerk shall refuse to file the sane. Sec. 5. :Petition afor Recall. Contents. h petition demanding the recall of an elective officer of the city shall be addressed to the council of' the City ST alanada and shall state the name ern office of. the officer sought to be recorded and shall contain a. 13 ony of the original notice of intention filed with the City Cderk, and a. copy of the answer, if any, filed by the officbr sought to be rec- alled. If said officer has not filed any answer within the time herein lighted, then said petition must so state. abtition demanding the recall of an elective officer of the city shall be filed with the City: Clerk. Such petition snail be signed. by quali- ied electors of thb city equal. in. number to at lessi teenty-five per centum. (25U) of the total. number of persons voting st the mbhbral gbnicipal election next prenedinu the fibisu of subh petition. The signatures to the petition. need not all he appended in) anj ohb paper. Any petltion. Mir reball Tila7 sansist of several separata sections and. each sash sepbrate section. may cenbist of several sheets of pnper attached. together; provided, houbvbr, that each such separate section shall contain a full aod. accurate copy of thb titib and text of the petition. nee. 610 E.:lig:natures. Each signer of a recall pbtition shall stem hhs or hbr name in ink: GT indelinle pencil and shall add to such signature his ocoupatTon. and place of residence, giving street and number, where such street or numhbr 0' either exist, and: if no street or number exist, then such. designation. of the place of residence as will enable the location to be readily ascertaned. nach signer shall also add the date of sigoing opposite his or: her narb. Verification. of Signaturte. There .nbsli. hb TtoZishnnii-to each. ratition, and. to each. separate section thereof, an affidavit made 1 a qualified elbctor of thb city age swnrh to before an. officer coos petent to administer oaths, stating that the abfinbt solhcited Signathhes to that partic- ular section and saw written the signatures appearing thereon; and that according to the best infbrmation abd belibf of the affiant, each. is the genuine signatbne of the person. 'whose nahe purports to be thersonto suThsorin- ed. and of a qualified elector of 1 city. Circulation of Petition. The petition deganding the recall of tie officer named in said notice may not he circulated among the qualified electors of the city for the purpobe of obtaining signatures thereon until Who expiration of fifteen days after the filing of said 0101 of intention with the City Clerk. Sec. 9. bhthdraual of 6151m:tures01 Any signbh of a 10. 1001 for recall may file with the City Clerk a verified revocation of his 1-n 1010 If said. revocation is filed with the City Clerk before the petition is Certified to hy atm, he shall cancel such. signature- Seb- 10. Filing Petitions. Tithn forty-five days from the 3 111301 liling of the notice of intention provided for in. sec- tion 1 hereof, all sections composingt any recall rbtitioh obst be filed with the city clerk. The clerk shall endorse on such. pet- itions the date of filing. and the name of the person or persons reouesting the filing of the. • sahb. Thereatter all such sections shall togIt her be deemed and considered as one petitionn ,.:QC. 11. Examination of Petition. Certificate. Within ten days from. the expiration of time limit set forth in section 1.0 hereof, the city clerk shall examine and from the records of registration ascertain. And finally determine whetiter or not said petition isysigned 11 the requisite nutter of qualified electors and shall forthwith. attach. to such petition his certificate, properly dated, showing the result of such examination. Sec. 12. Supplemental r titions. If, by the clerk's certificate, Ile petition is shown to be in- sufficient, tha stame may be supplemented by filing with the city clerk, within fifteen days from the date of such certificnte, additional and stpplementhl pet- itions, duplicates of and. identical with the original petition, es to the text of the betitiong but containing additional signatures. The. City Clerk shall endorse on such petitions the dote of filing and the name of the person cr persons requesting the filing of same. ithin ten days from tie eTeiration of the time limit as set forth in this section, the City Clerk shall make like examination of• the supplemental petitions as of the original petition. aad shall ,attach his certific- ate thereto, properly dated, showing the result of such examination. Sec. 13. insufficiencygefFetition. if the Clerk's certificate shall show tint allthe valid signatures on said petition, including those contained in the supplemental pethtions, are 1111 la. insufficient, no funther action shall be taken thereon; blit the petition shall remain on filb as a public record. The failure to secure sufficient signet-- urea on such petition shall be without prejudice to the institution of nes proceedings for recall. ec. 14, Clerical Assistants. If repaired by the City' Clerk, the City Council shall authorize; the Cibrk to employ in addition to the persons regularly employed 11 him in his office such. persons an may be necessary 13.31 the examination of said petition and supplemental petitio1 . and shell provide for the compensation to be -paid such personb. ea. 15. Election. If the petition, either as originally' filed or as sepplemented, shall be fouad to to sufficient, the Clerk shall submit the same to tie City Council together with his certificate thereto attscbed, at the next regular meeting of said. Council after the date of his certifibate of such snafficiency. The Council shall forthwith cause. a special election. to be held within not less than thirty-flve nor more than forty-five days after the date of the order calling such election, to determine whether the eleetors•will recall such officer. One elect- ion shall be sufficient for the reboil of one or ..ore officials. Should. 9 regular municipal election O331137 not more than sixty days nor less than thirty-five days from the time of the receipt of the petition by the. council from the Clerk, the Council shall provide for 31 1, submission of the question of such recall at ouch regulFin 01100 05, Mt any such regular elebtion, when the question. of the rec- all of an officer is submitted, the ballots for the record- ing of the vote on the eaestion of such recall must he separate fros . any other ballots; used in such election. See. 13. Form. gf ?;allot. The ballots at such recall election shall. conform to the following requirements: There shall be printed theneon the following question: "Shall (name of person against whom the recall petition wam filed) be remmved from tie office of the (title of the office) 131 recall'?" Following which. question shall he tta word.s 'Yes" and "No" on separate lines, with a blaila snace at the right of each, in which the elector shall in- dicate by stamping a cross (X) his vote for or ageihst such recall. In case more than one person. is sought to be. recalled 1 11 same election, the question of recall shall be reprinted for each' person separately. The City i; elector of any recall el E3Ct ?:.o1, a sample be user. at such . 18. op . vase . said ei.1C-Cion, of t ;::m "Yes" and Yi1 ,t from of.t`i be deer'ed for to The Votes di suet; at,. removed 1.BS, as In the event the in h.e eve71t that any of proceedings for '_a recall are , or vacancies caused L . by such. recall or r shell forthwith is filled by the 131 Cou appointment. nny person so appal; office, subject to contingency. le •f ., until CIu7.on at which time 1h "ietier, that in he erent called ond held. iex t hold offic =? 1 ._,' ecti h of suc'.. officer. hereinafter municipal be elect, on 1S tim d special to serve in _ refit'! on unci and shall a to he P -led by root; . .. rersens to be to l_._na ted. addressed. sed. o the office or offices so tzon. and the name ( 1 of office is. songbt 1. Lion shall be 5'.6?'Y ctor ' 'v il'' city iei equal in. r u- be C/O o) of the total at to '. ±J JZ�5Y'er Zeal election. Any ',`=e i, it 4071^ :r?1 ?1r Ct'r - .,. 1M1 t. -. sections ,, ,' each. _ air consio several shee . together; rrovidcd, however, tact ,.., t`. iepwr e P' zc Ct e t entail 1 con tail _ full end lz ca1., t . copy th..e title text of the petition. several ctior ere.^; ues1r; a 2 *I r co provided for recall ret t __ t ereCf . .. from tie , '.`t' any such petition be I t examine and from 1,'rr11 Iae v2,etrer by tri . r.equis. shall forthwith >rith r_ttach to such him certificate, properly elated, .zb.,r-rring of such examination. Should the petition be found to be sufficient, thn to CleTk.shall submit the same, togethor with his certificate 5f gaol's sufficiency, to the City Counnil at its net regdnT meeting occurring after tho date of his certification. Tnereunen the City Council shall forthwith. call a special... election to be held not lens than thirty-five nor more then forty days after the date cf the order calling such election. Any person elected to an office at such special election shall serve for the balsnce of the unexpired tero .. cf the officer who previously held said office and who resigned or was recalled. Notning herein contained shall bar an appointee of the Council from becoming a candidate at such . election. Se0 1. 3qecial Commission. In the event that a majority of the City Connell shall. be recalled at cue and the same election then and in that case the City Clerk shall forthwith call and conduct a speclel election to fill such vacancies, which elect- ion shall te held. not less than thirty-five nor more . than forty-five days after the aate.of the Clerk's order calling such election. In such an event the City Clerk shall have full power to appoint all elect- ion officials and to to and perform all acts required in connection with said election. Tte City Clerk stall name three disinterested electors who shall act 93 a canvassing board to canvass.the returns of said election and who shall declare the result thereof. before entering upon his duties, each member of the canvassing board shall take the constitutional oath of office. If a reghlam municipal election should occur net more than. sixty days nor less than. fcrty days fror . the date of canvassjng the votes aforesaid, the Clerk shall provide .for the Filling at' tin vac- ancies at such regular municipal. election. Sec. 23. All recall elections and all special elections 10 fill an; vacancy' crested by recall. or by resignation pehding recall proceedings will be conducted, as near an may be, as in this charter provided for generai . municipal elections. Sec. 24. A person oao has been recalled from office, or who hes resigned while proceedings for his recall were pending, shall not be a candidate and his name must not appear on the ballot as a. candidate for tab same office, at any election at which the vacancy caused by his recall or resignation will be filled- Sec. 25. Interpretation. This chapter shall 1"e liberally construed to promote Inc objects thereof, and no error, omission or irregularity not affecting the substantial rig;hts of any citizen or public ro shall ever be held to invalidate any proceedings taken. hereunder where tho resuirements of this chapter have been substantially complied with. PHCFOSITION NC: 111. That Section 6, Article XIII of the Charter of the City of Alameda be amendbd to read. as follows: Sec. 6, The Meyer shallheve power to fill vacancies on aLl bburds or conrdgnsions, except in such cases charter specifically nrovies for apnbintnent to bb made . . by the City Coureil or other authority; nrovided, however, that any. such appointment made by theladyor shall not become effective-for 44y -purpose until. and unless the same . . be ratified and confirmed by the City Council. Amy such appointee shall hold office until tie appointment and. ephib . . ifMcation of a successor. PhhkeSIT;OW, NO. 19. ''hot 8ection 20, Article XIII of the Charter. of the City of Alameda be amended to rued as follows: Sec. 20. Unless otherwlsp provided by this Charter, any officer or board authorized to apncint 0 . any deputy, clerk, assistant or employee; shsil have the right to remove the person so aupointeh. Tiamhers :NES or appointees on all boards Or cormissionu created or . provided for by this charter may be removed by the .W0 affirmative vote of 'our members of the City. Council, anything in this charter to the contrary notwithstanding. . PROPOSITIO NO, 20 That there be added to Article XIII of the. Charter of the it of Alameda a section to be known as Section 52, to read as follows: ec. 32. When entering into any contract . for labor or hiring any labor for public con- tract work, preferempe shall be gdven to local . YES: . contractors, mechanics, artisans or other labor- ers. of any class, who ahaill have actually resid- ed in. the City of Alatode for a period. of six months preceding the date of their engagement to perform labor, quality and. price of work being equal. ','-,J.-) .1&. NO, 21. That there be added to Article XIII of the 0' 54 of Vie City of Alameda, a section to be known as Section 33, to read as follows: dec. 33. Vacancies. A vacancy in any elective office, from whatever cease arising, enhent aim otherwise providea. in the chapter on Rebell, sinall be fhlied by. the City council. Provided, however, that any hereon appointed to fill each vacancy she1 l. hold. office only until the next general municipal election, at which time a successor shall be elected. to serve for the 1.. term. In case of the failure of the city council to appoint n. successor within a period of seventy days froM. the date any such vacshpy shell 00 8' the City Council must thereupon call a special election to fill such vacancy and .:1:411 cause such.. election to be held. not less than forty daye nor more than forty-five days from the date of expir- ation of such seventy day period; provided, however, that in case a general municipal election shall take blade not more than sixty days nor less than forty days from the dote of expiration of such. seventy day period, the council shall mmovide for filling the vacancy at each generah eisetion. kidgdhCidITIOW WO. .22. That there be added to Article XIII of the Charter of the City of Alameda a section to be known. 20 Section. 34y to read as follows: Bac. 34. The expression. "foar-fiftts vote of the whole Coomcil", or "tour-fifths of the Council", or "four-fifths of all the memhems," occurring in this Charter, shall be interpreted as reqedrihg the affirmative vote of four members of. the colmo.l. IDOMOCITIOM, O. 2P. Tho t Section 1, 91 apter 1, of. Article 1 of' the Chvrter '1 the Chty of Alumbdc. be amonded to read as follows: Sec. 1. Hoard of Education. The control of the school department shall be Vested in a Board of Education which shall consist of five . memLe' s, each of whom shall hold office. for a. term of five years, and. until the appointment and qual- ation of a successor, Such terms shall begin en the first day of May 31131 shall altbrnate so 1 hp4 the term of she mebibeT shall end on the 30th day of A-17.7.il of each year, The members of the Board of Education who shaEl be in office st the. time 'this charter . shall take effect shall remoin in office until the expiration of their respective terms. Thereupon end thereafter the vacancies occurring by expiration of the termn cf the inb mubbents shall be filled by appointment made by the Ilswor with the apnrcval and consent of the City Council. kny vacancy occurring prior to the expirotion of a term shall be filled by appointment, node es nereinabove provided, and such appointee Shall serve for the unexpired term. Members of the Board. of Education shall serve without compensation. 1 UOPCSITI01, NO. 24. That Section 9. Chapter 11 of Artdcle V of the Charter of the City of llareda be ashended to read as follows: Sec. 9. Free _Library Trustees. The • 1 Free Library shall be under the control of a board of five trustees who shall receive no 1> 313 The members of the board 11131) shall be in. office at the. time 'this charter shall take effeut shall remain. In office until the expiration of their respective terms. Thereupon and there- after the vacancies occurring hy expiration of the HO.: Id rms of the incumbents shall be filled by appoint- , . nt m 3>1 3r by the Mayor with the approval and conzent .140. of the City. few/loll; Such terms shall begin on the . first day of Mvy and shall alternnte so that thb term of one trustee shal1 . end on. the thirtieth day of April . of each year. Any yacanby occurring prior to the exb piration of a term eliell be filled by- appeintxpnt made as hereinabove provided, and such appointee shall. serve for the unexbired term, The City' Clerk is. also directed to publish once in the IMAMEFA TIMES a rviily nerspsiser of generdl airpulatiru, publisnen atin ()irradiated. in. said. City, thr aroTesaii Choirter (Insurgents( ()suss cosies of said Cnorter amenduents to be printed. inn convenient pamphlet farm. and. shall vril. a. copy thereof enclosed. width tide sample ballot to each voter eS least ter (10) days orier to said. election. He sMall also, until. the dam fixed for the eleution, abvertise in thb Vvregblow newsoupbr a optiod. thut such. copies may be had. at his office in thr City Hall, urrn application thersofm I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foreweing Resolution wsm dphy mad regularly introduced. amd adopted by- tae Council of the City of Alameda in spebibi weetiwg rassentdbd. on the 12th day of Ery, 1033, by the following vote, to wit: APES: Councilmen Eschew, Leydecker, -Morris, Shonly and President Derray, (5). NODS: Nonb. ATEENT: 1 ie IN MPSTIMONY WITENIX)Ed I hoye hereumto set my hand. shd affixed the official seal. of said. mity this 13th day of EMy, 1963. (Seal of the Chty) ( of Alaneda ) Miro.. Dacr. City el.ark of V Trii3M71.7:- hereby certify. that tha foregoing Resolution is a full, true and correct copy of "Resoldthou to. 1746 - Sutmitting Certain. Charter Amendments to be voted upon at a special Election to be held in. the City of' Alameda ou June 27; 1933," - passed by the Cmuncil of the City of' Alameda in. regdlar meeting. assembled on the 1011 day of Mry, 1933.