Resolution 017471) ''I0 ND. 2747. SUEHITTING .O10:1. . N., AMENDING ORDINANCE ND. 276 N.S., KFC91(77T-TL,DENSICN ORDIBANCEM ENTITLED VAN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A RilIEF, HEALTH, LIFE IDGURATEE ../MD PENSION' FUND FOR 'MEMBERS OF THE FIRE AFL POLIEE DEPAETTGIFTS OF 7IE CITY OF ALAMEDA: ALSO FOB. TEE ADMINISIDA1101( OF SAID HUED, TO BE VOTED UPON AT SPECIAL EIECTION TO BE REID IN SAID CITY ON TUESEA7g. JUNE 27, 1933. BIB:AREAS, the Council 31 the City of Alameda, on its own motion, desires to dubMit to the qualified aleatory:. 1 said. City an ordiumnce N. ., amending Ordinance No. 276 N.S., known as the Tension Ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance providing for a relief, health, life insurance and pension fund for members of the fire and police departmenta of the City of Alameda: also for the administrat- ion of said rand, "to be voted upon at a special election to be held in said City or Thcsday, June 271h, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alumeda, or its own motion, as follows: That an Ordinance No. _ N.S.j amending Ordinance 1(0 276 N.S., be submitted to the qualified electors of said City at said election. in words and figures as follows, to wit: ORDINANCE FO. N.S. AIR1VOING ORDINANCE NO. 276 NUS., PROVIDING FOR A RELIEF, HEADBEI LIFE IEIELSKi] AND PENSION FUND FOR MEMBERS OF Tifi FIRE AND POLICE DEPSHTEVENTS air THE CITY OF ALAHEDA: ALSO FOR 7IE ADMINISTRATION OF SAID FINNS. DE IT ORDAINED hy the People of the City of alaneda as follows: Section. 1. Subsection (a) af Section 3 of Ordinance No. 276, N.S., is 1(1 1) amended to read. as, follows: (a) Should any person, while serving as a. member of tho regularly constituted Fire or Police Departmeot become physically disabled direct result of bodily injury received in or from th.3 . performance of. his O uty, or become physically disabled from any illness or disease peauliar to the work of a fireman or policeman, said Pension Beard shall, upon. the written request of said person, or his guardian, or without such reuuest if it deem it for the good. of the service, order that such person he retireb from active service; and'. from the date of making such order the active service of each uerson shall. cease. The person. thus retired shall thereafter be paid from said fund during his lifetime, a monthly' pension equal to one-half the salary• paid to members of the rank which he held at the time of receiving such. retirement; provided, that in case of subsequent change of salary of such rank, the pension shall be. one-half of such salary as changed: provided, however, that if such dis- ability shall cease, he '1' 1, upon the recommendation of the chief of his respective department, be restored to active duty, with the rank or rating e1 b. salary equal to that held. et tte time of retirement. Section. 2. Subsection (b) of Section. 3 of Ordinance Pe, 276, is hereby amended to read as follows; (b) Upon the death of said pensioner, if taere be child or children under ebsedeen (18) years of age and unmarried, one-half (4,) and if no such chi1 d. or children, one-half (, ;() of the salary of the rank which. he held at the ti Me of his retirement shall be paid to his widow in equal. monthly installments. MI she marries again; and if no widow, each child under eighteen. (18) years of age, a1 e. unmarried, shall receive, in equal monthly instahiments, twenty pbr cent (20%) of the salery of the. rank said pensioner held at the tunes of his retirement, but i1 . no case shall thib savant bxceed one-half ((I) of the salar y. of the rbnk sale pensioner held at the time of his retirement; and if no children, one-third (1/3) of the salary of the rank said pensioner held at the time of his retirement shall be paid to a dependent mother or father, in ebbed monthly' installments. Section 3, Ordinance I 276, N•S., is hereby amended by adding thereto a new section, to be kmbwn es subsection (dd of Section 3, as follows: (d) The month:Iv pensions payable under this ordln- ance Shall not be additional to any monthly bomgensetion insurance payable to any member of the bb lice or fire de "3' in case 1' accident resulting in the course of his amploymenI(,(uniess the ,L1. ',103 payments are less ttan one-hhlf ('(T) the salary of the member, provided that when the monthly compensation 11 03, has been fully paid, the monthly pension will thereupon '1,C thereafter be payable, except as herein preridedt In case tne compensation ±3, 300 awarde3 . by the Industribl Accident Commission shall be payable 1134: sum, the Pension Board shall not make mbnthly payments of the pension to any member until the expiration of the driod of time covered by the pantanent disability rating, provided in tne event said member be awarded compensation. for life, said amount shall be payable to said mndter from the Contemplation Fund. The amount ar such cormhnsation and the amount. of hone:ion allowed by the Ihard ;Shall not in any event, exbeed one-half (i) of 1,o hhmbor's salary at the time of hits injury. Section. 4. Section 6 of Ordinance Co. 276 hereby amenied th read as follows: Section 6. Whenever any' mbhter of the flre cr Phlide Department snail, after the length of servich stated below, become totally- diamblef. or die from. any sickness or accident not the result of the performance of duty, he or his widow, arP if re widow, his dependent child or children. under eighte een (1C) years of age and unmarried, end it no children, his deuendant mother or fathhr shall. be paid from the Pension Fund as follows: After tiree (3) years but not exceeding; ten (10) years serrtoe, the amount contributed by. said gaglimr to said fund, plum four per cent (1%) interest per annum. After ten (10) years service, '01000.00. Section 5. Section 15 of Ordinance No, 276 N,S., is hereby amended to read as follows: , Section. 15. In. addition to Mae moneym to be bald into zaid Pension Eund as aforementioned, the treasurer atoll 77. 1. monthly from the '(33, 1, each afficer ern member of the Police and Fire departments two per tentura (2%) of each monthis salary ana deposit the same in said. fund, bat: no such officer or M.E,MT shall have any vested right or irterest there- in by reason of the retention. of such percentage. Section 6. Ortinance No. 276, is hereby amended br adding thereto a new. sectian, to be known. 'as Section 23, as follows: Section 23. Thie ordinance asall be in full. force and effect from and. after ten (10) days. after the declaration by the capmassint bosrd of the reedit of said. election, The City Clerk is slab directed to rubbish once in THE ALMEIDA. hIME5-STAR, a daily newspaper of general circulation, pub- lished. and circulated ip said Citym the aforesaid pfopbsed Orddnahoe (lb. p, H.S., mmending Ordinence No. 276 N.C., known as the Pen- sion_Ordihenceeptitled "An Ordinance providing for the relief, health, life insurance and pension fund for membeTs of tie fire and. pollee de- pattmente of the City of Alameda; also for the administration of said tubd.S .. He anall cause copies of said proposed ordinance to 77 e printed. in convenienk pamphlet form and shall nail a copy thereof enclosed with.. the semyle ballot to eae h. voter at least ten (1) ) days prior to said election- He shall also, until the day fixed for the election, odYertise in the foregoing Newspaper a notice that such copies nny be had at his office in the City Halh, noon application therefor. If the proposed Ordinance No. H.S., amending Ordinance Ho, 276 N.5., known as the Pension Ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance providing for a relief, health life insurance and pension fund for members of the fire a, d. police departments of tee City of Alameda, oleo for Mae administration of said fund," so submitted receives' a majority of the votes cast thereon. at said electian, said ordinance shall be enacted accordingly and Da into effect ten (11 1 days after the declaration. by- the. canvassing board. of the renult ef said elention, * 5 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foreneing Resolution v' duly and regularly introdwned and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the 12th day of May, 1933 by the following vote, to with AYES: Councilmen Eschan, Leydecker, Morris, ;Manly and President Murray, (5). 130ES: None ABSENT: Hone, IN TE.J. MOM WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said. city this 13311' day of May, 1533. Inp,Mlner Dyer. 167- erM of the City ' 777J776a. (SEAL 07 TEE CITY OF INLAMED) I hereby certify that '3' '3 foregoing Resolution is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution. No. 1747, Submitting an Ordinance No. _ H.5., amwnaing Ordinance Re. 273 15.5., known as the Pension Ordinance, .entitled TAn Ordinance Providing for a Relief, Health, Life Insurance and Pension Fund for members of Nie Fire and Police Departments of the City of Alameda; also for the Administration 31 said Fund, to be voted. upon at a SpeniaIlElectian to be hald in said Cdty en Thesdny, Tune 27, 1933", - passed by the Canhcil of the City- of Alameda in regular mweting assembled on. thw 12th day of May, 1955.