Resolution 01805RKSOLUTION NC. 1805 CANDEIBILIS TAXED ON ADDITICa TO BLABEI,IN PARK :PROPERTY. NEEREAD, the City of Alameda recently purchased a parcel. of land situate ir. the City of Alameda, described as Lot 5 in Block "J", Ear of Cak Park E ncinal of lameda as an addition to BManklin ParXg and, •JBABEAN, the city taxes on said. real property for the. fiscal rear 1933-34, amounting to the sum of (6.4.5, were aosessed to far:hest EU Crook. and :Ethel. D . Crookg xhd, • NNEREAE it was agreed, by and between. the [Pity of AlmwmRE, and. anid E arneal Rh Crook and Ethel D. Crook that as cart of the consideratdon. of the purchase brica of said lands the said City should pay all taxes levied and assessed ugainct said real property or constituting a lien thereong now, therefore, BE Il' REBOETED by the Ocuccil cT the. City of Aleada that, in a's:down:ince vs)531 tko agreenart of -purchase of said. real property, the first pond second install:marts of' city taxes for the fiscal ycaT 193334, amounting in the aggredatc to the sum af 9,3'39.45 be, and the same Lre 'hereby cancelled, ond the Aosessor and. Tax 0014st:tor, respectively, op the City of Alameda are hereby authorimed and ddrentch to sancel the same on. their respective books. I, the undersigned, hereby- certify that tke fMregoing Resolution WEAB duly sad regularly introduced ar5. adopted by the Council. of the City of Alammda la regular eeting caseabled on the 21st day of 7., 7._7, 1933, by tea follow- ing rcte, to rat: AYES: Councilmen Bruazone, dochen, Leydeoner, Norris sna Prosrient 'Murray, (5). OES: None. AdJENT: Nene. IN TAKTEIONY ADIEREGF, I have hersunto set Ry hand and affixed the officall seal of said City this 22n5 day of Novenbor, 1933. (dEa, s' TSB diTT 02 TKJuESA) D. SLIER DYER._ —Oity daerk on. the dity' of ALEmada I hereby certify that the foregoing Resointica. is a full, true and correct copy of- "PLECTU7.1ON NO. 1305, CANDLELDNG TALKS ON ADDITION TO z-RALLar.: PARK P310:22NT17 - passed by the donfroil of the City cf Alameda in reaular meeting assembled os. the. 21st day of november, 1933.