Resolution 01881RESOLUTION MO. 1881 GRAFTING PEROIT TO DANTE CRUZ PORTLAND OEMEINT COMPANY CCEPORATION, 11 SUCCESSORS AND ADEIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, MAINIAINAND OPERATE A RAILROAD 31311 TRACK UPON AND ACROSS WORN STREET, IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDE, SUBMIT OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE LOCATION' DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND TO OPERATE TRAINS, ENGINES AND GARS THEREON WITTE STEAM OM ELECTRIC MOTIVE POWER. RESOLVED FY THE 313111 31 THE 011Y GE ALAMEDA: That a permit be, and it is hereby granted to Santa. Cruz Portland Gement Company, a corporation, its successors. and aselgns, to construct, reconstruct, maintain sad operate a railroad spur track upon and along Work irtree, in the. City of Alameda, County of Alaneda, State of California, and to operate engines, trains and cars thereon with steam or electria motive power. The description of the center line of the said proposed apur.track is as follows, to-wit Commencing at the intersection of the southerly 1 of Work Street and the easterly. line of Webster Street in the City. cf Alanuda, County of Alameda, State of California, thence easterly along said south- rly lime of Work Street 124 fbet, to the westerly. right of way line of the Central Pacific Mailwoy Co., thence northeasterly along said southerly line of Work Street 40 feet, Acre or less, to a point or the centEr line of an existing trabk, thence southerly" anon thu said caster line of. eklating track 31 feet, more or lees, to the point of switch •of Drorosed track, thence northerly threafth a standard Number 7 switan. layout, 31 feet, more or less, to said souther- ly. line of Work Street, and the actual peint of begin- ning of aerator line to be described, thence. continuing through Standard Number 7 73w1tch Layout across portion of Work Et., 31.64 feet, more OT less, thence on Number 7 Frog tangent produced., 7.36 feet, more or less, thenbe on curve, concave to the right, radius. 286.57 feet, an arc distance of 6.3 feet, more 02 less, to the northerly line of said Work Street. This permit is granted for the purpose of connecting warehouses, manufactories and other business industries and enterprises with lines of railroad ill the City of Alameda, State of California, for the transportatioh. of freight only, and said spur track ahall not be used U2 a main line or as a Dart thereof. The permit hereby granted shall be revocable at the pleasure of the City Council of said city. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution vac duly and regularly introduced and adomted by the >o oil of the City of Alameda in regular meetlng assenbled on the 1631 ay of October, 1934, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Fruzzone, so €r., Morris and President 'Murray, (4). NIES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Tiedemann, (1). IN TESTIMONY WMEILICP, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 17th day of Catoer, 1034. D. ELLER DEER. 31 TEE CITY))))) City Clerk of the City of Elam, OF .ALAMCDA I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution Mo. 1881, Granting permit to Santa Cruz Portland Gement Company, a Corporation, its successors and assigns, to construct, reconstruct, maintain and operate a railroad. spur track upon and across' Work Street, in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, tate of California, in the location described herein, and to overate trains,: engines and cars thereco with steam CT electric motive now", - passed 5 the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meetinm assembled on the 1331 day of October, 1934. 31; ener31 f 1 hb : of Alameda.