Resolution 01904HESOLUTION NO. 1904. ESTABLISEINC ELECTION 1 RE017773, APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS' AJD FIXING TREIR C=1\ SATION, DE5IG111TING POLLING PLACE3 ARD PROVIDING FOR NOTICE3 TO DE GIVEN. WHE2.61,3 by Resolution No. 1902, adopted by this Council on January 25, 1935, a special municipal election was called and ordered to be held in the City of Elameda, State of California, on Tuesday, March 12, 1935, for the purpose of electing three commissioners on the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners, and five commissioners on the Board of Public Utilities Commissioners of said city, and WHEREAS by said resolution a special election called and ordered to be held in said City of Alameda on Tuesday, March 12, 1935, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City a certain proposal for emending the Charter of said City, atd WHEREAS it 44 further provided 4nd ordered by said resolution that said special municipal election called for Inc purpose of electing commissioners to the office of commissioner on the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners and on the Board of Public Utilities Commissioners be consolidated wit the special election called for the purpose of submitting said proposal for amending the ahaTter of the City of Alameda, and that the election precincts, polling places and voting booths for each of said special elections be in ever: ease the same, that there be only one set of election officers in each of such precincts, and that said special elections be held in all respects as if there were only one election, and only one ticket or ballot be used thereat. HOWTFHEREFORE, 91 IT RESOIVED BY Th2 COUNCJI, OF TEE C1I' O AAAYEDA that the sixty-four election precincts within the City of Alameda, as the same were last heretofore defined, described and established by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alamede„ -tate of Colifornia, by Resolution of said Board No. 25462, adopted November 3, 1931, as the General Election Prescints for holding general state and county elections in said City of Alameda be, and they are hereby, established as the election precincts for holding the aforesaid consolid- ated spooled elections to be held in said City of Alameda on Tnesday, March 12, 1935, BE IT FURTHER REBOLVED that the board of election for each election precinct at said consolidated special elections shall consist of one inspector, one judge and two clerks. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the compensation to be paid to each of the election officers for conducting sald consolidated special elections be, and the sane is hereby fixed at the stun of '.5.00, provided that the additional sum. of 41.00 obsll be paid to the officer who delivers the returns to the City Clerk . RE3CIVED FURTHER that the City Clerk be, and he is hereby, directed to file, post and cause to be pgblished, the notices of said elections, and to mail notices of appointment to each inspector and member of said election boards, all in the form, time and manner required by sections 1131 and 1142 of the Political Code, and to do and perform any and all acts required of him underc the Charter of the City of Alameda and the laws of the State of Galiifornia ih respect to said spec- ial elections. RESOLVED FURTLE2, that.the location of the polling places in and for each of said election precincts, and the morters of the board of election to conduct said consolidated special elections in each of said precincts,. be, and are hereby appointed and designated respeetively as follows: PRECINCT NO. I PRECINCT NO. 2. P.PCCOIN0' PRECINCT NO. 4. PRECINCT NO. 5. PRECINCT NO. 6. PRECINCT NO, 7. PRECIRGT NO. 8, PRECINCT NO. 9, 910, 10. HOUSE, 39 Garden Road. INCPECTOR: James 1. Allen. JUDGE: William J. Oakes CLERK: Marjorie H. Fraser CLERK: Claude M. Wilbourn. GE, 1226 HiGh St. (Rear) INSPJECTOR: JUDGZ: CLERK: CLERK: Chester ?ischer. nary G. Fluff Franklin Arne Jussila Fred. Wilber TOye, Jr. GARAG23211 Sterling Ave, INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Mary E. Shade. Walter Lee Chadwick Julia Helmstein. Lnita P. Martyn GA0020. 3200 Liberty Ave. (Rear). INSPECTOR: JUDGE: 00280 : CLERK: Rose F. Delyeuthal, Lary B. Eattnew. Geo. J. Krueckel. Letitia Thomson, GARAGE, 3200 Yairview Ave. INSPECTOR: James Angus Cameron. JUDCE: Hallie Pose CLERK: Grace Lillian Tremp CLERK: Charles Franklin Hendrickson GARAGE, 1730 Cornell Crive. I0-I0 a:70R: William M. Dean JUDGE: Jean !Cuss° CLERK: Cecil Marsh Norris CLERK: Marion W. Jackson CaRLGE, 2623 Buena Vista Ave. INSPECTOR: 30002. CLERK: CLERK: G21140E, .2006 INSPECTOR: :JOSE: CLERK: CLERK: Nozna C. Eisenhart Lillian Monteire Ruth Estelle Evans Norma Adelaide Betts Sant Clara Ave. Eirdie E. Blanchard Thos. A. Kellner (-ice B. Lessig Madeline K. Shootman GARAGE, 3101 Central Ave. Rear). INE?ECTOR: Bethell H. Holmes. JUDGE; ?lora Wood CLERK: Delay ?inch CLERK: Roe, Martin GRAGE, 2919 madioon St. Cle.ar), INSPECTOR: ZUDGL: CLERK: CLE0 K: Mazie Waterbury. Julie Caroline Powell Annie Galloway Winifred C. Henry. PRSCINCT O. 11. PRECINCT NO. 12. PRECINCT NO. 13. PRECINCT NO, 14. PRECINCT NG. 15. PRECINCT NO. 16. PRECINCT NO. 17. PRECINCT NO. 18. PRECINCT 0 1 . ERO INCT NO, 20. PRECINCT NO. 21, PRSOINCT NO. 22. ABASE 12 INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: GARAGE INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: rear) Barbara A. Rose, Helen P. McConnell Grace Erna Shriber jamas L. Linehan 01 IV d 3t. GARAGE, 2723 INSPECTOR: JUDGE: OLGRK: CLERK: GARAGN 263 Sarah Bennett Anna Mae Craue Ruth W. Sharman Laurence K. Porter Calhoun St, Harry L. naves Max Claussenius Orlando C. Mitchell Mary Ansel 110T00: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: GARAGE 130 Washingtdn It. (Rear. Phyllis A. Dimon Leon Wilkins Clyde Connell Florence M. Vredenburg learl St. (Roar). INSPECTOR: Marie A. Banta JUDGE: Mabel B. Alderson CLERK: Estelle L. Jacoby CLERK: Violet H. Kieny GARAGE, 2029 Santa Cla:a 6ve. iRearl. INSPECTOR: Laura M. Ward:. JUDGE: Royal B. Wiltse CLERK: David A. Hathaway CLERK: William Alfred Smith GARAGE, 2028 EaFle Ave. INSPECTOR: JUDGE.: CLERK: CLERK: Julia Wiedenbeck Alice F. O'Hare Catherine Kroegel Mabel Vincent Core GARAGE, 1705 Broadway. TESP=011: JUDGE : CLERK: Edwina Meyer Kerma C. Liechti Emlwa H. Anderson Chas. E. Stillwell STORE 2424 g n a Clara Ave. INSPECTOR: J1GDGE: CIZRK: CLERK: John SclOerat John F. henson jobs: McVicker John J. Knight STORE 2418 Central Ave. INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: George E. Ford Alicia G. Ford Brassie Davies Augusta Butterfield GARAGE, 2452 Encinal Ave. (Rear). INSPECTOR: Wallard M. Martin JUDG: Carl G. Gasattas CLERK: John Lane Cogan CLE'RK: Wm, D. Cox, GARAGE, 250 3aa Jose Ave. (Rear). ITSTEGTOR: Ethel E. Martin 010102: Jred W. Hobbs CLERK: Addie B. Horton CLERK: Eleanor 1 Kearney PACIECT NO. 23. TARACH, 2312 Clinton Ave. INGPECTOR: Berth ohlad. JUDGE: Larie Cillies. CLERK: Graoe L. Smith CLEAN: Einar Johnsen PRECINCT ro. 24. GARAGE, 2244 Clinton Ave. (Rear). ILJEUPECTOA: Jacob 7600dt JUDGE: lose Etta addingTon CLERK: taro Schlote CLERK: Osoar S. Huntincton PRECINCT ro. 25. GERAGE, 1115 Park St. INSPECTOR: Narg.aret aton JUDGE: Albert J. Garnett CLERK: Henrietta Eehrtens. CLEAN: Fred Jesmann PRECINCT NO. 26. HAIL 2305 Alamoda ivo. INSPECTOR: Howard Elmer Fraser JUDGE: Helen Inger CLERK; .lrma Lena CLERK: Christal Linda Love. PREGIU3T NO. 27. BASEMENT, 1429 Oak it, TspECTER: Grace Lange NUDGE: Ethel Spann CLERK: Leo 7, Kochendorfer CLERK: Percy Strudgeon PRECINCT N 5,26 GARAGE, 2230 Buena Viata Ave nu INSPECTOR: Ina N. Nalone JUDGE: Kary Jane Watt CLERK: Geraldine Mulhare CLERK: Jules Conway Didier 1RECINCT NO. 29. GARAGE 2146 D Tie a &venue. IPMEPEJTCH: Frances E. Sturm. jJDGE: Dora O. Belvel CLETIK: Josepnine E. Nay CLERK: Joseph E. Snort PAITINCT NO, 50. GARAGE 2110 dents Clara Avenue. INSPECTOR: Eli R. Deming. TjDGE: Liatilaz, 3. Priestley CLERK: Dorothy Taynton CLERK: Francis G. Tnornton, Jr. PRECINCT NG. 31 , GARAGE, 211T Enciral Avenue. INSPECTOR: Patrick A. Mulcahy JUDGE: 3.. Cluck CLERK: L. Emilie Conte CLERK: PercNy A, Carling, 3.JI' 10, 32. GARAGE, 2133 Can Jose Avenue. 1313.3.3 0. INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: August Jounieaux Helen E. Alden Leon S. Grabow Zeb. N. Benton CARAGE 2021 041-1 Jose Avenue. INSPECTOR: Harry C. Tenney JUDGE: Arthur J. Smith, CLERK: Lulu Johnoton CLERK: Lawrence D. Payne PRECINCT NO. 3155, STORE 1296 Chestnut Street, INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Alfred J. Messenger Juliet Oulberg john W. Eutterberg George A. Starr PRECINCT 50. 11. PRECINCT O. 12, pEEDINCT 10 2, PRECINCT NO. 14. PRECINCT NO. 15, PRECINCT NO— 16, PRECINCT NO, 17. PRECINCT NO. 18. PRECINCT WO, 19. PRECINCT 10, 20, PRECINCT NO. 21. ERECINOEENC. 22. GEB,iGE, 1244 Ver jai11cj Eve, (Rear) INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Barbara A. Bose. Helen P. McConnell Grace Erna Dhriber James L. Linehan GARAGE, 1101 Mound 3t. (Rear). INSIEGTOR: JUDGE.: CLERK: CLERK: Sarah Bennett Anna Mao Crane Ruth W. aherman Lawrence K, Porter GARAGE, 2725 Calhoun St, INSPECTOR: XJDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Harry L. Davis Max Gladssanius Orlando C. Mitchell Mary Ansel GARAGE 2651 Washinaton St. ('enr). I252E130011: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Phyllis A. Dixon Leen Wilkins: Clyde Connell Florence Vredenburg GARAGE,* 130 Per1 St. Kaz INSPECTOR: Marie A. Banta JUDGE.: Mabel B, Alderson CLERK: Estelle L. Jacoby CLERK: Violet N. Hieny GARAGE, 2629 Santa Clara Ave. R INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Laura M. Ward Royal F. Wiltue David A. Hathaway William Alfred Smith GARAGE, 2628 D'eale Ave. INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: GARAGE 70 INSPEUTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: Julia Wiedenbeck Alice F. O'Hare Catheriae Kroegel Mabel Vincent Goma roadway. Edwina Meyer Hernia 0. Iiechti Enma H. Anderson Chao. E. Stillwell STORE, 2424 Santa Clara Ave. IN6PECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: PT0RE INSPECTOR: JUDGE: (2 223 CLERK, :ABA..GE John Ecl:tardt John F. Hansun John MeVicker john J. Knight Central Ave. George E. Ford Alicia G. Ford Freesia Davies Augusta Butterfield 2452 5nc.na1 Ave. (Rear, INSPECTOR: Millard M. Martin JUDGE: Carl G. Casettes CLERK: john Lane Cogan CLERK: Wm. D. Cox. GARACE, 2500 Jan Jose: Ave. (Rear). INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK': 0 LERK: Ethel B. Martin Fred W. Hobbs Addle B. Norton Eleanore A. Kearney- PRECINCT NO. 23 PRECINCT NO. 24. PRECINCT N04254 LRECINCT NO. 26. PREGINCT NO. 273 PRECINCT NO. 28. PEZEINCT NOE 29, PRECINCT NO. 30E PRECINCT NON 314 , PRECINCT NO. 32, :c: 13? NO, K3. PRECINCT NO. 34. G6RART '31P 7111:Roh 6va 44 INSPECTOR: Berths Ebblad, JUDGE: Marie Clines. CLERK: Grace E. Smith CLERK: Einar Johnsen GARAGE, 2244 Clinton Ave. (3ear1. INSPHOTOB: Jacob Boodt JJDOE: Rose Etta Addington ULARK: Lary Schlote CLERK: Oscar 3. Huntington GARAGE, 1115 Park St, INSPECTOR: Margaret Baton JCIDGE: hlbert J. Gurnett ELERK: Henrietta T. Mehrtens. JLERX: ?red Jesmann 1J2305 31annda Ave. INSPEC10R: Howard Elmer Rrasor JUDGE': Helen lnGer CLERK: Enna Lena CLERK: Ehristal Linda Love. BASEMENT INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: ak $t. Grace Lange Etna] Spann Leo f. Rechendorfer Percy Strudgeou 1230 Buena Vista Avenue. INSPECTOR: KUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: GARAGE, 2146 INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: GARAGE INSPECTGR: 30022: CLARK: CLERK: Ina M. Malone Mary Jane Watt Geraldine Mulhare Jules Conway Didier Buena Vista Avenue. Frances E. Cturm. Dora j. Belvel Josephine A. Nay Joseph E. Short Sant GIRT' Eli B. Deming. Matilda 3. Priestley Dorothy Taynton Francis G. Thornton, Jr. GARAGE, 2117 Enclnal Avenue. INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Patrick A. Mulcahy Marie L. Cluck L. Emilie Coate Percy A. Darling, GARAGE, 2133 San josa Avenue,. INETIEGTOR: August Jouhieaux :JUDGE: Helen L. Alden CLERK: Leon, S. Grabcw CLERK: Zeb. N. Banton GARAGE, 2021 Sun Jose Avenue. INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Harry C. Tenney Arthur J. Smith'. Lula Johnston Lawrence D. Payne STORE, 1124 Chestnut Street, INSPECTOR: Alfred J. Messenger JUDGE: Juliet Gulberg CLERK: John W. Ksiterberg CLERK: George A. Starr TRECINCT NO. M. ICI C. 369 PRECINCT NO. 57. PRECINCT NO. 5B. PRECINCT NOT 39. PRECINCT NO. 40. ERDOINCT NO, 41, PRECINCT NO. 42. PRECINCT NO. 45. PRECINCT NOT 44. PRECINCT N PRECINCT NO. 46. 1al0ggU_2026 Dents Clara Avenu, INSPEGTUR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: GARAGE, 2040 INSPECTOR: 1DDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Hortenoe E. Messenger Irma M. Evans. Dose 1, Brosnan Erma J. Hamsen Buena Vista Avenue. Mary O. Cavanaugh Lawrence X. ?erosion Martin J. Donandt Cora Schumacher GARAGE, 1727 Lafayette atreet, (in rear). INSPECTOR: Hazel M. Foard JUDGE: Alexander Langlands CLERK: Florence Bieleek CLERK: Edward J. Olergback GARAGE 1554 Union Street. INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Florence M. 5hadburne Cbarles H. Walker Robert H. Cavanaugh Florence B. Goelzer GARAGE, 1317 Union Street. INSPE9120R: 11211. CLERK. CLERK: GARDOE Charlotte A. Det13 Raymond H. JOIMbston OVAll P. Shannon Charles W. Carver 202 Union Street (In re INSPECTOR: Leris Walter Rhodes TJDGE: August F. Grabowski CLERK: Louis Wilbur Cox CLERK: Azro I. Darling. GARAGE, 907 Union jtreet. INSPECTOR: Harry N. Glover /EDGE: Yetthew U. Ryan CLERK: Clare hourf CLERK: Frederic a. Burr GARAGE 421 San Jose Avenue. ENSREGTOR: 122ll Bateman. JUDGE: rargserite E. Peak CLERK: Marjorie Ormsby CLERK: J. S. Gettle GARAGE, 1525 Encinal Avenue. INSPECTOR: Yarguerite Hawkins JUDGE: Josie Wieland CLERK: Charles G. Davis 30.4111: David LE Henderson, GARAGB, 1611 Alameda Avenue. INSPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLERK: Oliver W. Pridgenab, Jr. Christopher Brook Irving J. Blamire James Towns GERACM 1557 Santa Clara Avenue. 1R3P41T00: Wilbelmina lissmussen JUDGB: Henry R. Johnson CLERK: Karl Schmidt CHERK: Lyndall Stiles GARAGE, 1620 Pare St. IDSPECTOR: Mary T. Wilson. JUDGE: Lena L. atromberg OLEOK: Rath C. Lee GREECE': Ruth H. Woolley T NO. 47. GARAGE, 1205 . Buena Vista Ave. INSPECTOR: JUDGEc CLERK: CLERK: Violet Lecta Peterson Myrtle E. Dlaillot Charles E. Edwards, Estella Morino PRSOILOT C. 48. HOUSE. 1325 Santa Clara Ave. INSPECTOR: Hannah L. Rimassa. JUDGE: lice Bartlett CLERK: Alice Schmalanbercer 055.qh L. Hand. PANCIOCE NO, 49. BASHIMSIT, 1417 }131t, IESPESTOB: lalter J. Plummer JUDGE: Anna Croaks CLERK: Acnes 0. Chirpindell CLERK: Mande E. Evatt PDASINCT HO. 50, GARAGE, 1..306 Bcy St, PRECINCT NO. 51. PRECINCT NO, 52, PRECINCT NO. 53. :'3 'r NO, 4. PRECINCT NO. 55, 13 (j3 HO, 56. IRRCIDIET NO, IDSPECTDR: Laura EN Fisher JUDGE: Filson Loring CLERK: Smma Louise Demek CLERK: Edith K. Otone. CA51AGE, 1303 Carol Rear). INSPECTOR: Willie Louise Gutte JUDGE: Eraroes Rinser CLERK: Robert E. Farren SLSPK: 5amnel E. Foley SARAGA 1330 Central Ave. INSPTACOR: johanna J. Groves JUDGE: Arnold Louis Leschot CL1R: Flora E. BoLlinger CLERK: Wm. F. 3aundors CARACE, 834 Taylor Ave. is: ECECR: Mary J. Dunleavy JAGS: Ethel C. Koopcann CLERK: Jytil Brenner 0L 07: Hhch Ealson U:yers GARAGE 914 Lincoln Aire.. (AdIC.1.111a) INAPECTOR: JUDGE: CLERK: CLEM.: Annie CH Rerson Evelyn B. Kramer. Clive G. ClErtmplin Henry A. Reichsrath SARACE, 1538 St. Charles 3treet, INSPECORR Gylvia C. Hammond JUDGE': Doris M. Edwards CLERK; Rose. Morrison. CLERK: Rose Cox CAER.AGE„ 907 Buena Vista Avenue. LEREESTOB Eloise H. Doolittle jUDCS: Fannie Duchy CLERK: Annette Coarrey CILFRIE: Geore Whaley Pacific Avonhe ( In rear) INDPECTOH: JUDGA: CLERK: CLERK: Elizabeth Thah Dorothy F. Hagen. Carl F.A.HenrEingsen Cecil R. Robinson PRECINCT NO. o13, WIAGE. 714 Tay lor Avenue. INSP5STOR: JUDGE: ClIKHK: CLERK: Ethel C- Fish. Edith I. Lessor Anna E. Firtier Helen McQharrie PRZCINCT NOo 59. GARAGE, 635 Haight Avenue. :INSPECTOR: Fulda Gibbs JUDGEh Violet Liekel CREAN: Kate Melaughlin CLERK: Edward T. Dowdall PRECINCT X. 6 . GARAGE, 50E Lincoln Avenue (In rear). Jetc Hope Petersen. JUDGE: Henrietta H. Gorman CLARK: Anna Pauline CLERK: 'Mary Monica Radtager PRECINCT NO 610 GARAGE., b38 Septa Clara Avenue. INSPECTOR: Gisela YE Langremo JUDGE: Lucille Druzzone CLERK: Pauline D. Downie CLERK: Lillian Zaddart PRECaNGT NOo a2. GARAGETo 345 TaL.Ilor Avenue_.(In rear). INUTEGTOR: Padraig J. Wintera JUDGE: Gladys A. CLERK: ' Jessie C. Boone CLERK: Steve J. Peron PRECINCT Nv. 63. 6&R&, 4:35 Haight Avenue. INJFECTOR: John CE Dempsey JUDGE: Marie Finley CLERK: Matilda Olarle CLERK: Chris Rada PRFCIACT NO, 64. GARAGE, 342 Fec'fic A en INEiTNOTOR: Ede M. Vagina TUDGE: Lucia Ferrero CIERK: Irene Bajuk OTHRK: Wm. Holtkamp I, tine underolgned, hereby certify that the foregoine 3ooJ ioIi duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council uf the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 5th day of February, 1935, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Gouncilmen Esehen, Korris, Roebke and Tied:wenn, (4). NOES: None.. ABSENT: President Murray, (1). IN WITNESS WEERAME, I have hereunto set my nand and. affixed the official. seal of said City this 5th day of February, 1935. D. EIMER DYER'. ( ( ( SEAL 0.7 Y•IE CI TY) ) ) ) ) Gity Clerk of the City of Alameda OF AL3hODA I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a fall, true: end correct copy of 'tResolution No. 1904, Establishing Alotion Precincts., Appointing Election Officers and Fixing their compensation, designating Felling Places and Providing for Notices to be given", - passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the. 5th day of February, 1335. CitygOIerk-of t e 6. t 00 A shede.