Resolution 02027ESOLUTION' NO. 20P.,? APPOINT:FRG FRANK W. CREEPY AND EDWIN" ANDREWS DO NUGGKEp FIRN OF WEST AND ANDREI:RC AS ACSISTADTO TO CND CITY ATTORNEY BEDOLVEN, that Frank. W. Creely and Edwin Andrews be, and they are hereby appointed assistants to the City Attorney, in the place and stead of the firm of West and Andrews. * * * * * * * * 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foreccing Resolution was duly ond regularly introduced and adopted by the Couneil of the City' of Alameda in regular testing assembled cn the ?1 day of January, 1351, by the following vote, to wit: ) YIN)) Councilmen Broyles, MunTo and PrehideaM Roebke, (3). NOES: None. ARGENT; Counollmen Enehen and Morris, (2). IN NTIDJESS WHEREOF, T. hsve hereunto set ty hand end affixed tho ofTicial -seal of sale Gity this ?th dsy' of Januaiy, 1936. GRERCAT G. BLOOD City Clerk of the Ghty of Alame)a * * * I horeby certify that the roregoing is a full, true Rnd socreot cone of "Resolution Ne. 2027, APPOINTING FRANI< C. CRFEIY AND EDWIN ANDRISU TO SUCCEED TEE 1 OF tEST aND ANDREMS AS ASSISTANTS TO IRE CITY ATTGRNEY", introduced end.. adopted by the Geunoil of the City of Diomede in regular rreetinE as)Embled on, the 7th L111 of January, 116 . Cita ,Gal the City of Daaaed