Resolution 02153RESSIMEION CU "1". DIRECTISO ratty-ern storfsh.arct . im Lastesup, LbuisoDetlia DOE ffErrmif Of EROChANATICE SPE NOTICE OT BENUTION. 'PEERESS by. Resolution No. 2150, adopted by' this Council on March. 17,, 1937, a special. elwation was calla,. one ordered to be held in the City of Dlooeds, State of CEMbifughlat on. Thursday, April 29u 1937, for ttm purpose of submitting to MTN alettors of sold city the proposal fon thw adottion of the proposed Charter of the City. of Alameda, fremed by the City Council of said. city on its OM motion, in w000ndonce with the probisians of Section 8, Artiolp PI sf the Constitution of ite State of California. NOM IBEROCOLSU hE (6:5.(51.55n) EY 2HE COUNCIL Of lit CITY OE SItMCNOM Matt the Mayor be, end he is hereby, directed to issue, and. En City. Oferh bet and. he is hereby, directed to attest ern. to cause to be published three times 11 Tte Alameda Ifurnal, the Official fewsnaper of the City. a proclamation and notice of sumh elemtiun, and to cause said proclamation and notice to be posfed at omen. place of election. at imast ten days before suoh a:Lit-Eon; that said, proclamation. and notice shall be in the followinm form, to-wit: PROCIMPMTION AND NOTICE Of" STECISL IIIMERNE PECELAMATION SPD POTIUP IC HEREIN ELVEN that hy. ordpr of the City. Council of the City' of AlatatmEa a special election has been. celled. and DrAtind to hm held in. said City of Alameda, State of California, on. Therwlay, Anwil 2f, 1937, for the purpose of sutLittine) to the qualified electors of suMf City the pToposal for the edettior. of a rfopospe orwrtor of the City. of AMsNria, framed by. Mae Council of said City on its owh Notion, as follpws: BUOPUSEL TO DIDOPI PROPOSED CHAPTER OF TEE CITY CF DILLEDD Shall the pro:fused charter of thw City of Diomede, fraoed by the Council. of said. City and filed in the office of the City ,........:„.. Clerk of tho City' of Alameda. on March 1937, end am set forth in Resolution Po. 2130, adopted by. said Counted on. Maren 17,12VIS7. : PO = te ratified. are. adopted. as and for the charter ............. of the City of Alameda? By order of the City Council uf the City of Alameda. Dated: April 7, 1937. Attest: v. Clerk of tae City of Alwmede mayor of the City of Alf:made It the undersigned, hwreby certify. that the fonagnini, Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by. the Council of the City' of .DoEhrieda in regular meeting assembled on the Otis day of tiffril, 1937, loy. the followinw 700, tO Wit: SEES( CoNenilmen Calouttt Metter Morris, Weichhart and President IP:schen, NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WEIRECF, I hove hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 7th. day of April, 1937. D. ELDER DYER City Claims of fhe C1+7 Cf! Alameda I hereby certify that the foregoidg is a fulit true ane correct copy' of . n "Ppeolution Nn. 2153, DIRECTING ISSUANCE, ; PUBLICATION AND POSTING OF PROCNIMMIEtfi 11 NOTICE OP' IIICTION", introduced and adopted. by ttw City Council on the 6th 1 ay ot 13 373.