Resolution 0230311113011UTION NO. 2303 TENDERED 4 122122,3 AND n).bECTRTC) 7222271-721)2T 21.1)))1 GAS 2)))22112C22'22372) 13.5"1221221) .2)'022•72212 IT. 1.7hO21,1122 Pacific GO.53 and Ehectric Sp12))..nvE Californda corporation. filed in. the office of the City Clerk' of tie City of Alameda on the 4th arj2 of Octo- ber, 19.12, its onplichpior for the fronanise to une for t2anoshittipb; and. Odotri- butinE cas trr CiEy of' Altrnhn for any and ad' enrenedo other than those onthorized undeT 'Oration 19 of Yrtialc Xi of the ConstdArtinn of the litate of California as said section ex2nted rTior to its atnndsbrt on October 10, 1911, all ,,yas ripen ana,. arTnrterances whdch. now are or ray hereafter be '2:awfully ricce. in th..e public streets, wayn shin rlaces withlb said. City, ann. (b) to lay ann. use in sair yEblic streets, c))o)) won pluces pipes and. arportenuaces necessary or proper for shid anbroses; and 11TEREAE tnis Council on tre 4tr. day of October 1938 anopted its resolution No. 2294- declhrino its irbeaVina of ;Erna-tiny, said. fnahrhIse nynn the terms and con - diElono in sai6. resoluIirn set .L'OrZL, nixins thb dote for henniene objectidTaltE thu nraatida thereof; and.. W22.221221,13 rcele notice of said ihtantier and dnte for herrinco objections has bean. ir Vae marober anr. for the tivte prescribed. "ay law and by' thr aforesaid. resolution; brad. WHEREAS this Council., at thb tisa credifisO in said resaintinn and in saiS nntice, vts: Le the hnur of b. p.m. 012 jhaesdny ens 25th dny of October 1O3b, met in. open sersion. for the purpose of VearinE objections to thr cjrardiny of) satni franchdre; )112,122)Z1)3 nn protests or objectionn to tha Eranting of said. frsachise were ;Lace or filer and vac prornsea arOinbalco b.:cantina said) franandos was theneunoh latroanced; and 21h12.112) this Couubil anenib net at a rnular meetiv2j on. jaryelJel) 1, 1238, at vnina. tihr tals Council rcreived. a 'written tend.rr from Pacific Cos bad Electric CannEhy to pay for bair) franchise thr sum. of' rayon. thruslaad five hurbred Onliaro (/750C.00) in lawful money of the United. COtatrr of Annriah, nnd said. tenelor was apcchojanied by thn check of said Pacifi Gar, and Electric Cchrany, rayablb to thn Trabscrer of tle City of nlehndr, for said. ahco2nty; rnd OldOnAAS Phis louvnell dhcsr sa21 bah, caantltuteo a reaahrabib baysent for aree,calee )22„,j). the eeeeptrece ha ecio cranchaeoa, capaa2tntea a fair ocholdrration. for u. diaaharEs of ar2O cohrary frnr nay nre all ob2igationo tn the City of 222abeda for rant use oi' its streets nansf tre purhosbo for which. orej franchise is to be ranted; 121)))), lablanvORO, a n)2211daer by the Council. of vale City- of Alhrnno fu2.. nrhey of the UndtsC States rf Aherioa, in payabnE ho aforesaid, cro4 2t2cnal, rnt nrcche effective SFiC. tO )acific Cos and :,dectric Ootrany; 711 IT TEPOThER RESOLVED that in nbnnidnratirn of Vire accertanre by Pacifir Gas and Electric Comphny of said. draochise and its ors:ration hhdreuadmr the City of Alameda does hdreby deminhad discrarged all._ obligations of said corTany fey: hmst nee of the streets of tho City of rismodo. for tho pmrooses set forth in the form of franchise applied. for. I, the undersigned, hereby. certify that the forezoinf Resolution was duly and. reyularly introduced and. adooted by the Council of the City. of Alabodo in regulaD meeting assembled on the ist doy of November, 1238, by. tho following vote, to wit: ( 4 ) AYES: Coancilmon Carrington, Godfrey, EMuner and. President Weichhart, NOES: Non.e. ATEEEdm Councilman. Morris, (1). IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto met my hund and affixed. the official seal of said City this 2nd day of Nbvember, 1.93. ELYER DYER_ a:Try TIT, 01,17 c7 * * * I hereby certify- that tha foregoing is a full, truo and correct copy of eolution. yo. 203, ACCIEarlif: SITEDERED Y• PACIFIC CAE AND ELECTRIC COIWPATI ITT PAYTILDT FOR GAS FRANCHISE APTHaFT FOR EY IT", introduced and. adapted by tho Council of the City. of alameds on the 1st day of Woven:herr 1238.