Resolution 023107YOSOLUTIOI 11.0. 231C APPI.071.7I 1tlibil C1 TACTYIC ii1S Ana ELECTRIC C0h121BY E71CUTED coKs]ruzaATIcaz YOE aRANT 1111" CITY Or adidtlaDA TRAN.2.11SE FOX TEX TinInSYISJI011 Crai IiInCITIBUTIOW 071 GAS IT9Tbaft.abarIfb.110E ' 669,2NEW SERIES. WHEIBEAS on tne ist day of 'Jo-dexter 193de.„ the City Council of the City. of fletedia Itossea Ilte cabdinance Xo. 665, zreating to Tucific Cas and Tleotfib Company, e. Chltfornia carearaticn, tbn frenchice to use the aublit, streets, wuyad and pieces of edit City for the tenutraisaion. hiabribution of T:it for all T1311[1112**1 otter Oran those auttarizon under Section 1.9 of laticlo XI of tha Couutitution of tno Mtate of Coliforbit. as sada section. existed piaitn to its auendnent on October 10, 1911, haon the torte awn conditict as set: forth. in said ordinance; end TIEhEAS sada Pucifia Sea dna Idectric Cemhohy pursuant to the dr:anon:Ise aat of 1.937 has duly erahated and. filed with 'anis Council a bond ina the aenui ant of oda thonfeauf. dollars 000.00), badriu4 date. the ist day of' Itvutiber, 193B, and conditioned. as trescrired by. law; ann "CTEMEAS ubou due inwostigatior end consideration, it appears to the datisfactioh of thia Couhbil that ould bond is in proper form and that edia. toad Lao beeh Culy exiacatei by said. Ithifia Geo cad Electric Company and by two moot ara sufficient sarellee; XidbX diThtlaCTOTIE, B.72 IT 91,3017.2T by- the City Council of the City of A.1111•1111.113 trut said bond be, ann. it la barery accepter anh anr'covedy I, the chhtraiumod, hereby certify that the foredo:Lae. abandution. wee duly. ann rexularly introduceh and ddobtod. by. the Couneil of the City of flautedb. in tea:baler moetiny assembled on tbh 16th. day of Novewlaer, 193S, by Ite Taichbart, (5). 1121,1: Countilluan Curritioo, Gbafroy, 'Maxtor, Monris and. President ht11.3: *Ore. 3one. idiriou0Y. I 'nava hereunto set hT bond ant. affixed the official seal a acid. y this 16 '• day. of Ityamber, 193B. add a a.arTo,a a 1 26.1e6w Ofn I beraby ad:a ify that the. foi,yoainco ia ful].., true and correct cocy of ahosoluticx XO. 2310, eTballiCIII121 1,11KC1 OF 11.6CIT"Th ATD COTIaliblY TICEOU7hD IX CONSIDETIATION 07 TICE CaChil1.1' da-11 CITY OX AiitalEat .01•12ANCP.131 TOP Th72 1.19.69I- 17.19ZION IST2.19ITTICI Of (11.3 TINDER 021.T.IXATC.CE XEW SEPTEC", intbad.hdod und: adortea. by tte Counail of Oto City caT wichoda on. Obt idtb. day or Novohiror, 1938.