Resolution 02493RESOLUTION NC. 2493 TRANSFERRING $25,637.78 FROM THE IN LIEU TA7 EUED TO M77 G7.7T'TIL 7UND OP MT,r OTTY - , WHEREAS, certain. money's have been deposited. in the In Lieu. Tax Bend, pursuant to the provisiona of Resolution No. 2184, adopted by thie Council on July 20, 1937; and H1REAS, the sum of U5,637.77 ham been expended.. from the General. Fund of the City' for the purbmsbe authorimeb in tlis act referred to in caid resolution, as follows: In connection with the operatich. and maintenance of the Police Court: (')1,500.0)) In connection with the operation and maintenance of the Police Department( 1/2 ccxt of automcbilem ()( 900.00 1/3 salaries of - 1 Chief 1 Lieutenant 2 Inspectors 4. Sergeants Salaries 4 Motorcycle Officers 3,88o j.)0 1/10 salaries of Patrolman. 6,375.00 Trmffic Ref, es Jr. Traffic . 1,100.00 NAscellaneoua 12.77 $85,637.77 NOW, THEREFORE, IDE TT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA that, the sum of $25,857.8D1 be, and the same is hereby, transferred from the In Lieu. Tax Fund. to the General FRnd. of the City. The kuditor and Treasurer are hereby autherized and directed to make said tranefer on their respective books. Ty the undersiebed, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regblarly introduced sa13 . adopted by Vac Council of the City' of Alameda in regular meeting assembled. on the 18th day of june, 1940, by' the follmwlng vote, to wit( AYTHM Councilman Godfreym Maurer, Morris and. President Weichhart, (4). NOES: Nome. ADSENTm Cconcilmhb Carrington, (1). IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hamm hereunto set my' hand and 11'j (3 the offi- cial seal of said City' this 19th day- of June, 1940. LORENE R. BEANIE (SHAD) City Clerk of the City of Alameba: I hemeby ceotify tnat the(foregoing is a full, true and corroot copy of Resolution. Ho. 24,93, ,,TRI:dallmanc, 8.88 FROM TEE IN LIFITI TAX NUND TO THE GENERAL FUND OF TEE CITY," introdiced anb adopted by the Council on the b8th day of June, 194D. ic cc, Do -8(57 C\8,1 A 48 ...„, c CitY 14, 13 t( 'City of Alameda.