Resolution 02554RESOLUTION NO. 2554 ADOPTING SDEBIFICATIGES FOR FURNIEEING ONE (I) COMBINATION PUMPING ENGINE, EBSE CARRIER, SALVAGE uNrT AND BOOSTET. :0 0>4 WATER TANK ASSELETY TO THE CITY OF KLAYTTIAā€˛ CALLS:NG FCR BIDS AND DIRE(>4 TIDG TEE CITY OiEkk TO ADERRTINE TEE ShET. RESOLVED 0 TER CONNOTE OF THE CITY OE ALAMEDA.. that the Spendifications and T'3>4 >410>40 for furnishing one (1) Combination Pumping Engine, Hose Carrier., Salvage Urrit and. Booster Pumn Water T*1171k Assembly to the City of Alameda, EbR MS 12-018, filed in the office of the City Clerk on December 17, 1040, be, and the same are hereby, approved and. adopted, =EVER, EL=DR, that the Counnid of the City- of Alameda y.afl. re- ceive sealed bins up to the hour of 8:05 o'clock FA M. on Tuesday, Sandary 7, 1941, for the furnishing to the Dity of one (1) Combination Pumping Engine, Hose Carrier, Salvagr Unit anR. Booster Bump Water Tank Assembly' in accordance with said Specifinations and. Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, California, under sealed. cover and plainly magkmd on the outside, "Proposal for Combination Pmnodng Eng1ne, hese Carrier, Salvage Unit and Booster Pump Water r Assembly." Contract, if awarded, will be. awarded, subject to the provisions of the charier af said City, to the responsible bdider whe submits the lowest and beht bid, The right ih reserved. to reject any or all bids. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alameda. 1'' r, a. notice calling for sealed bids in accordance ynkth the provds1 on2 of this resolution and of gain Spocificmtinns and Provisions. I, the undersigned, hereby uertify thad the foregoing Resolution wai4 . 11>4 and regularly' introduced and adopted by thn Council of the City' of Alameda in regular mneting assamhied on the 17tn day of December, 1940, by o following vote, to wit: AYES: 'C' 0" Carrington Morris and President Weichhart, (3). ODE one. ABSIINIE Counrilmen Godfrey and Maurer, (2). IN 1 ITRF1 3 WHEREDYR I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of said City this 18th day of December, 1,940. LORENE R BEAT= (8EAL) City Clerk of tbe City ol Alameda. '>4>4 >4 certify that the foregping is a full, trae and correct copy of "Reoolution No. 2554, ADOFIEIG SIECIFICATIONS FOR. DUET:ISE:ENG ODE (I) >0 '11 PDEPIEG DECIFIK HOSE CARREFR, SALVAGE UNTT SUED BOOSTER TETT WATTE TANN ASSEMBLY TT* THE. cIT7 aF ADAIEEMd CAI:ITER EER BIDS AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE TEE >.>,,, :0 (41' >4,4,0100 and adopted by the Council on the 17th day of Dhcember, 'RIO. A t ksty JD/ >1,4>4 441:4 city Clerb of the C1 ty- of Alameda,