Resolution 02555RESOLUTION ro. 2555 CANCELLING CITY TAXES ON REAL PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE VETERANS' WELFARE BOARD OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. SELLEXLS, the City of Alameda heretofore assessed and levied taxes for gemeral municipal purposes against a certain. parcel. of Teal property situated in the City of Alamoda, County of Alameda, State of California, which real property was assessed to Clarence S. Traver for 1313. fiscal year 1928-29, and which taxes werm levied thereon for the second installment for such fiscal year in the sum of '4;24;23, the parcel of land herelubefore referred to being more particularly described as follows: Imt NM. 24, in Block Lettered 1'" as said. lot atd. blok are delinemted. upon that certaln. Map entitled, "Amended. Map of the hesubdivisiem. of the Haight Tract, etc.," filed February 16, 1871, in Tiler 8 of Maps, nmgm 66, in thm office of the County' Re- corder of limfmnIa County; and WHEREAS, it satimfoctorily appearimg to this Ceunmil from the verified petition. of the Veterans' '0 '13 Board of the State of halifornia bearing the tato of De'e"m" 9, IOXO and on. file with the Council of the City of Alameda, and this Council upon satiaractory proof thereof so finds, that after thm time that said assessments camd taxes bemame a lion. on. the said parcel of real property said parcel of real property was acqtdred and owned, and ever since has Seen and now is owned, by the Veterans' Welfare Board. of the State of Califorhda, a public corporation, and because of snob. public tanership is not subject to sale for dm- linhaent taxes; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid taxes and assessments leffed on said parcel of lend, in the amount Immeinbefore set forth, are 1311 .313 uncollected; NMI, THEREFOR-BIM SE IT RESOLVED Bel THE COG= OF THE CITY' CF ALAMEDA, the written consent of the City Attorney of thm City of Alameda haying been given heretofore as required by law, that thm aforesaid untellected taxes and assessmento charged or levied by the City of Alameda for city purbeses upon. the aforesaid parcel of real gropmrty, together with all pmnaltles and costs thmreon be, and the same. are hereby, cancelled, and the Amditor and Tax Collector or other officer of the City of Alameda having the custody of the record thereof, are heme- by authorized anh directed to cancel such taxes ant o,, 113 so levied or charged, together with all penalties and costs thereon, and to make appropriate entires anh record of such cancellation on their respective books; and El IT BUBBLIER RESOLVED AND CRDEXED that if the aforesehd (1 0' real property. has Moen sold to the City for non-payment of any of the aforesaid Un- collected taxms, assessments and pehaltims or costs thereon heTeinalove ordere0 . to he cancelled, and a certificate of sale or deed therefor has been issued. to the City, and. the City has not disposed of said '1" 13 cc sole, the officer having cuotody of the record theremf be, and hm is htereby, directed to oanmel the certificate of sale or domed so issued, BE IT FURTHER BLEOLVED, anything ir this resolution to thm contrary notwitbstanting, that this resolmtion and. order shall not be cormtrued as cancel- ling or authorizing the canmellation of any taxes or assessments levied or tharged. against any possessory interest in saib parcel of real property or of any special assessment taxes levied ageinst said. parcel. of real probmrty by tho City of Alameda pursuant to the provisions of the "Accoisition and imelmvement Act of 1.929." • I, the undersigned, hereby. certify. that thm foregoing Resolution was duly ant regulmrly introduced and adopted by the Coumcil. of the. City of Alameda in regular mbetheig assembled on the 17th day of December, 19A0, by thm follow- ing vote, to wit: AYES: Cpunmilmen Carrington, Morris and. Pmesident Weichhart, 1E). NOES: None. BSINTH; Councilmen Goafrey and Maurem, (2). IN WIEUESS WHERElF, ravo hereunto set my hand .1, ,,,,,13 the offi- cial. seal of said Chty this 18th day of December, 1940. L GREBE R.„._ :EATER (SEAL) 11 Clerk of the 131 y 013 13 1,