Resolution 02558REBOEUTION 1,10t 2558 CALLING GhlaETAI PA 221Tald TO EE CITA" IN THE CIL OF atIALTSDA (DIT ITARGH Al, 1921; ESTABIESIM1118 EIEC50.0 FREOINZUTM, FIXIEE, NUMBER. Of' ELETiaTOF OFFIEFFS OF THE BOARD Alf HIEETE.N 7on PNEGINlifIE rIEU OD' FrialTION GbairEERB, WHEREAS, Article =At of thr °tarter cf the City of Alameda. arc:vicars that a Ganerdl. "'Municipal 'Election shall be held in said. City on Tuesday, March. 11, 192E; and 12H1CLAH, at said General Gurtmical Electicla and parchant to tho pfclvi- eiCada of the Charter of said aity offieess are to he cidclea no fill the office of OcAccilmah, Auditor, and ffhoshoer, for fraj tabdo hohdenathg at , o'clock F. M. en the third indsbAy lr hionria 1251; LaW, TnEHeldbabiradE REGCNVIcla at hca Cbadenn, Oh' AAA Oiall OF AAAADA that a General litunicipal Liectich be, ;bpi lo hereby, denial ond ordrred to bc held in saia City of Alameda, State of CalUforrda, or Tuesday, March 11, a9n1, in accordance with the previsions of sena Chnfter of the taitn ol' Alameda, fog the curpcsn of clinching an Aba"Tor, a Breashror, sae tiLree Gouncrimrn to the City ',Council of said City bid for foil terms, one for the purpose of voting: oh any question or proposition which may lawfully Cc submitted at said election. Ec obi:dB:dB nA5OEVEJ that tbg 92 clown/mar precincts watbjh 70003 City of Alameda, designated ard tonapo:ed densecutively' from 1 to 92, both inclusive, as tho sabo were last hebetcfore defined, desidnated, fixed nha actahljtshocl by the board cf Supervisora of tbe Chanty gf Alameda, State of California, by road - int'ons of aajd Hoard No. Gl,c250, adopted Gecember Ct 1957 and :do. 7)4.937, adoptad C'ebruary 2dt 1940, and atmenchdrAbs tnersto, us the election pocciecta for bandine General Stnth and Gcarty Basch:torn, be, dna the same arc hareby, fixed, acsjdnatcicl ani nstabileash 0,3 tho oleo-lien precincts fog holding the aforesaid General irsai - ciao' Fleshier. 5k] 71] FOFfulta ACSOLHO that. the Board of Eflactica for each.. election]. pre - cidat at said. denbral atanIcipsO Election shall consist of one 1,capector, one Judge and. two Clerks. ..oun.,H7zR Abet the con:caseation to be paid to cash of tne elec- tion officood fob ecramdtir8 said General Dinicipal Electleu be, and tha came is hereby, fidaid at the sum, En ..j)-5.00, brovidea tnot rid addintEhal shim of 81.00 snail be paid to tar elactian officer who delivers the ratarns to the dit8 diern. NEGOLGEE Hi:BTU:id: that the City' Clerk tos coca sno is hereby, directed Icl mail aoSicrs of aprointini to each inspector one member of 544iO4, elect:ion Apondb, and to do ora berfclrm any and all nets banfiroa of her under the Charter of the 'Oily of Elaaeda and the laws of tic Ctato uf Califclrnaa in reareci to d5jd Ganaral ciannicipal Election. IT lattletantat alt,SOL1EB that sofa General l'wni ciral 'tido tf Called] eon onateren to] Le held, 55.3 wfuresdia, whall bu Lela and csechictuati, alai Mee metes canal thereat received era cunvissen, and tne bonhrhs thereof mains:, end tide result tnereof aaneftclised, determined and. haciabcd, as neacin arc:fined, anc En ull par - aj,duders not racitea norend jon eccordance with the Cdartor of said City of Alameda and tha laws of the Staid of California dovernin8 sold Gandral Ihnicical Alection. j, hue hnsersicfned. hereby- hortify that the foregoing Pasolatirn. woo duly and. re2clarly iatroduccld. and. abEptes cy the we:Ira:LA ci sue city ci. Alameda 15 regd.- iar mecia)ng assembled on the 4th 040.4y of jsedruary, id5A, ty the fondowin8 vote, to Aledatn Cosacilmen Carrington, arrris are EEcemPrealArnt Cloaffy, 0). NOILF. Brae. Ant.01.1B Councilman 'Maurer 84:10, Loeb:mart aeichhart, (2). IE WITNESS tfEbn",]F, I hve hereunto set my band and affixed the official. seal of said City this 5th. day of ta,:enctiory, 192.1. (CalitiLL) I. hereby schtify that; the foregoing is a fun, ince and. correct oopy of "ResoltgAgni Eo, GSCS, TABLIHG GEFERAB AndfahLPEL hiGiAnDag TO BE; BEEF TN TEE CITY OF ELAMEDA. au MARCH 112 1E9E1; ESTABLISHING -Ed.,ETrIor TRESINOTB; FBEFIRG WSEDST OF El:BBB:IBC OTESOCERS ON THE BOARS Of KtSGSFISM ETS ESSER PlabbieCeL Aa3 ELESLNG CehTET- aATIor OF SBSEREFFN OFFICERS," introdacel. and adopted. by the asanoil or the 4tF. day of February,. 1SAA. ", LE - . CiA t" e, aibrk o ghe City; of Alaseda.