Resolution 02572RESOLUTION NO. 7572 DECLARING. REDUI OF GENERAL WHNICITAL ELECTION HELD IN THE 'TEMPER: 84210E,211, WHEREAS, a geneTal muninipal clecticmdwas held in the City of Aidnmada on Iniesday, Mardh 1921, under end pursuant to the groats:tend of Artiole XIX of the Charter of said City, for the purpose of electing officers to fill the offices of Councilman, Auditor and freesurem for terms as followd. FOE. THE OFFICE GE OCEJECILMEN Three (3) Ccnrcilmon on the Conned? of sada City, for thmee (3) full terms, each. term commencing at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on tbe third. Tuenday in April, 1971, and. continuing for four (4j yearn thameafter and until auccessor iS elented and qualifier; FOR THE OFFICE OF AUDITOR One (1) amditor for a full term. comet:ming at. 8:00 o'clock P. La on. the third Tuesday in April, 1941. and continuing for fouT (4) years thereafter and until a successdr is elddted end. qualified; FOS SEE =MEE CI' 821STEER Onp (1) Treasurer for a full term commencing at 8:00 o'clock P. ME on the third Tuesday in April, 1941, and continufmg for four (4.) years thirreaf7Rms and until a. snecedsor is elected and unalified; and WHEREAS, nominating pntons were duly and. regularly prededted to, and filen in the 1- 11 thw City. Clerk of the City of Alameda in thra time, fonm and manner prescribed. by the Charter of said City, nominating for said offices the followaug persons, to-wit: FoR TITE oFF-Ja.nE 072 ca0U14.3 Milton. C. Godfrey Chnnlea Curtis Anderson John. Anthpny Bernardi Nt I. Smandonpid. Marcos d'Eonsece Stuart T. Pmitchatt Dale Rarick GyT52. Weod FOR IRE CIUSIIT OP AfGrEOH Fred Ornli POH THE OFFICE OF FREAPLEER HOMer :.!T,LLaS WHEREEEM oair. nominationn were entered. in a. list, with the offices to he filled, which. lint waa nertified. to in the time, form and. manner required. by• said. Charter, whereupon ar. election proclamation signed. by the tinynr of the City of Alameda ohd attested by the Clay Clerk and containing a. statement of the time of thn electinn, the offices to be fille4 . and the names of thn candAnatem was duly and reediarly issued. more than. 10 days before said elamtion. anr.. was pub- lished twice in the official newspaper of said Citym the last publication Y11 (1 being more than. 5 days before the date of said election; and WRESCSAFE, ahere were 97 election. prenincts within the City of Alameda fixed and established by resolution of thn Coebbil of said City and designated and numbered consecutively from 1 to 92 inclusive, as the electinn arecirnts for holding the aforesaid general municipal einctdon, sald prepincts (13 the eame as were last designaten, Idvdr anr estahldshed by the 'Scapa of Supervinors of thp County of Alameda, State of California, as thP election precinctn for holding general. stebe end coanty elections; WEERESE, all of the balintn used for saiP. elebtion were prepared., as to form end contents, as prencribpd by law, and. a sumnip ballot wns mailed to each. registered elector of the. City of klarnda more than 10 whole days preneding tine date of said election; and WHERFES, the officers of alection for said election were duly appointed and. qualified, and all elpetion sueblips funrishad. and election beetha provided for 1 ach nrpcinet as provddod. b-- lawm and WHEREAS, the Scandal of the City of Alameda at thia, its next regular meeting following said. election, has met and fully canvassed the returns of the votes cast at said general. HEicipal elet3tion. as required by law, and being fully advised. in the premises, and having the returns of said canvass before. lt NEW, THEREFOREw IT is HEREBY EOVED DET3TVDDEL ALT BECTAPRO BY TEE CHUNCTL OF TEE CITY OF ALAHETA and said Council firids, as fellows: ()I) That said. general municipal election was helil and conducted, and the votes cast thereat received and ''(0, <i and the returna thereof asceT- tained, 12terreined and dmolared, in all respects and. particulars in. the time, form and manner provided. by law. (2) That thm number of votes gilTen at each. precimci. to each of the aforesaid cand2da14es was raS 4.' 11 Ogan 04114) WATE C.ANDIDATE FOR THE FOR THE 072822'8 02 11299708 OF tHil31:7711,1321 POI?. OFFICE OF COLTS)=01444 s AUDITOR TR:EAST:TER 6, 71 C R N E 8 IT IT A 0 R. 0, 2 ii N ST N I) ii D L C L T A . .. 13 24 2 57 57 10 5o 3 5 49 9 5o 5 72 4' 4) 6 88 88 10 78 8 8 69 67 7 61 1 3 8 102 10/0 01 101 1 9 95 100 10 91 -- 1 11 7 77 2 7o 2 5 1E 12 83 86 6 74 3 4 13 7 81 5 .,-,,, 2 2 -:, 4„ 67 66 8 ., 14 23 15 48 '..-.;7 5 49 - 7 22 i6 71 72 8 1,7 4. 73 17 59 lo -11 2 1(2 7 3 69 2 5 8 19 6715 622 :3 58 -I 5 1.2 2a 59 60 8 58 5 7 1.7 21 68 63 1 ,. 56 2 li,) 26 22 8 pi( 52 52 2 0 ,i„.9 5 r„. 1 25 5 54 9 40 6 26 63 63 - 67) 1. 7 12 2i/ 49 49 9 38 _ 5 13 23 ue 83 4. 77 2 55 14, . 213, 67 75. lo 50 8 ib 27 30 76 70 11 (12 /0 t 13 23 78 7 , • 12 23 32 29 28 40 33 -, 7 T9 21,, 33 5 i 4,3 2 8 22, 35 65 62 •5 61 5 • 4 1.3 7 37 70 i 3 1.1. 7(-) i 10 20 9 38. n 89 8 79 7 39 73 72 3.„0 71 3 ,..,g, , - 14' 9 44. 59 5 51 7 7 9 9 41 77 74, 7 60 7 1 8 .6,6 4.2 47 48 5 42 1 7 11 a 3 43 67 78 2.1 66 8 7) 0-3 4i 11.0 42 840. 95 8 80 2 2 10 45 1,2 2.)...5 2 46 e.So L)3. 11 _....,„ 2 13 26 7 50 45 13 30 , 7 77 8 4 74 4,3 1.4 3 dd 8 2 2, ) 5o t,2 48 7 I.,.. 33 3 11 11 51 35 41 16 24 15 13 16 5,2 61. 62 3.3 53,„ ..:, 15 9 16 53 45 47 io -„,,, 1 , 3 1/, 8 12 54 69 67 5 63 i c io 55 74- 7".14 6 4 28 di 2. 1C 56 67 69 2 65 1 3 6 5 7 8 29 17 6 32 6 15 4. 7' 11 2 6 12 5 7 13 7 5 7 21 42 80 67 1 77 44- 97 65 99 97 81 88 84 77 74 78 76 16'7 67 106 59 CO 0,4 89 80 Si 86 90 60 67 68 7c 87 87 85 62 77 50 87 92 65 37 53 41 73 53 82 67 79 68 76 cri 95 88 '73 dd 71„, '79 76 67 64. 107 56 55 83 89 49 60 6s 7c..) 75 31 83 61 77 50 92 00 58 4 01.2 72 7g 68 1, 0,8118LICATES FOR OFTSCE OF (2.127714.11.13.19 CANDIDATE FOR THE AUDITOR_ G A 2 V. li S fi C 0 2 2 F '11 1 3 2 F A , 2 , A 2 77, 2 2 R R A 6 S C C 17 v 0 D H C U . . . D k 57 56 56 8 1C S 58 86 65 26, 4 89 52 2 5 1 7 58 2 2 3 31 2 12 105 2 12 le 10 115 60 112 112 4 109 1, 3 7 8 105 61 94 4. 86 1 b 100 62 74 8 66 6 380 14 15 74 63 3,9 54 3 51 7 7 7) 1 56 04 45 49 7 46 7 1 5 13 58 65 '70 79 131 61 8 26 10 16 3? 66 62 62 15 56 '7 12 29 16 76 67 38 56 6 59 22 8 "11 37 12 49 6S 69 3.1' 56 13 8 24 5 78 69 ,f,63 4.0 39 9 2 6 8 43 70 42 134 6 36 6 8 17 11 4.8 71 104 106 4- 108 2 5 2 I e0s :t:L5 38 1 111., ..:AR:. ''' .; 3.00 .7-7 1; 1 97 73 55 63. 10 54 11 8 0 7 74 62 60 Q 53 2 10 5 5 65 75 r,f, 86 53 14 49 4 19 18 13 65 47 50 5 42 7 on -, 1 62 77 62 51 10 4-3 7 72 ad 10 72 78 63 60 19 46 1 7 19 8 79 34 63 8 30 6 9 6 39 80 42 33 9 8 66 2 11 53 3 29 5 16 7 7 6 , 11 7 35 82 26 22 18 t Z, 6 2 27 55 33 35 '7 25 1 11 6 2') 824 26 so 24 22 6 13 1.0 12 34 11 55 55 ( ,,,o 3 12 22 1 6 653 S6 55 2,5 10 42 1' 14 1.1,„ 9 59 S7 52 58 15 J3 14' 6 38 50 51 , ( 45 3 29 3 55 89 736 16 4, 9 33 6 17 36 87 63 90 60 56 14 49 „ o 11 39 91 3 8 39 9 0 7 2 70 13 56 92 76 , 871., cz A, 64 6 6u z 13 63137155 -9-7 T, 5733 5339 759 5145 331 305 1-346 3934 0 7° SCATTERENC ZOTTS Ter the Office af Coanciirat For the Office of Isdltor 11 For tne Office of Treasuner 7 ASSIEFFES IOTE CAETE2ATES T32 IdE OFFICE 07' 33E23 =EVE Milton C. Godfrey CParies Curtis An Berson. John Antht ny Bernardd 14. S. Oranscheid Marcos d6 Fonseca Stuart T. Pritchett Delsi Harick Cytil deed 13 CATEIDATE TOR TE.T OFFICE OF ANDIT4DE Fred JA Croll 13 , CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE:. OF ISEABURER Hono1 BE Dallas 13 C ID I D RPF EFT) C1 CT T22ISUNTB 64 80 115 05 99 6 7 57 56 e 75 43 76 27 65 65 53 62 71 73 40 32 29 33 6306 (3) That the whole number of' votes cast in thr City of Ifirmnatia at said election WaS _7,2oq, (4) That the total. number of votes cast fn. thr City of ThDnhada at said election.. for each of this aforesaid. candidates for ace office of Cory:oilman of' said City wet as frhilfthatu Milton C. Godfrey Charles Curtis Annarson Jahr Artbory Bernardi W. J. Dranscheid Marcos d'Forseca Stuart T. fritrhett Dale Ratick Cyril Wood. 784_ (8) That the total number of votes cast in the City of Alanhda at seid. election for the afotahafG candidate for thh office of Ahditor of said. City was as foltras: Fred J. Croll 0:45 (6) That the total nhnter of voter cart in thr City of Alamrha at said election. foy Mid uforesair candidDte for Mho office of frearurer of said City was as follows: Homer R Dellyas THERAIDIE, Ria IT RESOINTEg DINITIENED ATD DECLARED that the afore- said Milton C. Gmdtrey Cho:nig:8 Curtis Anderson gut' WA J. Brans:Meld, having re- ceived respectively the righhst flitter of votes cart for the office of CounefMw man, were, and.. are trreby declared tr be, duly atni regularly elected to thr office of Councilman and. as merters of' the Council of tht City of Alameda, each for a. term beginning at S o'clotk P. IL on the third Tuesday in April, 18AM, and con- tirqing for years thereafter and until has successor is elected and qualified. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVE:Jo WETERSUIRD AND DEDLARID that the aforesaid Fred J. Croll having recrivad. the highest ruffter or votes cast for the offihe of Auditrf, was, and is hereby declared to be, duly and regniarly adapted. to the office of Auditor of the City of Alameda( for a term beginning at 8 o'clock IL on the third Tuesdmy in April, 1941, and continuirag for 4.. years thereafter and until his. successor is elehted and qualified, SI IT FURTHER RESOLVED, DElliirMITM AND DECLARED titat the aforesaid Homer R. Dallas having received the hightst number of votes cast for the office of Treasurer, war, and is hareby declared to be, duly and. regularly elected to the offIce of Treasurer of the City of Airged. for a term beginning at 8 o"clock IN, M. on tha third Tuesday in April, 1941, and coutiruing for 4. yeaTs thereafter and until his successor is elected. mud qualifird. I, the unfirreigred, hereby certify that tht foregoing Derolutier war duly and regriarly introduced and. adopted. by the Council of the City of Alamrda in. regular rreting assertled or the 18th day of (),rch), 1941, by the following • vote, to witb ARES: Councilmen Carrington, Grafrey, Maurer, Yhrris and President Deicrbrt, (5). NOES: Done. ABSENT: roma. IN hqIIIBB WYERECT, Dade hereunto set my hand. and affired the offi- cial seal of said City this 9•4t 541 day of fiarch, 1941( HEE ETD= (=All • Clerk of the City of 27.Iameda I hereby certify. that the foregoing is a full, tsrue and correct copy of "Rhealution Ko. 2572, DECLARING RESULT OF GENERAL MUNICI2A51 ELECTION HELD INTEBE CITY aIP ALABIUDA ON TalIfill 11, 184.1," introdhced and adopted by the Council on. the 18th day of•March,-1911. • Br ()it- Clarip of t„ of Alaarda.