Resolution 02578HEROIN= NO. 2578 RESOLUTION OF INTamnoli T8 Cia08E ImaaolTs OF SECOND STREET., SPRUCE STREET (IND CYPRESS STREET TN TER CITY OF ALAMEDA. _in_ nis RESOLVED BY TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. that public interest and con:venience require, and said Council hereby declares its intention to order, the closing ub of those portiens of the followinz named streets in. the City of Alameda, County of Alenbas, State of Californta, described es follows: (a) Second Street, 110) the southerly line of Brush Street to a line drawn parallel to the northerly line of Pacific Avenue and distant northerly from said line of Pacific Averho 150 feet; (b) Spruce Street, frnm the eanterly lime of Main Stroet to tho westerly line of Third Street. (c) Cybmess Street, from tho easterly line of Main Street to the westerly lino of Third. Street. The portions of said streets to be closed. up and abandoned are mare particularly shown in red upon a plat annexed hereto and. made a part hereof. RESCIEI1 0 FURTHER, that ns land is deemed necessary to be taLsnm or will.. be taken, for the work and improvement of closihg said streets, and that the ex- terior boundaries of the district of lands to be affected or benefitted by said wark or Improvement, and to be obsessed te pay the. damages, costs and exbenses thereof, are the corporate boundaries of the City of Alameda, that 110 lands will be assessed to pay the damages, costs and expenses of said imprevbment. The Street Superintendont of Ehe City of Alaaeda shall cause notices of the passage of this resolution to be conspicuously posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improvement and in the time, form and. manner required. by law. He shall also cause a notice, similar in substance, to be published for a period of ten. (10) days and for a period mmbracing at least four (8) successive semi-weekly' insertions, in. the Alamsda Times-Star, 101 newsbaper of genoral circulation. published and circulated in said city, and hereby designated by the said City- Council as the newspaper in which said notice shall be 11 ,,,el, Any person Lhterested objecting to said work or improvement, or to tne extent of tho district of lands to be affected or benefitted by. saic . work or im- provement, and to be assessed to pay tho costs and expeboes thereof, may make written objections to the same within ten (10) days after the expiration. of tho time 01 01 publication of said. notice, and deliver said objeotichs to the 31erk of the City Council. as renhirad by leuu All the herein proposed work and improvement of closing said streets, or parts of streets aforementioned, shall be done under and in pursuance of an. eat of the Legislature entitlanb "An. act to provido for imaging out, anchinam extending, widening, straightening, or closing up in wholo or in part any street, sqhare, lane, alley, coubt, or place within municipalities, and to condemn and acquire any and all land. and property necessary or convenient for that purpose", approved March 6, 1889, (Stets. 1889, p. 70) and amendments thereto. 1, tha undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing. Reselstion was duly and reghlarly introduced. and edomted by. tho 011 1, the City of Alameda in regular meeting assebbied o' the 15th. day of April, 1921, by. thb following vote, L- wit: AYESu Councilmen Andorson, 0) 1, Godfrey., Maurer and President Weibhhart, (5) . N6NS) None, ABSENT: one, IN WITNESS WHERE8F, I have hereunto set my' hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of said City this 16th day of April, 1921. 18REMN Am BEATEN (SEAL) City Clerk of the City of Alameda. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of nesolution Nc. 2578, RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CLOSE PORTIONS OF SECOND STEERah SPRECE STREET ARE CYPRESS aTREET IN THE CITY OF ALA1MA," introduced and adopted by the Council on the 15th day of Acril, 1941.