Resolution 02584ThEINFTTSION NO. Mt. TE1 ENMET31 Ill2: TA789 RE THE DESPER1IIP: LEARE BOARS 2 dEd dVETI OF C WHEREAS, the City of Alameda heretofore assensed and levied. tuxes for gbneral mundnipal purposes against a cortaln parcel of real property situated in the City of clurieda, County of Alameda, State of Cdlifacitia, which real property was assessed to C. E. Walkup and Julia flarie 'dalkup for the fiscal year 1928-4929 and which taxes were levied. thereon for such fincal year in the (mom of 042.01, the parcel of land hareirbefore referred tb being more particularly dpscribed as follows: Beginning at a point or. the Northern. line of Bay. Island. Avenue, (ab said avenue is located by a deen. to the City. of Alameda, dated. September 30, 1.138/, abb. recorded. in Libar 342 of Deeds, page 7, Alameda County. Records), distant thereon Weatetly 40 feet frwm the intersection thereof with. the Wes- tern. line of Park Avasub:, running thenbe nertherly parallel.. wlth said line of Rauh Avenue:. 92 feet, more or luso, te the Forthbrn. line of Lot Tattered. A Subdivision. No. 29, herein- after referred. to; thence Easterly along said. hast mentioned lino 40 feet to the :tauter's. line of Park Avenue; thence SedthbTly along sada line of Park AVEDU.0 92 Meet, more or lass, to the Rerthern iinb of said Pay island A:vet:ad; and thenbe Webtorly along said last named. dAne, 40 feet to the point of bortnning. Being portiobu of Lots fbttered A- and. B ir. Subdivision 29, as said lots and. subdivision are delinaated end so denim-- naten. span that certain. map antitied, "Map of Alameda. Purls Hemeatead," filed. Fay 30, 187A, in Liber 12 of Maps, page 32, in. the office of the County. Recorder of Aiameaa Corbty; WHEREAS, it satisfactorily. and 1 to this Council. from the verified petition of. the Veterans: Welfare Bound of Lhu State of Califoddia. bearing the date of April 18, 1241. and 4- file with. the Council cif the City of Alamedm, and this Council upon eatinfactory proof therecf so finds, hbat after the time that said assessments nun. tames became a liep an. the staid parcel of real property said parcel of rhal. ars:Tarty was as:Id:Arse, owned, and ever since hap been and nbw is owned, by the Veterans' Welfare Board of the State of California,. a public corporation, and. because of s1 ch. public ownerhhip in nbt subjemt to sale far de - lingbant taxenb, and WHERES, the aforesaid taxes and. assessments levied on said parcel. of land, in the amount hareinnefore set forth, are unpaid. and thcollecteM ERNS', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE COUNCIL OF Tla, CITY OF AlAddIlidm the ritten. consent of Vile City Attorney of the City of Alameda haying been. gEven heretofore as required. by. law, that tba aforebadd uncollected taxes and. amsessments chbrged or levied. by the City of Alameda for city purposes upon. the: aferebald parcel of real property, togatear with. all penalties and costs thereon. be, and the sama are tbreby, cancelld, and tap Auditor and Tmx Collector or other officer of' tha Cdty of Alameda. having the chutway of tha, record. thareof, arb hereby artbbrized and directed to carbel nrch tamps and amsesaments so leviad or charged, togathen with all penalties abd costs thereon, and to make appropriate entries and rebord. of such cancellatimn. on thair respectirb books; add DE IT FURTHER REOGLVED AND ORDERED that if the aforeseld. parcel of real property' has been sold to the City for nanapaymart of any of the aforesaid uncol- lected. taxem, aesessments and penalties or costs thaTeen. hbreinabove ordered to be cancelled, and a certificate of sale Or deed taerefor ham been Ensued to the City, anb the City ham not dihposed. of said souhterty so sold, the effacer havIng custody of the record. therbof be, and. he in hereby, directed to cancel the cer- tificate of male or deed. so imsupd BE TT FUZ-THER anything in. this reseirtien to the contrary. natwithatandinA that this resolution. and order shall not be conatrued as can - cellAinm or aidirkasdan]fmg thc cancellation of any taxes or assessments leyied or charged. agnirmt any possessory interest in saiM parcel of rend property or of any special.. assessment taxes levied. agninmt said darsel of real propbrty by the City. of Alameda pursaand to the previsions of' the dAssaisition and. Tmerevbxcht hat of 1925". " desolation wa s th''c -'()51l:( TEO -r -teh by the o att.: ff tv vote, a -1-- :rthoducer. und d -tat y spi pa sae turf- . , dcd - ethic' -2 k , - due oth daY sir sir': drd AYES: Councilmen Snorkeckhid, Godfrey, l'i.)"Fe, Ehurer and, President Weickchart, (5). IPPE3: None. ABSENT: Nonh. IF WEITES13 NEERECF, I have hereunto sot my' hhad and affixed the official seal of said, City this 7th day of Eay, 1941. , LOREBB R. BERENEL (SEAL) City. Clerk: of the City , Alaaeday I hereby' certify thRt the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of 'Resolution No. 2584, 01,15(CELLING CITY TA7Bil ON REAL FRO1115277 RETIRED BY TEE EETERALEB (IELGRGR BLARE, OF TEE BTATE ap CALEYGEFIA," intfnducen. aEd atiopted by the Copnbil on the (5th. day of Tidy, 1942 -