Resolution 02586RESOLUTION NO. 2586 ADOPTING SFEefFICARuCEU MOR Farm:STING 0)8F. (1) sTATaar WAGON TO TEE CITY Ou AtAMEDA, CALI:PDC FOR. BIDS ADD DIRECTING EIS 01TY GLET6K TO ADVERTISE Tiff NEI:8)129TC BY TRD OR'ITFOIL OF THE: CITE OF ALE:SF:DA that the Stecificatioms and. Ibuvvisisma for furnishing onb (I) Statism. DEgbu to the City of lawnoeda, Nb. ME 5-4114, flied in.. the office of the City Clark on. kag 6, 1941, bay and the same are hbreby, abbrotil and adopted. REEDIVED, FURTHER, that the Council of the City of Alameda: will. re- ceive sealed Isle:m.11p to the hbur of 8:05 o'clock, p. m., on. Tubsday, May. 20, 1941, for thb furnishing to the City of iima fI) Station Wagon in accordance with said. Specifications and. PrOali2i011:3„. Nibs mmst be presented to the City Cibrh, in 'Shim City Hall, Alameda, Californla, under sealed cover and riainlg arkbd on the outside, "broposal for Station Wagoa." Contract, if awardeb, Edli he awarded, subject to trb brormhsions of the charter of said City, to the robbbnbible bidber shismits thb lowest end best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all. nide. The City Clerk is hbfeby directed to advartise, in the Alameda Times - Star, a notice calling for sealed bids in accordance with the provisions of tilis resolmtion and. of said. Specifications and. Provimiscs. 1, thb undbraignad, hereby certify. that the foregoing Fecolatlon was duly and regularly introdumea and. adopted. by the Comhbil of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assemtced. on. the btn. day of ilag 1921, thb failliagging vote, to wht: AliSam Cc:ambits:mil aranscneac, Godfrey, home, hammer and aressaent Weichnort, (5). NOPIS: Norie iii:SESTD: 'Ebbe. In gRENFFIC WionsinfE, I nave hbremhto set my habil ana. affixes.. the offi- cial seal of said. City this 7th day of May, 19E1. i BEATITS (SEAT) City Clerk cf the City of Alamb I hereby certify. that thb foregoing is a fall, true and. correct copy of. "Resolutimn Nc. 2586, ADOPTING SPIDOITICATCDPS FUR au (1) STATION allifiCE TO THE CITY OF AIATEDA, OALEENE: FCR NIPS AND DIRECTING IRE CITY CIFIlif TO ADVERTECE TEN SAMEh" frotroduced and ababtail thb Coubmil on the 6t5)) day df May, 1941. Citai Clerk of the-Teti( of. Alambaa.