Resolution 02603RESOLUTION 6O. 2603 )("66,ICAS, sonneoGian. wird the ()reposed project of raising and re-pa-g- ing Weboter Ctreet from. the Segregation line to the sootttrr. sertal of' the Posey Tuta It is tegoassary that the City obtain from. The Regents of the Utiversity of Califorrta the right to use Tor highway pftpebos during sabh construet)Itt 3. strip of land. adjoiniut 'Webster Street. on the west thereof, rtre particularly edesated in t _L emu_ aftt efe6rst„ to; ara.. WHEI(EAS, The 'Regents of the UT-dveratty of Cadefornio eTe •wdlaing to grant to tne City a aids:Ilse to ase sold strlg of ltrea. for sait buraosst and. far tht Darin°. of ort year; ant 'sa be st ipu lttea nna agreed spor ard between tht Clay of ,liaads). trd said The Ileouts Of fC:r suet ,1 c..> hne been arena:red art Egunitted to tags Op-a:aid at las adjoarrad rogu:ar goshdgu); da))))0 fay 27, 1).)).1,,i atd oraogdd tto(f).. tas City Cibssu of said CISy tha taffse, ("tlea ta),) 23, ))92]; as follows, (a) stst. tna farm. or agreement rettrred to it the preamble hereof and the tends, ocychatts, agree:setts ana pfavislehs tnegesf ' a the samre are btrouy, approves- (2) The flayar of sage City of" Alaseat is hereby antragrlsed and directed to estdosts, and ttt City Clerk to attect ame). deliver, on behnif of the City of Aadmeda, an ahebeemeRt se..100hunhially) hhe )27,0R (tad tontainirg tne agreements and. provisirs sot ftrth fr. the aferess ia. fort. of agreement, I, the andeusignad, hereby certify- that the foasystrt aesolottor W`?„.9 duly rand. regatarly intrcdtaed trA. adopted. by nre Connell of ths aity of Alameda it. adjourned ragetaa meabing asseauted or. she 2f(th dny- of cayt, 19za, by the foliswang vote, tag 0tt: OstredEmen. h6sunsencita Gad-loamy, Thoeva untaer ord. Esesidett WestMgthnmt, gf). : here hereuuts Pot my hand sad afflred (()(e gffi cies est]) of said. City this 28tb.. dtv of Eav, 104.1- ((:))),as) City- Clark. the City- cfr Alsesed,e. I rersay sertify that ste de a fatls, trua end. strreat copy of 'R.e0:1.11tiOP TTO. 2603, (fUTTICEIZISOG Itaff2SPIDU CR A)),), 22SRE)022„2,2 ERSE hER THE U)111706.(e)eff) OF CEIS0a0Oeff) FOR THE USE Cl' CER.T27)20 LANDS AMEIOENT TO TRE 711,22)TFL7. LJE....E OF WE:DETER STREET,' letebbc.lece0 and. ad.0hteb, by the 00',..1110i1. 'dee 27th. day of Tebk 02 the Sity sf Alalseda(