Resolution 026062 -11 a7, filed in 71,2. ofbios of the Caty Clidicds on Jando a, 191,1, be, arid. trb ,undo bib rersby obbTorad odotted. RESGINED, balaTHE72, thot the 0 DUfl.:111 of tho City of 123100310. 30111 reitaisrd sealed. bids up to Ole 711)1730 05 o'siscaa p. 'a-, or Tuesday, duno ty, 494t, for the fororieqi)oz to trie City of two b2) Vbw a TCT. Pink -lip Trucks i31 tosordubbe vath said Fardblincationh and. ldnoadsists, bibs tust, be bredenteb no the City Canna, in. the City Hall Alb:Abdo Californa, ander sonled. dover opd poIr7 rieThoei on. tho Contraot, df awbbded, will be aworded, subject to thb basvadirra of the. othhiter ob said Cita, to thb respordbble biddbr who odiumits thb lowest and best The Olty Clardolla bdibby direbted to sAvertise, in the Jiaomedsi Tbdado- 3thiu a 00.17i0 4 dallibia for bealed bids in accordance with. tiae droadsibans did this reoolutioh. bald of said. SdasiCicatichs ord. Provisiorb. 4, tob undisrsitbh beroby certdby that the forepoLia 2h:solution ass duay and regularly introduced.. ohi. adopted by is Council. thb City of jAaari',E,da in recloa abesiaz bosebbsbd. or. Sus, :3rd. ddy e 1,"44., by fie fod.i.chtbds, vbte, to wit: bb) 0110 2 eb sold Obty Mdo 1'.): t. of addib, if)41. Cord. ord hfCidsdr tho ebhits ,hd