Resolution 02608-07.000L-71:: , 2a712C2I'nfis 7 tP...e City- of Aland.. .ThlAtibant t-,5 the ononio,7ocs of theJ Streets satnd t -under for adttin.steTint,,, the ,incnAsions thereof, 50-Ocittod. to tao - tOl." . ',402h.3 of ',Ca° State, of Calffohnio) its fdrojobt 1-02 )(Coe 000..T.tnuctior, widch.lng thh strden aix (3) feAL 00. bacA 616., t7:21..1. ),:och fill, cohbroto cqfhc, sit1swalth.s, cnitcb5abit)s, preoert nonntoles, construotihg 71Crificedi olay :5.'50201 sewer, woed0a 5,000), ddd bj5lidni.h.00s snottn. on. tde 51.51h5s, 8..0a. a five (1..))). oehonet s°-rfaoe or. a (6) ihoh 5rushen Ad5.. bade; also, raisin,: the ,:)lonters on 5)-e70.10..n 65r301 bet0Aan. 0aAta Cl_dra 1,,c0T,Jille af.d. Aeende 20.011.itdt dty-)..)ni,7,.0 by '5001,151n.. tiTter° ar -51ith aoT.11.1alti° do3)..chbf0, &ITU 21a onrk vertaltChh.,° to tf.c), anel )0EE)21:01)1, pnojc°t constndetion conteALAAted. have ueea appocvea. by odic). Direbten of Tin-51j.° Works, aho tne c.onnys redadred to °()Ar tho coot df coA5,1 1).),roj5ct C alloodte°!, and. '5)5e. 5Tinhhialtufs thereof otitiAtr- ized a:pp:coved; alt.d Alsaa:Sa ,1e550efent of 71°i to 5:ond° ot- ftcto 5f 0clift-,enTs, 2122 tne ff thd 1/1 c0dj -2)An dll all°- thc C:ty GA 7, :1 741 An°, noydficilL df f :C-jfe 'AhA'os on Aa,). 1)), 1,j51a; )1101.1nO1,1). Ihnuts )51fAhahlonA 3Dd. proy..2ic.n.s. for al' the 10 y o f sad approved. y soi.1 Di:nectar of Pdblie Wor1n, enn filed thh offiA° of the City Clchk of snj.. City. or tin° yrd. day of Juh, or.O. rhe..1- bered. 6 - 44141. EFO1114, IT ffTiC)L,V017, -CY THE C21711CIL thph tne 5I1e0satA ylo:ns ar.c. s5e5ifjoation° seecial are 5Trovo7t oh.°. at105t06- 0,AdAanAo 5TIC. coh).1.0.1)1,00 of the work specified in. oatd casect and olebs and syeelficahiors be, and -5)de ome PZSOLVED, tnnt tne zen5n5A pnJiyil-lbg rata ner 7eTfes ITJ.5,01 h5lidAy and 05/iTticie wcnIT in the locAdity in .Mfich said wor,), i▪ s to Ac 2erfonfle, for r:en. °raft or tyne of ef)-0Ace.f ot, Nechoic rieeded tc, e chte tne 55ntnc,..ott for occi °55)°,5), is AAreby nsder551ned de,tehmlided to be as followL : c2{-222=:CL.L•'-.L. 0ric.Rde,yer°, hodeanniere Cennadt fii515!eers (F) hrs,) - - - OnnoL5t) "21-d)A,thers - Fox t177.0 c -051Adodind; Operators E lectrical Wc-Hiers hnr.) - - a , 25 ei..copt .p.d.v)1..r,s, type OS — — .5 0 17 ? 5 7.4c74-‘01 .7171e isrs aver rd. ossratcsrs to ssal 'sc.:0.121110a one :„..25.1...(1 „ 7 5. 71..2741 2/1? 7.04 v :714771,7 s (71 1.727 - - - 1 3:3 10 1 0 I_ 6 1°. 1.10 Aral:Jolt hot-tatalif dIstvOlerd: jiatedarasin tads.) - _ _ _ Tiirifdtlitd arr. doll:irate isdaind latdrs= CS _ batsIdarato Tat....astalto Slicots-r hits - - - - ,3-staditatal tird-rdtd.r.J10. Cord'oi......d.turiitid...,10.-iiiddrd (.3 rid aaal;:aleE 3 ttbar t trvid tittri irdatidi - lads at.atb - t.t..0-1 a .,:vds. basJJ - - - - day cue -contraafor baded tdr.r., to aby sot Ladd dots. toe salt. s.,t.estfiao 2stes :J. 1 t; i _1 V (a at s'olook, p. n., Of saAa day. Aia. DiUt3 De ia. waitinst,„ One OcamciL -:-edarires tirt tit reject dray :arid Ittiod. Firtudiddi :triad; it.e City Otitrdt tr, :tit! td: tdijdoctrid rot. siudlidi tr.iillad for of lator crid rbou.l.Tod acb,s tab, eo.dpiettob of Saitt project snal attbadovasytert, scoordbade with. , ' C :*at. f iduJob., " v. eurt it trjurd. tit:: tridida, rid it'd::: iddi dir dr:6 r'dtt tdd dirtdirdri, rittiatr. xrdotrirrritiudd .! .2. t cr di, cri didi. trd dit Alridtrild ididl ird ' ttri rdicIt said. ,dri ,dui.... drturrta6 dr. rddui C0,17..1.t:I.tt. 7,0 rdrAt. 'Jr..... rut:di:id-H. ttra riuditt ...titraifirrtirtur: or rrit tirtittrad :J... .:drirditrra, tdril Ftddll tri rad-toasts_ bd dab C-It.d sat,a. dad...a:dot -.too dat rdr. that. the foret:, auly and regukarly iatdoorabed ea.f.t..t,..0.1. by tae cdosbadi t,".e City of Aie...bedo VOte, W.f. Itirediclatit