Resolution 02635RESOLDTIDN RD. 2035 ORANT1UG PElbEir TO ALANEDA NIDE TO ChiG)TfaiDT, MATETIN AND ;1..E-R.A717 A RAILROAD SPUR TRACK ACROSS OIEMEDI 1.-1AwNJE TUE 'ITT OF ADAMFRAT___ _ BE IT RESOLVED 3Y THE COUNCIL, OE THE CITE CA' AntahiRDA that a permit be, and is terPby, granted to Alameda Belt Line; a. corporation, its successors and assigns, to constrhot, reconstruct and maintain a single railroad spur track, and to operate locomotives, trains or cars thereon, with steam motive power, on and across Clemant Avarua in the City' of Alamada, the center lina of which. spur track is described ap ollows: BEGINNING at a point on. the center line of an existing track in. Clement Avenue, said point lying 30.71 feet. easterly from. the easterly line of Etanford Street and 30.0 feet northerly from the southerly lane of Clement Avenue, thence northeobtenlr on. a curve to the left having a radius of 235.65 feet, a dastance of 46.09 feet; thence bonthnuXng along a. curve to tha left havEng a radius of 1E3.19 feet, .a dastamce of 5.22 feet to a point in the northerly line of Clement Avenue lying 128.66 feet easterly from the east line of Stanford. Street. This permit la granted OTT and. subject to the following terms and condhtiona: I- That said. spur trac_ . shall be used for the tranasortation of freight only. 2. That said spur track shall be construbted ann. maintaimad level. with the ground, dna. that all construction, operation. and maintenance work shall be performad without cost or es-Tense to thp City of Alameda. 3. Tnat all switch movemants over such spur thank shall be so cora Glinted as net to block longar than is rebssadry for ordinary switching operations the straats whirr are arcarad by suph spur trackp 4- That the permit hereby granted shall. be revocabla at the pleasure of the Counahl of thp City of Alakada. 5. Tnat on revocation of thia permit the Perhittee shrill, at its usn cost and expense, forthwith remove said spur track anb. repave, macadamize or othorwise restorp thp sorthican of the street damaged or distunlied. by such. removal, using tha sane kind of 1 - 1 re said street as fereinhsfore provided, the City of Alameda may cause such ppur track to be remeted ard the work of repairing and restoring said street to be (N)Au and. Fermhttaa stall tharensos. be. obligated. to pay to the City the cost of such remotal ana. of such. repair and restoration- I, Die UTOSOSSiaSTIT hereby certify that. the foregoing Resolutier wa3 duly. end. reguldaly introduced dna. adopted by the Coupnii of' the City. of Alameda. in regular maeting assehhbpd on. tine ist day' of July, 192,2„ by the follbwhng vote, to unit: AYES: Councilman Dropticheid, Godfrey, Dowe, Dasrer and President Waiunaart, (5). NOESt .None. ABEENT: 1).)o.ne. IN Will.)'FiCS ZIZIANDF, I have hereunto set ray. hand. end an:Ili:kb. the offi- cial seal of said City this End day of Tuly, 1961. Clerk of the City 7J7 Alameda. I hereby. certify' that the foregoimm is a full, true and. correct cosy of 'Resolution .No. 235, aP.AETITG PhaMIT TO AI2B)3A. DEPT LTrE TO GONSTRUCTU MALDTAIN AND ODKESTh A RAILROAD SPUR TRACE ACROSC AVENUE IN TNE °Tay ALMTE3DA,' introduced. and adopted by the Council on the Tat af Tilly, 1941, ga,claa, Ci aierk of The ca3Ty Alanada.