Resolution 02657RESOLUTION NE, 2.657 IDE RATE AND LEVYTD2 A TAX ON ALL BEAL AXD PERSONAL PROPERTY IN limb CITY OF AtafFEDA FOR TIE FISCAL YEAR 19AI- 1942 AND APPORTIONING TEE SA;dE AMDEG THE SEVERAL ?GNPS 34 THE CITY. RESOLVED that. the rate of city taxhs to he levied for the fiscal year begdnning ably 1, 1941 and endAng June 30, 1942 upon all. property. assessed for taxIL, on within the corporate limits of tab City of Aldmeda on the basis of the valuation thereof as shush by the assessment roll in the office of tab City Assessor of said City be, and tad same is hereby, fixed at one handred and. flfty- e ight cents (198eM on each one Isindred dollart B8100) of assessed valuatios of said. property; and DR. IT FURTHER RENT= that a tax in the total. amount of One and 984100 D ollars 41.98) be, and the samb is hereby, fixed and levied on each and every One Handrod Dollaxs ;8180) of assessed 'J 11 of all. taxable prigehrt., real and. 1'4:,_ 1, withih. the corporate deraits of said City, for the purpose of' raising the nacessary revenke for soEd. City for the fiscal year 1041-1942, and. Nit IT FURY= RESaUTED that said tax, and tae moneys ariming therefrom, whem collected, shall bb, and the same are hereby, appropriated to and apportioned. among the several funds, special purposes and bonded indebtedness 4: the City hbreinaftbr dbsignated, in the proportion and amonts respectively set forth oppo- site mach. such designated fund, special purpose or indebtodnesp, as follows; q .022 General Fund. - - - - Interest and Nodommtibn. Fund Parks and Recreation Street Deybstment - - - - .9.809 Library Fund - - - - - .11.07 Relief Fund - - .01. Pblioemeh. and Firemen's Pension fund .1001. Alameda. Thnicipal Esploybesi Retirembrit Fund - .061D BE FURTHER RESCINDED tabt a sobcial assessment tax. in tbe ahwhrt of '4.0279 be, and. the same is herelya levied on mach and every one hundred dollars 01 of assessed valuation of all lands situated. witahn Mne bounahhien of the Acquisition. and improvenbnt DEstrict No. 1 of the City of Alameda, created. pursuant to the provisions of the fActkisibaoh and. ishrovembnt Abt of 1929", said valuation. to be ex the basis of the valuation of said lands as shown by the assesemmat roll for general. mhnicipbl taxes of the City of Alameda for the flscd1 ybam 19Ada1942. Said mpeeiml assessment tax so .4 evied. and the M011iCS arising therefrom. shall be, mad ade 'Jamb are fleshly, set, aside and. aporborinted to the. YAcquisition anb. Immrovement District No. I of tab of Alameda interact and Banking Hand" for rind 4: 4: of principal and interest which. has becoth or will. actome payable daring the fiscal year 1941-191,2 on. bonds issued mad outstanding under the proceedings for said. district, BE IT IERAPAG. NMEEITE0 that a special assessneht tax in. the michunt of 80,0187 be, and tMe same is hereby, levied on each ehd every ono hmtbred dollars C;;;100.00) of asabssed valuation of all lands situated. within tab boundaries of the Abquisitich and. Improvemhnt District No. 2 of' the City of Alameda, credted pursuant to tab provisions of the "Acquisition and Improvexant Act of 1029q9 saRM valuation to be an the basis of' the valuation of said. lands as ShOWD. by the assessment roll far general AntrAtMchl taxes of the City of Alameda for the fiscal year 1.941 -1942.. Said special. assessment tax. so isvied and the monies mrisiag therefrom shall be, amd. the same are hereby, set aside and appropmiated to the "Acquisition and imorchanaabt Distrist No. 2 of the City of Alameda ibter est and Sinking Ihred for thb payment of ytinbipdi and. intbrest which has. 'second or will. become payable daIdhs the fiscal year 1941-1.942 on bonds ihsued and out- standing under the proceedings for said district. RE IT ATIVARER RESERVED that a spehial assessment tax in. the amount of 180,0134 be, mud thb same is hereby, levied on each. and. ebery one hundred dollars ;8100.00) of asoehsed valuation of mil. lands situated within thb boundaries of the Acquisition and Improvement DEstrict NO, 3 oT the City of Aianhda, created pursuant to the provisions of the. "Acquon and imhrovemhnt Act of 1929," said vbluation to be on the basis of the valuation of daid. lands as shown by the absessment roll for ahneral munimipal taxbs of tab City of Aimmedb for the fiscal: year 1941-1942. Said spebial assessment tax so lovaed and the monies ahising tlherafrom shall be, and. the somb are hereby, set aside and aprhopriated to thb; "Acquisitich and. Mampolaxnett District No. 3 of tab City. of Alb:lied:a interest mnd Sinking Fund" far the mfdammnt of. prihoihal and. interest which has become or will become phyable during tab fiscal year 1041-1942 an bouts issued and. outstanding under the proceedings for said. distribt. I, thb undmrsigned, lierety certify that the foregoing debmiution was 11 and regularly introdboed. ace ad1 pted.. by the Council of the City. of Alameda in regular meeting essemblet on the 2nd day' of' September, Mdfl, by the folimwing vmte, to wit: AYES: Councilmen dranconeid, Howe, Maurer and Vice President. Godfrey, NOES: hone. ABSENT: President Weichhmrt, (I). IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hermunto set my hand and affixed the offi- cial seal of said. City bhis 3rd. day of SeptemMer, 1941. LOS= R. SEMITE (SEAL) City Clerk. of the City of Alameda- * I herety certify Umat the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of ("Resolution No. 2657, FILING THE RATE AND LXVIThed A TAX ON AhL REAL AXD ITABSONAL PROIEETY TN TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR TBE FISCAL YEAR 1941-1dAd AND APPORTIONING MTED BABE AMONIT THE SEVERAL ENDES OF THE CITY," introduced and adopted by thm Cour cil. on the 2nd day of September, 1541. dmw./ d Ed/ y Clerk of tt dtb, of' Alameda.