Resolution 02659RESOLGTIGT NO. 2651 APIRMING FIRST EXTEIVEZII AB EIGEORANBIEX OF ACERFEEITF FOR EXTIVITalfERE GE 1/2 cENT GAS TAX FGR BATOR IMPGRTANCE. VET:EIRAS, a first supplemental. mmmoranhum of agreement hus been. pre- sented to be entered info with the State of California in occordanbe with a croject statement for exnennitmre of the 1/4 cent gas tax for the fiscal year 1942 allocated for streets of major ihxnErfnce other than State higlaways in. the City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, the City Council has heard read. said agreement in full. and is familiar with the contents thereof; INEREFORF BE RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Alameda that safi project otafehmnt be anh it is hereby adopted as the :budget of pro- posed expenditures of the 1/2 cent gas tax climes:tea for streets of major :Dianntsnce other than State hiawayst, an. said. agreemprt he ann. the samp is hereby approved. and the major and the city ciprk are directed to sign. the same on tehalf of acid. City, said agreement to be binding upon the City- upon. its errachtion by the authtrized Officials of the Staba. * * * * * * * * I, the unaproianed, Smreby certify that the foregoing Rbsolution was duly and regularly introdnoed and. adopted by Mae Council. of fhb City of Alameda in regular meeting ass:oh:bind on the 2nn. day of September, 194.1, by the following votet to wit: AYER: Councilmen. Branson:Ad, Enwe, Maurer and Vfce President Godfrey, NOES: None. ABBRNT: Frosidrant Weichhart, (1). IN WITNESS WHFRIMFE I have bnreunto set my hand. and affixed hee offi- cial... seal of said City this 3rd day. of Beptenlmt, flaValp LORIII, 2, City Clerk of the Citi-of Tiap;da I neraby certify thaf the foregoing fo a full, true and correct copy of "lIssolution No. 2659, APPROVING VIEST SUPPFEMIEfni, LT2,aa,uiyJm OF NGBIZIMENT FOR EXPEFDITIEE OF 1/1. CENT CAB TAX FOR STREETS 0F MAJME IMPORTANCE," intro- duraed. and cerapfed by the Council on. the 2nd day of Grartetber, 1521y max' s aste-tehEes_ - ay Clerk of the es 2 of Alameda.