Resolution 02662RESOLUTION 70. 2662 AEPROILid IRE 70SE ANC WITUORESIBC TiElOCOLOB OE A. ;(7..'r7P.,,,V..].M BETWTEE THE OBEY 07 Alblidia AND '21.1 CCEET7T CT AlAIST02 FOE TEE DISIHISETION Of cE2T,ur EATRENIS I7 LIRE 07 TAXES :0 Ea RECEIVED ST lhdd CITY N7 AIXMTOA ?ROM T-F7 1T,Tg'7:11 STATES 37 LEETTEA RICE InTIOKAI. CSREES7 710077NO DETENO7Mliel BO. CAI. Al12, AND hs3010.Ddlc EME AGR:77bInT MADO SETWETY 3' FAXTISS AnSs_DATEE OTLE BE IT RISSOLVED EY THE COUNCIL u TE7 CITY 07 billirTMA am follows: That the City. of Alameda stall erter into a contract with. the Coumty of Alameda codostantiell in the fold:dna:1g form: "IN Lsau TAX Ak.aaElv,Ji This apreement made this day. of Ceptemimme, 1CX1, betwern the COUNTY 07 A-SAME:DA, State of California, brrefinifter called the 'Couhtyl, and the CIIT OF AlinEEDM, a mianionthal. scroohation in. the County of Alameda, State of California, hereinafter called the 'City'. WHEREAS, pursuant to Embalm hb. 82.7), Yetb. Congress (the Lahham Act): the Federal. Works Administrator has authofized the development and coamtruction. of a national defense housing project in the City of llamado. to accommodate per- sons eaphgeh in national defense acti.vdties, which project cc:heists of spproxie mately two hundted units and is known in thr records ed' the Federal Worksligancy az LMmtlmgmEnt No. Cal. 1,112; and. WHEREAS, by virtbr of the fact Viet such. project. and. land acquired. or to be acquired. La connehtion therewith. and tho imbrovemonts thereon are owned. or ate to be owned by the Uniteh. States of Ammiricap suhh land and imprevommhtz are or. will be exempt from taxation by. thz parties hvreto mnd by an. cfnekc political subdimisions of the State of California; and WEETFEAS, the 'Erhardt Works AhrdmIsbrator, by. virtue of Section 9 of the said Lanham. Abt is authorized to enter into agreements to pay annual surm in lieu of taxes to the political. subdivisions in. wrion omy such national defasse housing project may be situated; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto understand that thb Goverrnrht of the United States, througn. the Feheral Werhz Adminibtrator, will. enter into an up:rev:bent with the City of Alameda to pay to the City ah annual sum. in lion. of tames, based. upon a percentage of the total annual dwelling oh:titer rentals charged for ()CCU- pied units in said. project, such payments to be divided. between the County' and. the City and otter taxing agencies in. ouch proportions as trb parties may agree upon; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto, order to mabv pamtabmShi for distribu- tion hetwebh. them of the sums to bo received. by. the Oity shdvm such agrormbrt, os6e1 4ed ar. mgreement betwesh. them dated. Inly 24, 1021; aide EXERIMAX in computing the Couhay's share of the pavnehtz which. were tz be recniNzA by fhb City urher such agroormmt with the UM:Etta Statbz of America, there was Lc:eluded in the Counly's said. snnre the ad valorem. tzbes to be leviba. or certified by. the East bay MUnicipal ThuIlity District, thb Alameda Cohnt- Mbasmhto Ahatemznt District and the Bert Bay. Regional. Park Dixtrict; add CB:ET:IMO, the parttime hereto are mutuolly agreed that the saymbents made by the dhity to thr Leadmity out of the sums revolved. by. thm City. from. the United Strtex of America ahoald inelher only such portion of such. SUM3 az may holong to the Goantyp NOW, TRIBUISiddb, cormiderbtion of the aremimez, it is hereby agfeeh. between the petties hereto that. the aforeamil. agreement dated Suly 2A, 19.4a made between the County of Alamrda and the City of Alemzda be, and thb same is herrhy, Texcioded. and. anxulled, fT TS 73ATUES Xeh7E7 hhot A:tarty-fit" bud thirty -21V T lanshultte per ceft (2t,256) of any Lv,..12:NS received by the City artier wind parouart Lc dim tends of loth agreedent fc Ls mane between the Spited iltath of America emu the lefty fir payments in lieu of fame:, as aIeresail, Mnall boxemet to thy eserty of dismvue ana shell re paid by tso City to fhb Umsto as snd star received. The doenty agrees to maXe furfhtf claino to ibe Transco of' the bums hadtivol by the City srder its contract with the Tilted Stades of America. WISIbMaS w7...:T..,FE,oy.P, said County. has, by the order of :1'62 Soaxd of Szmermincirs, caused theebmpresents to be subscribed by. fhz Onahrucan of said. Hoard and the Seal of sate. Booth to be affixed thereto, attested. by tee Clerk of sail. EvneWE ond. tbh said City inim, by ordnr of its City Cournii, cadent:. fhese presertz to be subscribed by. the "Mayor of said City, and "Ewe Seal of said. Citg to. ne. affiled thereto, anti attusten by the Clerk. of said City, all in. quintuolivate originalm, the day and. year first fbogn written." RISS:LYE:6 TORTITIAL, thmb the neyor of the City of AlcumeSe be, and he is ternby, sharrrized and. sirooted to execute, ord. ado City Ofehm to ahteot, on behalf of thr, Cityu an agreondet aubstonttally in the form and containing Nue terms ard conditions set. forth in the. form humeaubefore set forth. This resolbAdon snail tnkd effect imnrOdateiy. I, the undoEfhpasel, bere1ny (mortify hrut thd fonegoLt6 Resolution wss duly and. regularly introduced anrd adopter. by the Ccmuutli. of the 01ty of Alancods ronuoinf areting noose:tied on. the 16th luy of Set:beer:Ler, 1941, by Nos followins vote, to uSEE: (46) AFECa Courrilmen Branscheid, Howu, Skenfer ana Vice Preuident GulErey, SORES ACCUf7: Freed drnt Eribbhart, ((sIl .9 'nave hereunto sey rcy nand. and affixed' the offi- cial seal of ouid CA. r bbs.s 17th duy of September, 1941. (IIRERS6 7ity Clerk: oo I hereby certify that the foruyoing is a full, true and. corrert cony of "Resolution. No. 26.62, APFROVING TUE PORE AND ACTHORIZINE FEFERTICR OR A. CONTRACT BINTEISIN TUI7 CITY OF ALANEDA AHD SUE ccu.149n: OF ALAMEDA FOR 1717 REETRIBUTION OF CERTAIN. PAYEFRRE IV LIEr OF' TAXEE TE DE REcaa7ED RE TUE CITY 07 AIIRSXUDA FRON THE CSORTED STATES 07 ARTHROF IR 6071FIERROTT 177.77 RATIONAL 67FFESTI HOUSING OFVUUMIONFUX IR% CAL— 4112, AND INIFIKERTD(1710 TICE ACRIEFUTRT EARN BFEWHER SAID 7:',,T.5q-7,3 ARS RATED FURY 244 194,1, introdbdro.d. and. adopted by the Courbil on the 1.6lb. day of Sentcodner, 3.941„ „e , ..,- , leli- --0- -- City elerk of the it of Alamourd 6 k,