Resolution 02669ASEni 2,,Y,TISSE ii.athliailOU Clia; ONST-aCTION OF CSEITAC t SEWER ON Ihini7,01A1 the present sanitary sewer on Lincolm AVT.1.10 running fres,. High. Strcht•westarly to nibbens Drive is inadeabute in sine to oroperly coris. the seesage from the surrounding aTeh, ;cur It is, therefore, necessary `Yo. in the public inr tereet that an sliiitioral sewer paralleling the existing sower be cons:trusted; aad Lae Cittir angineer has prepared a project, plans and specifica- tions Enna estimate of costs far the corstials fins of a new 1C" canitetry Of entifled tyse to put as en. awisiliary to the exirting sewer sod to rsa along Averae from Spigh Strert westerly for. a dictarce of aTproxiimately 1200 feet; and IiiiEREAS, the material for the construction. of' said naw saultary newer and thr labor :ft corforming the work of installithis and conatkpeting the same, together with tke necessary appurtenances, is to be dene principally anth material and tabor to se fileicisrd. through the Works Progress Administration ans. as a works Progress administration project; and WhEREAF, ln the opinion, of the Cohuell of thr City of .>'. fir: nand work of installing amh eanstructlag said sanitary newer and prosisary oneartenaucas can be performed koke esonrmically by the City without contrast; TMEREFOTE, BS IT TIESOLVES SY THE OCNISCIL C7' TEE CITE or SLASEDA that the construction. snd installation of said. sanitary sewer, in c000reascre with sail project, plans and specificatiorr, be, ard the some is narecy, hprrosae. and auchaiminsed. SE IT RECOLICES that this Council. hareby dna. determines that, im ita ophmion, the work of inatallning era conntrurting thr habseraid nrw 3C 1..„_.. sewer with necessary detamauxamicen will be performea muse economically by. thr City with rut contrast; sma BE: Tin arsoLvEr that said work ana .t.k.mi installation construc- tion cr salei sanitary sewer be, anei Is hnreby cathorisrt akn tO Se, done by tile City ofincers employaes huh. as ia darks drogress caminis- tratian project, ;and without coetract CT call for aida, I, the unharsignen, herecy her-tiny that the foregoang NesoJanion war duly ena. regnicrly introdused anA altented by tht Comae-ail. of the City- of Alnhrda ie veypiar sculling ,.s, ..,3 on. sne gbh dry of Ocesper, 1941, by. sae following sots, to wit, arensancida Crdfrey, Howe, Faso= and Saaisilent (5). NUNS, ABBEhil: Nohr, IN WITNESS WEEREO , haws hereunto net my hana nal affixad. Use offi- cial seal of ssnd City tair 8th day of October, 1WW1. (SEISM; City. Cirrk f the CIA-7 of-Alsmed,,c7-* I hareby papistry that ace nkonageing is a. eihia true um h_ correct copy- of Tlecolution. ha. 2IneC, ASTECEiginG CSFSTESSTION OF SAN1lIAFF SSNER Ca TEdiThlill likENCE WITHOUT CYCITEaCT," introduced. and adopted bg Coun 1. en hae Yta. dry of Opteber, 101,r_