Resolution 02672RRSCENTION Ell. 2672 'IGGFT-,GV,T.',V, Gv ,G „„ . AllniECA aa WHESith it appears -that the United States of America. has instItute prodeabings tne District Court of the Whntrd. Stores, in she for the Southern TiCmflaibin of tba Nomihsch indatrict of Salifiamia„ codified "United. :Chalon of America, plaintiff, V8. Certain Pacceim of Bond. in the City of Alamedo, County' of tiihmkina, °tato of Califonnda; fjuerioln, et al-, defettihhts", numbered 218ati 8, to aonOwmn. certain Tr.:nasals of land in the City of Aiarena, and. wonh nactichiwnly desacibed in the decihration of takiho, the ackbluint and judgment hm file in said. action; and WhighEAS, ia appears that the City of Alameda. has no CiGGIM, title or intereet in. flie Jrifeejm of lamd. in the declaration. of taking, the cermloirt and judgment speolficsaIy debbriMed ab ilarcels lib. 1 to No. 18, irciasivw, ercept City taxab for the fiscal yoor 1941-42, and. certain ,__z _v taxer abowased against Parocl 17 therein: ihtf 18:18NERSHE Bit eSSOISSEil TRn CRimoCit az' ThL fait: Og as follhms: 'Chet if aho wien the tomes, 'Jeffcoat, beralfics eon costa esseesed bainst each of sain barbels or aumniGetion of ha. ,t.. '.G3:10 been adia, tits City Afton:shy of Uhe City Gf Aiameda ih Jihroby authorized to file on behalf of omit: City an appropriatc discialmhr ih the abovd achtionad as to wool parcel or conceit: or which said toJses bore neer, padn; provided that droner ethanlazion shell 'cc vans by fta plaintiff in ania action tn ins; cffect that 'the filing of onah diseldimen es Le suet opaaific tor:Joie) obeli Gov preclude or -a...reindict: Clo Ofty TrGv„ fiJanya its answer setting forth ihn Cityls claims or ritihts pa to the rcaainder of tie landh dhsceitat it tie oodeihint on file im said ,t on, or as to any mbncy or debt:Fit in the negiator of snit'. court for the benefit of GG.G...0 ewnern of land as to which no discialmnf hns been filed. the arbensigned, hereby certify that tMh foroghing Reaointioh was duly t_ nd. nygminrly introduced and adopted by the Counc._ l. of the City of Alameda in regular mweting assembled. or. the 7th day of October; iiiii, by the foilowleng vote, to wit: AYES: CommcjdhEci. ficafschwld, Godfrey, hcww, .n1< 1_. :inn rafaidenit )8bn:inn:art, (5). ORS e hilBENT: hone. IN WITNESS WillERRAT, i have hanhhofto set my hand. arn. affixed tine offie :mini seal of said City thib 8-1, day. of Oatober, 19iik ;thin, i) liiagjilMELLassata City Clerk of the. City of Attiaeles. I hereby certify. that the fcmci.shing is G. true emd correct copy. of 'Resolution ho. 2672, AUfhlin.IZIJEC FiRtiiliC OR DICCIfilhER "CAIN ACTION MingBITATED El' ulaz=1) ailLTEs .22COCRICk," introdnweb. anci adhpted by the Comfeda an the lth. dhy of octotzerz, 194a. c