Resolution 02681RESOLUTION NO, 2631 ACCENTING CCUTTOYANGE TO THE GIVE OF ALANEDA OF AN EASEMENT FOR =GEE PURPOSES OF' FaT•EASIA -PTI.ATIF AND CONSENTING TO TEE RECORDATION THEREOF. MERLES, the Grantors hereinafter named haTotofore exaected and delivered to the City of Alameda a certain deed, dated October 23, 1941, wherein Alameda City Land Co., a corporation, is Grantor, and tee City of Alammda, a municipal corpora- tion, is Grantee, and by which deed the sold Grantor grant.), trnnsfers and. conveys unto the said Grantee an easement and. right to constrant, reconstrcot and maintain. for five years e. levee, bulkhead or seawall over or across that certain. rgal property situated in tha City of Alameda and more particularly described in nald deed: RON, TNERTT'ORE, BE RESOLVED BY TEE OCmaffoi OP TOO CITY OF ALAMEDA that the eforasofd deed be; and the same) is hereby, accepted ebb. the said City Council, acting for an in behalf of said Grantee, hereby consents to the recor- dation of said deed and orders this resolution. to be attached thsrets, as repnired by Section 1158 of the Civil Coda of the State of California. * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly road regularly introdaced and. adopted by the Coaceil of tha City of Alameda in adjourned regular meeting sasemblod on. the 6th dsv of lawnsther, auggi, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Oeuneilnn Erenscliaid, Howe and Vice President Godfrey, (d). EDE'S. Nane. ASSENTo Councilman. Usurer and President eichhart, (2). WITNESS WEEREOF, I have hereunto set ay hand and. eff1xad the offi- cial seal of said Cfty this 7th day of November, lOAl. ) LOREME R. DEATIE 717ty Clerk. of the City of Afaeua, By: SHIRLEY H. =FIER IRTuty Sit le-177 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of YResolatioa No. 2681 ACCEPTING CONVEYANCE TO THE CITY OF ALAMEDA OT AD EASEMENT FOR LEVEE PURPOSES ug BAY EARN ISLAND AND COSENTINO TO THN REPORDAESON IFTETOT," introduced and adopted. by the Council on. the eth day of Novembar, 1881. PORKIER. BFATIE City Clerk of the City-6E Aa:aTicZT.7- By: p ej City t eine.