Resolution 02691RESOLUTION NO. 2691 AITTSCRIZYNG THE CITY ATTORNEY ON 'DER CITE' GE ALAMI'DA TOSTAEE CHIOSAIE ACTION IN EMINENT DOMAIN EPOOD.EtiMEMOD 1.j.L3mhtitEli EY TEE UNITED SH.T143 OF ALERIGA. WEEIGESER in condemnation proceedirys enSitladu United Statem of f1aintif1, 7E« 90.2024 acPcs of land, etc., Dafendante, No. 2193OR in the DSstrict Comnt of the UhAted h States, in and for the Nortern District of California, Southern 'Division, the United. States of America seekb to condemn tha panwR41 of land. comartsiag approximately 9S.214 acres situated id the City of Alameda, Gounty of Alameda, State of California, and in said action hms served the City' of Alameda aa a party defenbaat; ana. WHEREAS, the City of Alameda is tbm ownmr of thmt certain parcei. of land referred. to in thm complalat in said amtttba as "Parfet Number 1" ana. mmra carticularly described as follows: Segjmilianm at Station -#119 of the Pm:baits Grant line, thence north 56 degrees east, a distance of 52.0.22 feet to the westerly line of Main Street thence northerly upon. and alons tbe westerly line of Moan. Streety north. 28 degroes, 49 minutes went, a distance of 9.63 feet to the point of besinmdny of a 700 foot radius CUTVe to the left; thanne on tar arc of said curve, a distanae of 558e5E feet no a. point; thenre south, a distance of 6,3b.6$ fret to the print of bagintWng, containing 2.271 corns of land, more or less; and WHEREAS, it. apprets thri the City of Alerrda nab no claim. ur interest ir or to any of tire lunde descrihrd caid complaint us Parcel Eumbor 2. and Parcel Number 3; and WIPERE11 , pursuant to judgment entered in said. action, on. October 3, 1941 title in said iands was vested in foe sinale in, and possession. tharoof was taken by, the Unitod. States of America; and. WHEIDIAZA thm Council of the City of Alameda is satisfied that the sun, of 'S4,500.00, deposited by tte plaiatiff in the above enatttled action in. thm rgistry' of said court and estimated by plaintiff as being tho just compensation for the taking of the porttons of the land described in said commit-4.11' s which. belonn to the City of Alameda, representa the fair natkmt velum of said lands: ESW, TIEDREISRE, SE TE PIES0771ED COskilII OF THE CITY OS' ZLAMENA that c City Abtorney of thm aity of Alameda te, snd ho is hereby, autharizea to file in. said action, on behalf of tho. City of 11amedn, an answer setting forth the City's ownership of' the parcel referred to in said complaint as "Parcel, Number 1' and herein:before more particularly anscmibee, and denandlpy as compen- sation. for the taking of such. parcel the sum of HISOLMEDA Tuaiaa, taut said Gity Attorney be, and. le is hereby, authorized. to enter into a stipulation on behalf of said. City in said action cora senting; to a judgment of taking and conMemnation of the lands owned by the City by the plaintiff in. said. action for btiblic purposes, and prov1ding for the paymmnt to the City of Alameda of the cam of ..1:1i4..,900.00 for such. /7 /7 t EESOdL VdEiDe, 4/ 4/ thmt said City Attorney be, and h i hmreby, auhorizeb anrcted to disclaim, in. said answer or by way of separate claimer, on behalf of said City, any risht, title or interest in or to the parcels of land. described in. deid complaint as TEtarcel Dumber 2" and. "Parcel Number 3". * * * IA the undersigned, hereby certify that Mae fopmgming Resolution wam duly and reatidkwaLy introduced. and adopted by tbe Council of City of Alamada in regular mbetins assembled on the 2nd ;lay of Decalder, 1941, by the following vmte. to tvii AYES: Courtillern. Branscheid. Rowe, Maurer and Vice President Godfrry, NOES: None. ADEEDIS President Wrichnrpt, (11 TN' Wddl(MISS WHERECER I hrde brrecnto set. my hand and affixed the official seal of said. City. this 3rd day of December, 1921. LOREIL_R. SEAT= Gity Clerk of 'Jle City of .A.i.anaTla