Resolution 02721REOCLISTIC7 YD. 2723 CREATING POSITION OF FIELD DEPUTY ASSESSOR TN TESS OFFICE GE THE AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR OF THE CilY OF OHANNIJA. 22 hE IT RSEOLVED JEE COUNCIL OF TIES CITY OF ALAM1DA thnt a position. of field deputy assessor, in the office of the auditor ann. ahsessor of the City of Alameda, is hereby created and established, tor a period of three mhos:us from and attar the dote of the adoption of thda resolution - lln salory for ouch position is hereby fixed at 440.00 per mnuth. * * * * * * * * * * I, thb anthreignej, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolhtion was July and. regularly introdgced and adonted thb CUULCia. of the City of Alameda fh, regular mgeting ageembled on the 17th dam of JAntruary, 1942, by tte following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Fromm:31mnd, thmux, Jones, MP:safer and_ Presidgnt Godfrey, (5). lUINE: None. rr wr= I have harednto set my hann. and. offibnd the offi- cial seal of said. C y this 18th Jay of (fehrunry, 1942. yndmo P . 73 (SEAL) 44„, Clerk. of the iity of Alamada, hereby certify that thb foregoing is a full, true and, correct copy of "Phoolutihn No. 2721, CRDAYIDS POSITION OF FIELD DRPOSY ASSEEFEAD TE7 Ofainn OF siL1 mODITOR AND ASSESSOR aF TEE CITY OF ALA:0171A," introduced. and adopted by thg Council. on the 12th day of February, 1942. 44 Yn Clerb oi eh ty of Alamedd:f