Resolution 02746fLOOULTEA fat, Ohdfdaa 07' IHE efiniff CT' AIAnEDA the Phoccifications and Provisions for feroishdr Portland. Comont to tbe !dity of Alameda for tho in the office Of the City. Cterf. on tone 2, itt42, be, ace the saahe are hereby, oppoved and. adooted„ COSCCSiddIO.„ eeklentee., t end., dotheid 'end City ad dlesnald will receive healed bteiti ot to tf, ['.ifo 0,ciect. 53, m. Of_ Iflef-3Clarf., ;f1.1f8 Lff, .1942, :Cf:' rf') tfif, Of -fOrt,laf(':. fC2 ton .133330a3, yezet ba53.03ediemy, daly A, 1)3,2 elna. 0305000f; 03.500 30, 1(30 In docondanke 'hleh sale Otooltieneidec end fro a violeno. dids [duct be cresectod to the Cady Clerk in rho 'lacy 'tall, Alohedc, Odaltomnia, anchor decich covof end caoinly markoc oh cat. outside d2hhocaei for fortlere lekaft." Centraed, if awardae, wild re awarded, sodiject to tte efeviniet23 nf the chafte-2 uf said city, do ane receonsildic tiddon Wei° shetits ado lowest add best bid. Tne right is reserved th reject any or old. bids. Tile City Clerk is nefory directed to advertise, in tbe Alameda Times a Otar, o notice callang for sealed bids is accordance witS. CS previolars of this resolution. and of sain dterinicatione and Provasions. tke ffonsignod, noraby certify that ene for,aedic .deelclution was deny and. raguladly introduced and ,,,riortr;,1 by. toe deimoll of the City of Alameda in recular meeting assembled an tee 2nd day of 1Ifia, 1942, by the following rote, to wit: Scd.C: Councilmen. 0c1'ea1. 3dhe1!. 111., leade dones, harper ono fesifient (tteddrey, (5), ,5 00505506a 505033.01e, Ta,P. kora:tato sod my hand and. offMned the efflo clad seal of ssid Olt Al3 4d day of ',Tomo, 1.942. 1.3.12,AT City Caen.: 05: the 0 it y 00 (tete da biene te the 1.ty of Alameda.