Resolution 02747PE:SO:TITO 0(5 C .• 272; 7 Aidi!,1144; 44ECT:4014:4100.3 344 1,0S4 , 341.4 LEO 00ali - 4fdd TO 11T. 014 4 C4 liAnal 407 -411 dr4041. "Inan 1O4A —1313, CAS al44 FOC 4440 E1C DEUECTI44 Tnd CIlY 0111ide 10 fRatninSf134 TYE 3A1E. ReC040-4O 31 TOY t ke 07 444 ("111 O4' 441,14on tha4 the Soscificationo aud 4ravioiena for fornisinfg RicA, "Toed and Concrete 4IA ti Inc City 42 fsv Eno fiscal ysar Seninfing iday 1, 1042 and endintio, itane 30, 1943, "Ye. IS 0-424, fieoa in the office of Cho bity Clerk ou Cuho n, iah2, 1o, and tno onfon are :terabit., eaffsved afd adouted, 44,101414), G01.1.**:',ii of the lisy of oi4nedi siEld roceiv4 nealod 4164 an to tlo fon/ of 340o o'clock s, n. on Toceday, C.nte loth, 1.442, for 14e firni44144, is the city el: cadk, Said and Ccnofete LiY for tho fiscal yoof ee.t,]infibuto Cu y 1, 191C and endift4 dote 30, 1945 Le accord4nce with said Esecifi- sationa sad Pfoiiaiono, 4ido Anat bo Arasonsed to fne eity C444E, io the City , an a , 1 Or !"*.', t ander au ed c over and lain" y nan'iond L7*i "Dranotnal for ]e.6,..;'*, Sakd and Oancroto Ella" Contract, if awarevd, wi1I be awardod, subjean to tfe frovicisne of the uhafter c4 ooid city, to tue feadebsibl4 hidden wro snanits tee "dowoot and best aid. The riRnt io resery4d to roieet any Cr all tido. Tke Oity Cleft is beroby aldicted to orivertlat, in ihe Ainneah 131coo- 114an, a notice sallie for aetind bids if accordance 4i41 t4e reoviatons of this resolution aad of ao'd tivecificntiena arid Prevision:it I, the underniseed, hereby certify iaat th4 foregoinde Res424tion. waa daily nue rezonarly introduced and. adopted by th4 Councii of tha City of Alconeda 14 rob:41er nootinE aoseribled of. the 244 day. of 4444, 1.912, by the follovAng„ vete, to w144 AE4c: 04444114bn Erenbcfoli, Howe, Jones, Maurer and Prectinent Godfrey., (5;. 44441.4„4 Eoh4 wallvs ',V*_b*:',Cji I have hereunto set my hand and affix44 the offi- cial coal of sai4. City this 3rd day of June, :4342, 1,4144E4; 13114.1141 (03,41.; C 0 f he 014 'o tereby oertiTy tAnt tt4 foreg4i4a: :14 a fulO, trio and. correct 000y. of ""Resolution. 44. 2747, ADOPiEr4 ORE4I4IOATIONS FER 2CRNISHI44 4OCK, 1"4.1]-0 AND 001i - 044TE 1144 40 'dd.. CITY Sl' 11A4EDD EOR. i7Ha FISGAL YEAR 1944-1943, CALL147. FOR OIDS 11141 17) T (ECG T(52-1. C TICT5 CLERIC. IC 555) VERT ISE THE 55(.55 ; " t to du (1( o (Tad o dopt d y the Councid_ of the City of Alaneda on. the 2nd day of June, 1942, t 4/ L. y eletni of then , y of Alameda.