Resolution 02748RECOITTICT L,C. 27'48 ADOFTTIM. NCI-Fr:CATIONS FOR fanTEISNINT. RUShER RUN ROCK TO THE CITY ON ALANTINA NOR T.HE *YEAR 1942-1.940, CALTECT FOR I.N.D2 DIRECETANC Ort.7 ONERR To wcaTT TINE THE 6224,,E. RESOL'ED NY THE COUTEIT Cr CITA CT tbht the Iinccifichtions and. PTOViSiOfl.S for furnishing Crusher Run Rock to the City of AlancON for tbe fiscal ye,,,c2 oeEiniaing July 1, 19402 anddng June. 30, 1)43, No, EE 6-t25, f i led in the office of' tbe City CiTrk. oh JurT 2, 19E2, be, and. tna saga are hereby, approved cad acinpten- RE2TITED, . thp.. couraci 1 nf the Chty of' floatada will recei ye secien bida up to tfa hour or f..Cciocw af on. huesday, fune 16th, 194T, for the furniariac. to the city of CrutTer INtn. 'Tack for flie fiscoal yTaT beaNEElng July I, 1)42 and ending June 50, 1)43, in.. accordance with. said.. SpecifTcaticTa cad. Provisigna„ Bids frfat be nresenter. to the CitT Clerke in the City RT,11 ACTrado, California, under coaled cover and. plainly marked. on the eutaida "Proposal for Orhsner Cfun Roan." Contra° t, if awarde Na 1 1. be aNnvded cuTject to teT pfTvisi ono of.' the. charter of' geHd oity, to Eye responsible biadEr who subaats the 2.wast ah.d. best bid, The right is reserved.. to rejeTt any. or all 'ciao „ The. City. Clerk. la hereby. directed. to adverilEc, in. tee Alameda Tines- Utor, notiEe coin 'NYE, fof.' sealed b'.dc in accordance with The crovisionfa of tbia recolution. eTa. of said 2TecifiatienT and. NToviaionw. T, the. undersigned, hereby. cortiNy thaW Wte foregoing NEcofitLITNI was duly and. aeguaarly introduced. and adopted by. flea Courwil of. thT City. of Aiwneda. fa nozu-obe Toefing natembled. on tlat ftd. dhy of titatti,2., 194E, TT 12fe followinw awte, fALHOS: RawaanNoien. hroxicaThe id, Hma.f, Janes , con d 'Pre s d hR t Teafywal, (n Ran.e ..ABOTT.): horn:. ET THETAS2 EN0hR(a I n,-te hereuTto sot ET orN. afffNed. tne offig ciol seal of saii. Citg' tbRw day. of r.inh, 1942, 0.04780, 42220: ,0:2 27,787,727.12a,:.17.-7. tt, I lic,-,7,421). (.'27rtify that fate foregoinT, fula, hTth ead. correct c0DY ow 'Resolution. No. 22E0, TOCTTITC) SP:t't.ft_t_Ft'Ajj.AtIt...L',..'Itt;.3 FOR hcATINnaT ChohnE2 RCN ',,OCEO TO Ch CITY aP ETU Uha FICO2L YEAR 194R-1942, CANTING 73:7)'..t't ART TUREcTfTW the 2nd. hay st fagot, 1912,