Resolution 02764f-d5,00,0TIfT0 f , 2764 1-2a 02 eJ-C, If f.e. d ff fd iffe 0,7 1"2:1 C i4 of eedsaedt td provioLolle of Et:no. ;Li ai P 7:711:1,„ S adoh:, s D.02 - IA .1?:.,1 Ulf!. C 0 f rie f) hro,lendt, ter ","",,J1,:.D t. of 7r:3Lnc:a AvErint.,: frc= Stddet to, -hieelevnde, hy;.:foxilnately 127e ei.Deal in3et, conEistire of widohjrn: the nnenort sff'fi'ff'nf' e5 a. 44.3,54 dadadara ease, censtnotihn: 5" ooecre:5e 7r,r,fi nod': ht. ochtore-17:3 oftedond, fiLlinc dontor e:thin witO Td.,—.:::hirihe nndle; ond :dr:fn.:12ot and. o0detradt: wor,', thoroi0 th.nriee. and .0o=iddi.; End -2. 2- -2'2 )" _ ,-: ",``, ce: j: jf :A."; of Idho 6d7 h.,1123 0 Oil r €2, t - - '1•Tho...:501 u7,e-entods to e. ince of-dwod.:„ iddotddo :77.:Ter deo yara — idDljk.(1:7-2 02:leji.:: _ oL: of p'oodumntio, toole) ] 375 ttartc.r drivers, dtundowtd Idsd ydt.t.t, ,water istvd,1 Erdittowc,,t, ottudr awtt.d.d..two — — - - Citttt, Wrosnr. drivers 1032 221392P. 2 ywn, - - - - - tCdtjat,IJ., Pn50 1,2,00 ttt „00 tdenenal hnbarerst of reFt.t.anaw ntate for first ,3/00. up to d hrs, anr double 01,,,taand Cd.att.ta.t.fictationd: driabinc, time, ttttz-trutdpittldt..221t !Double tisan fen " 2.•,:,313322,2 (88 tti 21-dttirtd.tittalt, that it: st...,..tal.„1„ t'te, dinarettnatodur contrt..toton, :and '112 8:11 ,122.11 ,...1182•21:832 .8.318, 280 riGt 3.e8 t.8.9.21 stait.t. stytetatft.i.ect. to itanct.rers, ..,dtarldr..int.... Edict -...taeptatt.....r...t.c.t.t. thty .tur adra datattruwastadr. :dada cratitataitatitc h.d.dddwftn.„,,W, Ittutddsp,a,.....dd, tads saen sdddoed oisis ottt rePeaveta r.tcy city 0.[' tate Otinr dnisadstddta an the Ciany tartid. dtattar,dp..y, dano 71,th dont, °It ttarly., 1.9.2„,d, at, 3:05 o'clock, p tdf didy. bids tadattr6a be in Writ:33421, ttirta,3t-rdadt,,,,ta. Fidtartrttattnittat, tdp,,nt inn tt.t. Calratd Cleork and nr,,,t it,t, hereby, autnowird,ed 3183 at37.13t2 bed t 3'; dtsr r121.2312 f C.31 3,331.8d b 3.313 f 838 Iran fnattannttptdon, itttbon &rad tna ateraired :War otrutnInturnisan ttodid pro:kr:W., arid tamprovettitant, tt-ta nottordaryttt., widUtt. tadid. plundt aud. tapprifictatalaurts acad. snstudiral nrowl,:tiontd.„ Pri/dOind.tddy, ttddRtittt.tidts, that: cranta sitatrt nod, astattorawatdded ornsrdatwortnt, 2.0+20720.,". 0:2 a derzirdsdr. aueuk, on. a nesuansiole barnw, lw a durr oduwa to ten oer petpt ltdtta) of the portprttrwtite wtrount Dat tare ritri., paytttpind tc -tape Wity 3Jtattlettlt.tat. to be forreittad to said city sds tttdttsssst:td d.rtsti. 3..dsttstististect attdsitts;sst pa r y :dr party:it:dB to woom. nite ,awntraot snala be awntwaed fsd..1 to triter dadno convnttort for tte. pen - dormanoe and coalditiou. cod suor. 0.2072 02 -6C C0iV2 Gonaz, ti,t1 regal:pea Dy End. Cy LI, S and ScPC 11. P/10. R1,8:81:I 3333; „•1, 81.88 thE rOF:38e: title 12.232d.d8183 rt.788 ttl 8 work atitave „List/di .dattdp zarunc dann,,,,I.rate :dopy- of' dantrd plannt and twinsdcificatitnnt.a tot/ tappinyistadt, t.therefor cat "tane doit.,,tdde of tdtde t....tty (teat of intt, Crincnti- i2 utaddatetita, in the Critt./ ctswid city, twad d...e.podutt/tradt wistrd spid ctintd Thartatntrnd tatt, ttodd, tar tttZdtt,00 ft„,tn colotit. such dodyn „dodo. wians ,upectddicaLlowp ttthnnw be .retprred. in. twnwd. contaitl.on to rine ofinace dondd City 00,L.Cri CP' rrct, t/Pr tcla 0 dawyst tritter tunc ddditt, wtaloitt talc dtptityrdtt -for tile, anoodre rittanttisdattda war,,d, and. unpn stwiti rsturtt. or plans suetn.t.riadatiount said orpot.:aat wist.W. tor retunnpd, df nue piaPS and 3pocifications 8123: .1138 netwrnen ttd sfris.:tw oi tpe sdiu City tnn.Fipttten witoln the 'Gude aouve specif.t,,ett, or nrp a nntlint,,tn or damaged. corption, 0.01DSit itaddttwat- btd tuettddintd," btY 'td.ott, Gindttt ,ttttttat,dtttttad, tas tadtrot.nti ddad. iit,ddidsatteti destatattptts for staid duntartatador Or tent]. dne undertnitynea, reneby 1,taa tote noregoindt tdosciwttion. wat13 duly -dud itatnroduced :and taddtatt,d1 try ',Win C 011P.11 (,)• ty7 1,Stattnactla ,drn dtdening a,t,,tenbled or th8 '188.121. day of ;Stine, 10A0/,, The followftn vote, to wit: ltdEttatt Codurctidnww, dtatanschtdid, td.cdtwo, tTotdes, Clauwer att.d li/resd.dtittat Godfrey, 3.8 1 e pretartt,d ttet nr,rd ntadi t :3 8 '2C3.- C 381 28:8:1,1 t SD:3d '2133 • 1221331 3 t tday unt titt.tart,t, LO raii, tana dadrautd,,t, co:wt., or d'uttt,,,,ndlattion unt:IttOnd, Law cacc tarts/ CI" P.-dt.d.tdr.,01 /no cad, d idd-trodanuttwd taiatt. t.....t9ct,, ten twy. trap LW-turd:La can 1..Ytte ..ittrth (Spy dtarte, rtrot,„ tt Atwt., polt