Resolution 02778RESOLUTION ND. 2 AUTHORIZING DONSTRUGTION OF A LEVEE ALaNG THE WESTERLY SIDE OF MAITLAND DRIVE AND OLD COUNTY' ROAD FOR THE PROTECTION UP ILE MHNICIPAL GOLF COURSE AUTECEIZTEG THE PERFORMANCE OF SUCH. WORK BY INF CITY WITHOUT CONTRACT ANE AUTHORIZING TUE PURDHCE OF MATERIALS IN THE OREN MARKET, WHEREAS, on one or rbre occasions each ybar, for the past severail years, the waters of San Krancisco Bay bdve broken over or through the levee on Bay. Farm Island which runs in a semicircle along the sforre line.of San Frannisco Bay from the westerl end of Day. Farm Island, Edidge, thence westerly and southerly to the boundary line between the cities of Oakland and. Alameda, and on eaph. such occasion such waters have flooded the lowlands lying between said levee and. the Alameda Municipal Golf Course; and WHEREAS, the umiers of the land on whhch said. levde is situate* . have. allowed said. levee to fall into an ever inbreasing state of disrepalh 3) that at the present time at extreme high tides and without storm. or wind. conditdoos the waters of the bay. will overflow said levee and flood the adjacent lands; and WERIAS, owing to the condition of such levee it is certain that dasuMig the coming snmtter season when high tides will occur during periods of severe storms and prevaidinm southorly and bbsterly danods, the waters oT San Francisco Bay wild. again. overflow. and banrUk through said. levee and vEdid flood the Alameda. thfnimbpal Golf Coarse and. cause great damage to the city; and. WEIIII1AS, the City' IMmager has prepared ulnas and eat:I:mates for tab bons structicm. of an earth fial levee along the westerix portion of 'Maitland Emilie and the Old Omnoity Road as follows: The conotruction of an. earth fill. levee with an 8. foot top, built to elevation pihn 3, AGamaEa City Datam: Ldnn, having a slomn of 1 to lb commooning at hhe approapn of' tha Bay Farm island Bridge, thence along the west lima of Maitland Stive, approxtnately 3 fese west of Pao west lino of the present pave - mbat a Cistanoe of ,LOO feet to the intersehtion of Maitland Drive and the old. County Road; thence along the west ihma of the old. County Road a distance of SOD feet, and couteining approxamately 12,800 cubio yanbp of Earth fill; and. THIERLAS, sold. City Mahazer has suOmitted his written. retort, dated July. 21, 194M, rocommdndinm that sajd wark he doro by the city without contract aad witheat prior pahl for bida and that thm material required for such wolM, be pur- chased. im tne open mprket; end WEGRRAS, it appears to this OonneGi, from the foots statod in. srHA. report and from matters which are in the personal Enaviedge of nne menhers of this Council, that hhe work of construnting ;arid leveo can be performed more econonAcelly by. bhe city. withrxt codinact lot after call for bids and that the mcharial required for the conotruction of said. loyeb can be purchabed at a lower price in tho open market them by purchaaing sana OD writtan contract let after poll for bids; TRU, THERE:TORE, DK iT IRIIHINHU 31' TUE COUNCIL OF INT: CITE' OF Ataba0A. that this Council bareby finds and determines that, in its opinion, the work of conatruhting the aforesaid. loves wGil be performed. more economically by hbe city without contract let after call for hiao and.thia Oeunchl further hereby finds dna determines that, in its apinion, the material required for the construction of saab iavee pan be purchased at a lower price in tho open market than by chaonin tno camh oh. contract let. oftbr call for bids„ HERO:IASI), FURTRfk, that the constr1 ction. of nae loved described in the preamble horeof be, and tha same is hereby, eporoved and auMcorized, and said construction is hereby orderea to be done by the city wit:best contract or call for bids, and the material required for said consttuction is hemehy authomized. and ordored to be bdrchesed ix the open market and. without contract or call. for bids. I., the andefsighd, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution. was duly and regularly ihtroducea and adopted. by. the Council of the City of Aihmeda in. regular meeting. assembled on the 21st day of Tuly, 1942, by tha following vote, to wit: RIES: lounailnen Eranscheid, dotte, doses, Fanrer and ?resident nodfrey, NWES: None. ASSEFT: None. IN WITNESS WHIIRSOk, I have hereunto set nty hand and affixed the offia alai seal of said. City this 22nd day of July2 1942. —ORECES R. BEATIT, (SEAL) Ci. clerk f the City of Ainntede,77 I hereby certify !oust kne foretoirss is a full, true and correet copy of "desolation Do. 272t, 90k:312929'10E CV A lbldE AlCIG 2 Dt TEETER:1Y SERE PE (DnDlEnnd DRIVE 449 919 COITetlY 24AD FCR EDE TRDTECTIOb CT 5:..a bItTICIRAL CCI,F ODU(24: IRE dEelnEnieded PT` SUG1, Wduk EF CTE CrI2.24TrienT GOUTS:ACT (VIC AstUdkittiCtl EDF 199PDEASR 97 I:AT-sale:2S IF TEE 07E4. kARKET," introduced antl adcptdd by ,Co Cooneil on the list day of duly 1922, Ci41 Clerk ofdthe Cl nr 1 Alaneda.