Resolution 02781RESOLUEIGN HO. 2E81 ADOPTING SPIBIFICATIONS FBR FINREICHING PIKE EBBE TO IRE CTRS OF ALAREDA, CALLING FON BIDS AHD DIFECOUE. THE CITY CLERK TB ADVERTISE SAKIM six__ _ BESOLVed BY TEE COUNCIL OF TUE CITY OF ALANYDA that the Specifications and Provisionm for furnishing Fire Hbse to the City of Alameda, No. MB 8-APFV, filed ir. the office of the City Clerk. an August 18, 1942, be, ane. the same are hereby, approved and adopted. RESMINFL, FURTHER, that the Council of the City of Alareda will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 8:05 o'clmck, p, mm, on Tuendayh September 1, 1942t for the furnishing of Fire Hose to the City in accordance with. said Specifimations and Provisions. Bids must be presented. to the City Cleric, in the City Hail, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and pleinly marked .r the outside, 'Proposal for Fire licse." Contract, if awarded, will be awarded, subject to the provisions 11 the charter of said City, to the responsible bidder who submits the, lowest and. bent bid. Tte right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The city Clerk is hereby directed. to advertibeu in the Alameda. Times- Star, a notice calling for sealed bibs in. accordance with the provisions of this resolmtion erC of said Specificatione and Provisione. * * * * * * * * * * I, the undersignmd, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wax duly amd. regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regulea mobting assembled on thh iBth day of AugnAt, 1H-42, by 'the fallowing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Rmanscheid, Howe, Jbnes, Maurer and President GoOlbsy (5). NOES: Bono. ASSIIH None. IN WITH:SSC WHIVES.C, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the min:- died seal of said Bits. this 1C.th day of August, 1942. LURKS hu REA= (SEAL) bity Clerk of the Cit. of Alameda. I hereby certify. that the foregoing is a full, true. and correct copy of Idesolution. FM. 2781, ADOPTING SPESIFIBATIOES IBM. FURNISHING SIPE HOETH TO THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, GALaarG YOH BIDS AND baldESTING, IFT CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISP SAME," introduced and dopted by the Conmmil or. the 18th day. of August, 1942. 010 of sUe 4.ty cf. Alariodaā€˛.