Resolution 02787LESCintirIbilt tiO„ 2787 DCSPOS4, 1-ufa3 liffifiCS fla affunVE AUD =ACTIVE DEPOSITS fr Cdfiriffini SaffS. st,n,f4 thab cartath act of Orb Lifielicture of o ntote or Ca.fifornis srfitiod: nab act tD conntrise bud cnefrof thh dopes:it fo banba of ontiy taidura inbt tot or in ;-,ILO C,-*',7 cry crrOnty, ';',yrcitcyc. uorricx 7CurriCipayclUy cr °this: soblic or incuicioal corporation within the ittutt, aud te repeal all acts or Darfc of octa in oat:to:fist with tnic ant," caning:ad ouriff 28, :1933, ttneodbd, nvovinsus if, bare anat notwifbstanOiins any of the other arevfnists of said act tbe treasurer nap, eta be is by snic net twomobnly authorised too Cenost fonne nod to obtain into conarnets refutibt6 :hart:inn with any ftoto ,'"2 fat:lanai hang fr„ 30ric plata:toe with dud subffoct to tinier feattfiech ard conditionn riffatiant bo the tiny:bent of interest on niblic funds as nro 1CGW or :nay boreafter be jar:ascribed by- moy cat of' vita Cooarbca cf oho abited ilintes Jf :CA102 02 rogolafions 3,2 any a:hearts:Ions or ssinicy doe iscacrial itingerngent aconoeu earsuarn therchin and tatting 39C1d. nets, rties on rogflaticha finuess Lawful and bindinn onaulatiebs Foverning tbo navoihnt ot ibtbrest ou Cennalto of public fundst by member banias of tne thederal ficserve :Cyanotic or nacus bib Coo-suits of` :anion one insured by the fbiferal Coco:tit fnadnarbe Cureoration and whion acts, rthee or cenufstiosis govennisn: tbe paynont of interest oro in corWitiot winta tno nfrvistons 32 said a3t; and feOdba, thins' dooncif rseegaists that a twilit:so rearbab Staio ithn Sodesnt tame aio nachattions now exionisi diefassfinitu, eb If CbtOSS6 S7 n canVoliff scit CS ababifi , that the City fouabli hereby consents thnt the City Tastraurof ohnln itancetit, cad no is horeby authorized anti onrctwered to deposit, funds of toe city as ab inective Dopiosit ao tdo fofjowing named barts, and in an asobrat heni ancogiiiie ',dig 83'3 3,7.,t orpesito the runs of such hanks, cs fellows: :cog sof abo riot, fgitional Trdcf end Snyinas Dissociation - 7200,J0t,00 bE If f'CPfsst7 fsSfas,27) 'tint nee City deb7n11 horeby consenba trot zhe fity agoadoran ohul' domhsio, min he is 'aren't authorized ard snopoweres to deposit, a12 funde of tto city not den:molted in an if inithve fauj as an native fihrosit In tbnlotaftsi uunod soaDa, and in cc ctufabt nes eiceeding toe Lehi soo option:Ito rrie nace of slab boobs, nF, fcCI'CWF: 03 -1,13 -1 72-3,.;3t and 'begirds _association - ad00,000„00 americar brunt Conbaby - 8 40,000,00 cy01,Lcrri, trr, wrecenrer anC te is terchy, authorized mad 0M7r5W,rrell to isternnoo in tit discrotion whaf omdunt of money shail be deposited us an Inactive Deposit ebd wnat anount of nuney Drell bc t decesitod as on 4,:itivn foposit 'rite ason cf tido above faraed bat iu no case shall such cifitivb De- posit and such inactive Decobih exceed the liointations hepoinshove arbvided. tridaufb, fIcrafba Lout during ibe exfaterce ef' soca conffictinz oreal - sibbs between such Tbdersi law o ronaliffican ond Th0 oferisicrb of aaid natate an11., atioeb roforroa to, tbe nhcaanuor of acid Cfty of Al:an-a:dot: tined] determine wbat shut:Prot nnf tobincy snail be dbposited as Tracive Dchosits aad the rate or ratoo of .LTItC203t tneroon mot luso ties 1/2 of Saf,:a aoo shall deue'ffdTle amoaft of :gabby shalt be decosited as Dative Denosita and the rate or rates of ibberect it:croon, if tini RESOL7ED, Duct said active itbbonnits anC said tractive Dcheabis ebadi be mode fa accordance witb fan terms anc conditiorsof an ow:reagens tr; rcC, rade rintl acid bobba by this Tabasurer of the City cof „atinneda for toe uenosit of cubilc nbndo eursuoat to ',re crovlsions of 9:minter 169 of tbistbtoe of do encoded, onicb arbconnong sofa iffenstran is Ocraty ancionfizan Don enopowebee to entec I, the undbrificapea, nereby certify that the foregoing Fiesolitrafen wan duly and regbiaTly frattnu7oced ond. adopted by tbwo Council of' the City of alamena in regular meeting asap:fib:fed on tire 1st dby of September, 1942, by tho folicwirE vote, to wit: d=3: CounviDtmen lifiterbonbid, Ebro, Tones Lind Iffineidebit Godfrey', (41, MIELL: T Coantenman Nnuncr, i1 R Laved hereunto set my hand enc. affi.xed. tfrie seal. of sold. Cdty thi„s 2nd day bf 'denten:Com '10)') II/WLE N. Fa]A7IN 2 CINty dicr? of tfc Orty nr , i -,cda. I. enTeCy centify tnaL trie _'or a,. io a. fu ti, true anc correct dopy. of "Rescitotion No. 27g7, ATITUhtiZifet1 DFPOSIT Oh' PUBICIC FUNDS 21-.N ACTIN: LED IUNOTIVE sc, ONRILIf .fritdhducce. and adopted by tee Council on "31.cfr of cf Alnmeda.