Resolution 0279310ALYSHOonr, the Hodwitat„: Aathefity ' City of AAnnostIn Cwtfoin calten amwtasrity to act :a cleclostaunt do t.dunoltsottSeix 2000 sar lawssing rt_Coaend. and 00/100 Pollarb Wf2,000,00) fon treJtiAirary ezponeibniitor to in- donnjuns Antnority sondinsA roalriturcasert nerefon tbe cinAte0 Atatas of A,E.I'139.; sztadc, tine, cloy of .A.3...anaced,,,, ins„1 antaucasizot bt; Se oLl on 6 Law of Seal fosurnis Creed:4..31 Fiessuitzu stip-3'37es! Wins' 21, Ist:18'; sa„, Audat 31-duey 1st) tud anosi offuntini zur.d tb3 fl,=. of Ca2,000,00 for the puxtosdo aforeaaid, und has authorizaj. Mix exesseion oo sne nrominsory nOLe setd. aawxal aulthority PS ew'idence of said. Louis.", abaci, TaFWOHI'02E, AhriCATESO 0ff:1'1701i., Odb TdiE Of 77 07 o,-..indl.FSTA, tnit the Gity od Alassean lona to said. Locai dnthority tne sum oC for the nnscrusa aforesaid and that tnn said dun. be padd to aad...6. Inca]. Antnnrity UpOn. aaid Antuanity to saw. City of Alanessd of a n'aomdese.ry eele,e duly exeputed by anid. Auttority, substantinAly asn tne folitswifs„; forma , 194-2 n7 t2C1.,wCa, r3u.JIATej, tto A3 ralat; ifthozits C:ay of AftnAtra dcodisod so to cre„ef 'cadi 'dity oi" .Aelada.eee, sunwudat corpora- tion, the ran_ 31' Two 77ononee all 50/1.00 M37alard10,2,0CC.00) in lawfs2 dch3y of Lad CritaJ ftstro, The sda of TwA iifedunnd anti 00/100 fol.:Lass 02,OU0.00) as .aereby appropriated. fran the ttenerad. Fund, of' taa_p riatyd nccourt 70b, for ouch 3nrdosnass i„ tbe nndersidtied, he3eb onftify that the foreseoilui; -2ecointion. wan Andy and rusz,uaaracw, introdnned end adopted by thtp Council tne ciaty of Alameus. a , aa afijoarned resuiar assemoled on tins: 17th. day of .'.:.,.eptembor, ay th.e, foliwwihs vwts, to AYAS : OcanuAisina dininschei d1, a ontaz ads 1 roa, dens qodadrey, ( 0 YOE0: rime, : curl :11.r.en 1:LaUre a, atpf apei. c.,f dinis1 brse beneobzo 33t sry hoza unit affixed tau laAti. dxu,s of Unntsandr, liciA0 JsUTT