Resolution 02799X21301,121-10I PC. 2799 AUREOLES:9EL. EXR ( OF' A PERMIT CFPNIHNG. TO TEE UNITE11 STATES OF AVERICS. TEE ETCP7 TO CHESTEECT AND MSFETSIN S.. LEVEE IN ASL 6,LoNa RhE abodRatil POETICS. OF RAFTEAFFID GSTVE AND COMINHY ROAD d'I.E.4b8 IN T7.7] CITY. OE ALA:S.5121R. ,, CM, .I1C.Tmik. WHEREAS, tnb United. Stntes of America, in order to protect its imp terests anti facilities at. tbn Oakland Handripal Xirport• from floods and inunda- tion; desires to construct, maintain and. operate a. levee in and along the wns- terly portion of SSitiand frine and of County Rosd rA'.1468, in the City' of Alameda, more nnrticularly describen. in. the form of perndt hereXnafter referred to; and WHEREAS, the constructinn. ann maintnnshce of. such levee will Xn. no way interfere with the actiAlties of ten City. of klamenn ant. with thn use of said Mnitlend Drive axd said County Enad. /661.468 as a. public highwsy and is deemed to be mutually beneficial. to thn partiee hereto and in the public ihttrest; and. WHEREAS, a form of ;hermit containing the terms and. conditions to be agreed. upon. betmeen the City of Alassda and. tbe United. States of America. for the construction, maintenance, operation ann. rebrir of seMl levee hcp bean pre sated and saShXtbed to this Council. at its regular meeting Held. October 6, 1942 and. has bten filed with the City. Clerk of said city and marend. "Filed. Oct. h, 1942, torerne Ed deatieb City Clerk of illameds" and by reference inportprated. Sernin can made a phrt hereof; Isom, ArnkRHAnpg, sk TT pEsoLtykT TTaTe. OCUNCIT OF TES CITY OF ALAMEDA that the Mayor of said city be, and he is bereby, sothrtized and directed to execute, and the City Clerk to ettnst, on behalf of thn Cityt a permit sukstanx tiolly. in the form. and. containing ten terAs and conditions .set forth in. the aforesaid form of pdrmit. I, ten undersigned, nereby certify tnat the foregoing Resolution was duly. and reguRamly introduced and. adtpted by. the Couspil of the City. of Alameda. ia regnOne meeting assemtled on the bth. day 3f October, 1942, by the following vote, to mlt; XISZ: Councilmen Drhnscheid, Howe, Isaac, Msurer and. President Godfrey, (5). NOES; Nons. AGSEET: Narle. WHEREOF, I hove knee:Panto set my. hand and. affixed. the offip dial. seal of said City this 7th day of °stater, 1942„ LON:EYE R. EAL) city Aleph of t of Adorned:77