Resolution 02806.nabox, xa x, x:XXca, P-Obbbx Tya:na aa,b.ibraCJAL :xbrPCXX:nba„ ahe cescriben.. :cool probcrt- situeted in *Oho City of of loft Is, ds ssid.. lot ix Utnainxated anO„ so nt.exhispated 'tl UpCJL. anata bertpin coac ehtdtlxd, 'a.brand. Sad Tract, Alhoppra, Ada- CPanty, Callabxrpia", boty I, id29, book ban; cf :Xapo, pa:ae d3, an. sae oflisa di tne Couhay hob:Japer ob boupXy, doc beehl axxesseat nuretofcre for citcy ournoscs fur tnh fiscal yxar 1.942 ao.d. tax taxes ahvied troaapr:1, ra lodicated pa Uity of Aaaned.b. Tax. Pax. 2769, in axe abba cc' tal-76, are daceIlecapa and. on.ppi.b: hbra baCter the timo said taxes becaxe a lien on. sadd real xxhnorty tne SaMe was, by- deao. recorobo ih tab: office of ane C.: outlay Txecobder :pa xharneux Cantoty , act:, ,..13.r cb: unal ever' xaaroo lobo Layer:, anal now proapc: ay oho. Ulty ob tOloolecla, opa-co:ntation, anal. Ceddcated. as h nubile street, ProU, bocaaso uf' a:pod raanlyan owrorpaip ic opyac aor taxex; • aLe written. cabsent of tne City litbtorney attach..ed Cexoto, ;:Xxt ali. axxci nootea txxxc oharEpa cr levich aor caay parruxes UT:CT. aYpe aforesaid. real property,. bob:other 005".;tS tne are il.eret.)3,, paha-no:Lad, and the Xchbtur and Tax ra,o'adaxaaor of tte City of Alapeda xre laproby aathardzed • cireetec to anancel ado ✓arce ot: their 2osbecaive bochaa. bL IT ,Stn,dIadd XEZCI-VED, anytdttlg ttidd ...suscistion to tbe caxtax.ary norwxttasaanura, aabxt ands resoinadon and oroer sasad. DOL be cohsaoraed as oar:Pei- • or aobraPrizilla the burcelation. of, any speciol assessalent taxes levaca ay,'„adaxa Pala parcel oi rona. proportan ay 1:,1,8 City Of Atio:floon. poTsoo.o., to the pro - visionx cf the "Acbtaibiaior and Lanzovaddtalt Act. :DX 192t. ca aajourneo res,:naar roaealoaa ossencoaec. on. aho 2Xxn. aay toe votc, a✓ Goanaica Exhatx;r2hoca(:., Jaxine, aaababor b„ad. brepideaa, Cahibroay, (4) „ .7.)011b.b: dfdl ttti. xxid Oda:, adix aXauth day of Novonayer, bax Pierk on' the, Xx.i_ty of Alameda- I ±:.ereCy anxtb forezoirls, lx a f1:111„ trox x porreot ropy ol' IXChP(t,XXS," irarodned nlopto0. Con.noJ.O.1. on tho