Resolution 02832REECLUTION NC4 2E22 ATROJITTING ROSIERT A .._WORDEW AS IMEhTL FEREENTY ol7ILER. WHEREAS, this Eoundil, by Resolutfon 2(724, adopted. April 7, 1942, appointed. Charles R. Sotwanerberg as fEcal Property Officer for the .City of Ala- meda for the cErpose of receiving, storing and. distributing equipmcnt ard supplitis of, or under the control of, the United States Offine of Civilian Defense; and. REPEE(dg said. Chaffee Ri Schwanennerg has resigned; NOWA dlISIIEFORE, DE Rli:,scriATE.D BY TPA POUNCII OF TPE CITY' OF ALAMEDA that REhemt A. WErdem. be, amd nb is hereby, anbmirted as the Local Property Officer for the City of Alambdn for the Purpose of rebeivimgm mUmming and distribrtdng equipment and sup:Plies of, or under the control of, the United States Office of Civilian Defense in. abonindambe with. tte rules, regelationE and. ordErs of the United States Director of Civilian. Defensem The Mayor of the City of Alameda S hereby authoidzed to certify said appointment to the birector of Civilian Defense. I, the unnersigned, hereby certify Etat the fbreg.Ding Resolmt was duly and. regularly introduced. ehE. adopted. by the Council of the City of AlamEde. in regn- lar meetiwg assembled. ob. the 16th day of February, 1943, by WE following vote, to AYES: Counniimen SdmmuwitmilME dome, aches, Maurer and President Codfrby, 1TOES: None „ ABSENT: None. WIIRIES WHEREOF, I hbve hereunto set my hbnd and affimbd official seri of said. City this .12th dry of Februarym 1E43 LOREIvrE BE.AT dfT-Ty Clerk of hhe City 57F-ZIIITI7TT7- 3. * * * * * * * * * I hereby certify that the foreghAng is a full, true dirt correct copy of "Resolution Mb. 2S32, APPOINTING ?PENNI A. 'WIEDER AS LeCI PREPPIE? OFFICER," introduced and adopted. by the Council or tbe 16t h. day of Februar 1943 y C erk 31 T.: 13 11 3. o