Resolution 02891181 ESESCdOSSSIGN Sb). 2891 SOUSISSICOSSobs, fbaddafTbSid Of' aSSISEEdiabT dOS2 La MANDE CF FILE liSIGHTTICG TEE CITY OF BE P7 11E(SCI1E1) DT' TBE CC FiliOdir CB' THI) CITY Of' ;....."..ALaaA as Si clines: (1) Tlipt ti)o c).(1.tne of 1,1,.irlanc. often Pato (Ind. or or nbe an azreimnant with the City of. dah Lochnno, wthice, aereimpant shall be substantially. in ihrew and hood taln )TIreenchts ana stanulottcba foldidw,Yrtew to wit: 7,,..l.13E1Plahr FOR EXPEAEGE FID1C-F1LISTING 13))))1WTNEPT Teidl einide and entered into tfEs day. of 1943, by add butween. Who CITY OT ALALEDE, a huhicibalTabsoadaLisda-,-7 fiass,,,t Paystai., aan the Cliff OF SaI) IThienCliC, adhuniciteal corporation, Uere- inaftef calirad.. Party, )deadifeet, illicit Bente Lee in L,E! rooasoeinin one :Croat 3.1) Fuoin, C. d. Sortai 13-1930, Pima) Do. 1.3SO, edid Senotod Party :las .))),) i pe ono Shia uocintud 5 , LC. Serial ',Ye. 7-4,160, irotich equip:rent S fartiee befell), rosneciirely, by Office of Civilian Defense, partnant to tee act of Con:croon) anfroroa ;Lechery 27, 1)43 nnd Efecutiff Crlem 7c. 3.).353.3, dminad. Fano). 6, 194, af DironaimmiLe tferero), and encl. of rie Darnica ebreeo tes no pnesent use for cald dent now coseesset by it bit can rake ase and nap race of Life ecuinnont poseessed by ottor conty and alinBlit.PAS, the City of Edema:3a Les received. a. letter from Liao Officio of Civajian Deense, Inartheim aorca-haeratila Sactor, e copy witich is rittaflied to tnfo onforeament, perwmttinz, an exchfinge of nal)]. emplement, between the panties hereto, providing that a wntual agnenhoeft as to fesponeibility for ito return. to the Federal Government hpon fogheet from that Dovernaent is Made follows: EIOW, TEEPEEPPP, IT tic fordEST ITEPOi71,3 cotweon. tfe -partied iminoto as (1) Plan3), Porty opheceon accopt cfnt Second Panty Skid nounted Pump le3. 3960, O. G. D. ao, Fed160, end urn, propene neoucht fro)), cialci Sicoond Fa:by arynces to return), shid SInid L:C) tC, ParLy for return to i,ho Talton apvennmorb at the 3atoer'a rehhost. (2) Second jenby R;,.,rees to accept fror,, F-trst Parte Front :oaf.t foam, O. S, d'e -dal db. fs.1930, Po. 413CO, and upon draper roquest free., saia 'First Serby onntaes to raturn sold ?font Blount ?lAM',") to First Party fof noturn to the Unitod Ltotos dovhfhowint ab tinto latten'e reauwst. ,a), Sal` nitinefif, Lee caftioa hereto terro CY: eC 011.., taslad sosbdroostivs. offloasso timidalinto duly ouchoniced. ;,,p1;:rovc.:a as to forw) 7717t t o "'Trey CITY OF diadIEDE, a municipal corporation, OBEY SAE , o hand. ci, pal com- p ono t1 , attuota (2) isaybd of tbs. Cif: of SissasSa is adfasy aahiorizei atd dinocred to ()repute, and toe Clby Clerk to attocb, tor. aforesaid ay-fear-lent for anc an behalf:- of dila (Pity ef Lion:et:a 11 (3) Tie lidon,3 Property Off '! con of toe City csr 1,1alnedso is f.cfory an- twariziel to of sect tho eininaitue (of said ecill oncont ()ad oo derfoon all acts eiciess son)/ do effoct soob socraosa,, 185 eh,e ssh -S;jCillf>iCa (.3 20 th of • Of eC":", : PT:cilmen. Ian an a Pr cold an t Sesd.frey, 1;03a .1iTer.e her estett) set she hethe sled a f s.eal of aaid. taiS 2ast aay of ,juiya, 1943. a= DEATIE i,57;r1 a, t,a7Tty aereoy Llaat foaeoilag a a. full, larie and co.:I:Teat copy of 2891, laUTHOP.IZING EXCHAnCE CT :FIRE alaT.,','EEL",. TEE CITY CT' AT:ALE-DA ArD 17iE CITY OF SIAN LEADR.0," introd ut:sed. ash. edos tee b0 e Chesesses1.1 on the 20th. y of o-1-7, 1923