Resolution 02898RESOLUTTOM lcm 289s A inthimitsetishO. C117 MANATTO: TO TASTE AfTLIOITS: TO COTATE DIRDSTOD OF (00. TILSAI& OF ITT C 1ST "m ALAMEDA DOE. SIiAIE inSTISitTICTOE TEE MAITTEIMANCE Ali UTILITIES AVILIAIS DEFEASISE WASISS AM. THE aiff OF AME0A„)))))____ clitE CCIESOLVED 'BY TAD Ct. OliTIC OT ISIS CITY' OD ALAI. achist f ailows (1) Tient shaess provisions of Onasten td05, Statutes of 1943, Don. Ot Mobil Mcian, City Maringer f the cy of Alameda its herein: au the icAL zed and ern- nos:coxed. ana clireoted to eaenute in tine name and on. boands Of the 6iliv of Ala.:sleds all as el i eat ions 0 Trio anti dassuiten ts which stay be reiedi red by the State Die seitntion- of SAM:tans cic. for the pttfee,O'O e of sop]. se bias ; (.2) That Dos- a hereby named. as rep si enta Ave of the ty of A.Lanceche :be negotiate an a intro entent isti tie the CDIste Dire° to r of Fins:no e saver:LAT; the t cc:v.211,s and A Anctit i ohs under whits Cs the tamosrmt 3t a st .aid. b c:ideas t e ( 3 ) C Ty of Ailmtsaed asicsstf TheltS e SOU, Of InneS d '1'oh2th:,th ,Dthj IniartysT isnis cants ( IT.220 Dcti mane ate:cif:ids:Mal a b:cc bbate :::,:crecto"J? of :Stinnes foT the:: cot:innate fainsAnsice c.cr .n.tff....Litc.c.ccc-cccc ccccf eintri nide- Lief seise ib Mee Oitts issf Slosisaitc Ohs s Ars Cof thliehithd Atha noilac ants bate Tel stedsf Ctette thl'e20 .341 Will ret -3-11(3c3 cc (To itho b on' tic_ len Ws y isy doid sentidat tis bob:inn; Disth3 f As that sus A e ). nine A beans o e scf Eic A Is h The "tereof lt)", 3-194f. I.,44 hahleCoh:`,:jelee e_thl iftetEhe Of ef'f‘l thf Unite ,',or-; e'thettfthitE!A fee' tie e a dense, t td isci ce, thif ens e thf tOO CO:. ty et' ALtth tele I, the ender caiseciti ed hereby cert if y tins t e fo regain .et; lost t'the duly and Tet3gaiheltiy iteketh)d.U.Ced end nape: lied by: the Council of the City: of Al ass eclat -In. ad Johann ed innstacantr mast in tic.! t.:3 essb And ten 23,Idd clay of Jill :7, 1:943 :the f lasicti tcc vs to, to wi ousedi Ibrate soh e:30. Joh ., Defoe ids: arid Preside"' tlistafitice.y dc s Atic sitticatitter , have nerson to set ref Cc..9..nd. and sof Scisssed. Ana tifsielittiel stil ft!': et-115 C y this 2 (Clith day (AT :Ana itt, 1943 73-5-7,-.7[777.74.---i37777,71:CAT7.177-17 I o 'ALIA -tits t). o fd 20:Tc:ie.:v., is a a ere:, he .22e3 e 0 y ctiesec A :::: t. I al. Co c, itc 0 at L :Shit C tic( it St In( :Acta: in .ST Ilttc AI Cat : Sic tc acb :; - i.CISA:Snt OF 'Mt SD hits: DID ';.A 0 A DOT CATITS taIdi ce: icE CiDC -' SST in I'S ASO (Vs' AI it .0 .0 rcbc 'I. :2 STA: LISA: 3 A A vs.. c:(ctto -: :sect:it:if, by tics DA :et 0) tin n 30 AL d ay (.:cf . , 13'43 cc—c.24