Resolution 02926REECEiiiiicia, ;Jo. 2926 AUTEMITIYC HTCECUTICN OF STIPULATION ITC caroz=lo PROCEED-1NRS, UNIIPtCD SEATEE A:WT.1=i, PLAMITTAtTd VS, CERTAIN RARSEIE OF isiED IN THE CITY or ELJAKEDA, ETC,, DIEFENTimEIS ow 22201-S. dimmism____ _A ATTE:SAS, hne eihy of Nan. tees served ao a wefeholant jr on oction to condoms corsair lands in tho City of Aid:sheds, County of Alameda, hitain uf California, which action is how sendin in the District Court hte Drilled Static jr and for the Northern District of Califon-Ma, Noorlison Divisior, ertihied, Dnihed lihnhno of America, Plaintiff, vs. Gerocih Dorsols of Lurid is the Rity of Alameda, county of Alameda, State of California, Residential 'Envoi:A-iv - ment Ocnivany df San Ertwvisco, et al., ilvfandunhs, EV. 22301-3, and andlnEAS, iii:o Romuloint awd Doolsruddhow of Taking flied in rills action or fan Ellie day of September, To42, soil Oil odic day a MuOmmenh on sole Soclosttion of takeino; war shource, deurovirg that on filing. of tro Dociaratiow of Essind hihdta to hhe :Minds ouhicco ;hi schion vested in vhe Onihae fhohns of America; ouch WilialhArii, it orveand that the City of Alamoon ons no interoot in Uno lonls subject of said sottoo, erreph a certsin easemoilt for a storm sewor across the 'Lend mesoribed in Jhe Reiralaint if, said action as "-Parcel 2," whicn earionect was sydattod no ii.Frnied Park Goiassay, a vorsdration. to the City of ndvonidia, a havAnlyal corvorotiun, by ivetrumeht doted Serterhio- SO, 19)2, resorecd Ontoor id2,2 in took fiEliend of Official Records, at paym SOO, Records of obe County etierner of At:I:nada Rowrmy, California; DOC., ishodadelmn, In di mEiniinVIE OD 'DTI CitT CilF ALAMEDA Nast Cho City cf Ali:oven mokes no claim to any title on ihhoreri Lc or to soda ",:ilbject of maid action, excenin as 'co the sesemert shore wilted, or env com- vehoutioh which smy hereafter ho eworded for ihe taRlini tharoof, ths City attend.* Gity of Alameda is coryby satins:flood and direchod to execute and 'c soja action, on behalf of the City of Alameda, a Suiphiation to be entsred AhMo betwoon the Edited States of Annrica, Lae Plainhiff in ssid notion, and the City of did-hods, "..'t slain bo neweed that 'Cis Grihei Stades of Siheohce shell. tams ono lane senor:sopa in the Complairi ir said action to the aforesaid economist oi tho City of' •AlarTofte, cad flint the: cJaR; tedi9reat tn be ,...,ATIrTT:reeT, ir said actiof ns provido, and, ftrther, thot jh donsidenatior of the nononment af toe Evited States ov to haws ssid renn property subjsch to ohid easement Tee City eC Alarinds alsolaiwo ell further right. vihie and inhorosh in Lnc., lands eeriest to sair action or in ary uninnonsathon awarded or to bo awarder to hiss for- mer umwo.re iif said ishd, T the undersiiined, hereby certify tLat tho forngvinE Recolutiod W,31 holy' aod reialonla hohnoduced and. edam:And b7 the Council of rile. City of AcaTneca feepTior Shirting norerlied on rho haint day of October, IRAS, by tne hodlowing vphei to wit. ATEEo CourchiEsen.. Orshionliwrid, anwe, Scones, Osborn. and president Godfrey, (5). iii0ES None. ARSE-ERE None. Id WEINECE I have refetinto sat my band. and affixed tbe offis cial sec' of said City this 2.0th day of October, 19AS. LOP:ROTE a. YEA= y-c i7-77776- n77777-Re6.-T- Byh SHIRLEY 7E= I heretv certify haat the fnregning is a full, true and. correct solay of sEesolutian Do. 2926, rAfEteFIZItill INEECEREOST OF 2TINDIMTECN RECCECED a RIOS, PETTED STATES et' AMERICA, PLAJONRETT, VS. ChEdfhltiii RAESELS Of' LAIED ITT TEE CITE OF ALAtIliA, FTC., OFFIESIANTE, KO. 22301 -S,f introduced and. adapted. by raw CvrishiLL on. Ans liith day, of October,