Resolution 02953ICTR.orfidab Nu. 2953 "CiEXING 3:2,LAay OE' TdE POSid=u cid ASSIPAST PUHASTwCD3G- ACCECCIa A A _di nEsOnicdc, SE HAE Acc ref ccTor Alcibecin as foilows: The saJdry Tor tbe pdsitor of' A21,d'Cart Purchcsiug .Agrait in. Ude Genera:1 Admfbnistrative Departnant of the City is hereby fixed at ,.'C21.22.,00 neT I, the undersigned, hereby oeTtify that the rizdreniaing Reeoluticon weo dnly and reguinrly introduced. and adopted by add Council of the Cnity of Alairedn in realar meetin assocabled on the 7th day of neuron, 1944, by UR. following vete, to wit: AYAn CownilAcm Bredlecheid, Ecrive, JoEds, Osborn. and PredniCiant Godfrey, ALEC:SiT: bone. b C coav dereartei pat ray Acrid rad affixeo tbe dC dial nod: ob aad It tbCs doh iey ei Reabf, 'tiapic) y, • Edbriddir d, T17-ii,i7ide I hereby certify tbat the forecading is a full, true aad correct copy of "Rescluade. No. 2955, nTATICCG SALARY OE' THE PCASTECAGN OF ASSISTANT TdiTCLCE,,CEECCC- AORNE," Tododuced end adopted by the Council on Cabe Eta day of 'Aaron. 194A-