Resolution 02963t.st, cat' of aid C7C71. 07 ...i.. -77 77-7.71.5'1,7.'7.fled.".77 . 7 TV' ,77c7:"'5,c5i .N7a.t..E 8116, OCcci 1.7,1, el t'(.1.C:7] citc1 'cacti ar..e , ti eti 0 r t t.!:c Caot a Ior c tcica.11., atl.d :Jr srasysaI ,a11 a,;(3 Inc11...cc 1.a2.1.5ac. 1c a Eft ta"ty a I o,cooft.y. coaccno .o,:o.ancticitctE toin Icus ton f r t, o s lIcn(t c t J11, .coa 1."'o 1t.cct 1:1 0,1 t ; Ii1ttacitvi1 adintDott; and_ 1111) "-citeletyo, ,ottfc„,:ancyc.,, f.; tcle Lact1 ntic ,hce C,`"21:i 5.7,7;r7,. :,,y1:101cyyj ot,11,j '7.77y tcy`, Loot,. 5:5: 5,:trTC cy, tau:I:tad, cyy aa .3t, caon,, .1a 30o:ft-ion et' ctocc cocci al cts e i-yay b :27.7 '1,CPC7 32' a C. cyy. tyc, to,' s ouc a, c C:73 L7C.: 77,2 2C,, L'5,7 •cf 7,7",5 ." C,1.,5' -1.7773-,;c7'fic..5 77',C7,;5-7 ro: t" 7, T,C., :contct.tryl tc.to„a, c1"„..o in 'cit..; It „tocapt: c.„a a a -",ot.,,toty 02 actacta c:to ..111 Ca' t.ta .11".EIC,11..,11-311L1 taloicy cy11 the Cal ty ty.; ,...,./yot t'yy, („).,,i,cite ctaid (lit ,y ,Ilarcecta s 77, 7.3 cab tic; Inty.ar 3cc ;leo cycccarad t,..ty(3 craattitcyc. s tc 1., tor .,',.an,faaca, ttio:acotcat ottot',s ca3 ta tn. o Lactate:at:1 o 7.11 the cycz toay :1.11:11.1o1 cica ,„„ctoi i y ic "tri ct, .a.t.ca 1.-Antot.-.. ppi;:iani. on. of ..".Clateda C ccon ty hoof etlytat" talc Casorioac. lyillg tferein. e, bra triaactLOC.,• ,1cOtt pCO.,foo oat,. Fit yofi nt1 Ce co1- tcat,inco, iaanccon a-tty ,c_c t st 1,C,15„ ac-..ty tfict. 7Yttilty L 5C7C,, '77 t a,- cc, of une, i Cif: 0, -73[1C1 V 7 ,coacc! v in', octt taircloo If. a no,' e'ctaconfooey ft-LI car' '.ttoo t`C., C 1r, 7",5,2 Culayoatnna, 3 I1ccalf", 1:firoa',nout c", ta Into 1. to. tcal trciCti nYn•3- cto,:tn., a 'fact-tety "fc,ctutoitt ac cO coact:di: any cc Itat tat, cOt y e. Itioctr, tatI lac:1 in. .7.7E.t,..co..-.1.1,9.r !coat C.:,21. 11,11:7:2 .f.t'Itti--1 Oc.r.i.y ./.1pf Yo1I 11n1-10411'1C..,.; 1,101n1t, to ctiot 0:E.)r.Le i I have SAfeunto set my ssara and. af rixeq the of 101 - clEa aS osia 'ULM 19th day of APf101, 1940- t,„ uE0::sk of I h °seta) sEELE.E.....! 0,0 e a'solfauyaulg i s a ,11.111„1. T, f e W1 a essorsot coas ot "Es E 0 la tf. on fasE 296'3, .PESOTE012suE. DESEEE-Ila,] THAT THE ESELTE TETEPEST E-fT NECES.,01.TE ISEELEED T:0ES ,EEES:•:,•SiaSST.:!, E.PECLE.10 001.13ESSECT 20E. 1.01SSIEES.i:fS, YSLIESTII. TEE ESLOIEEITEE. ET ILTTE ffEfP fa'JE Ana) Elf),,E-1..4.030EDES -ifaEa.' SAY ISUNEC U100.00:10`.. 111.1.V.111.191.917 T ''.114,.• 1111 11 .4.114111.117T.:C1D ].„1,41. C OTHE4211.E.R SAIS aPEESAE SEETEEET saaaal, EDElATEL " IJAafEllscea. 0E01 spEsa by tEse Cou.0.011 ttaa LaaLla as:7 of A sf 1.944.